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Nim's Memory Management

Author: Andreas Rumpf
Version: |nimversion|
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Multi-paradigm Memory Management Strategies

Nim offers multiple different memory management strategies. To choose the memory management strategy use the --mm: switch.

The recommended switch for newly written Nim code is `--mm:orc`.


--mm:orc is a memory management mode primarily based on reference counting. Cycles in the object graph are handled by a "cycle collector" which is based on "trial deletion". Since algorithms based on "tracing" are not used, the runtime behavior is oblivious to the involved heap sizes.

The reference counting operations (= "RC ops") do not use atomic instructions and do not have to -- instead entire subgraphs are moved between threads. The Nim compiler also aggressively optimizes away RC ops and exploits move semantics.

Nim performs a fair share of optimizations for ARC/ORC; you can inspect what it did to your time critical function via --expandArc:functionName.

--mm:arc uses the same mechanism as --mm:orc, but it leaves out the cycle collector. Both ARC and ORC offer deterministic performance for `hard realtime`:idx: systems, but ARC can be easier to reason about for people coming from Ada/C++/C -- roughly speaking the memory for a variable is freed when it goes "out of scope".

We generally advise you to use the acyclic annotation in order to optimize away the cycle collector's overhead but --mm:orc also produces more machine code than --mm:arc, so if you're on a target where code size matters and you know that your code does not produce cycles, you can use --mm:arc. Notice that the default `async`:idx: implementation produces cycles and leaks memory with --mm:arc, in other words, for async you need to use --mm:orc.

Other MM modes


The default refc GC is incremental, thread-local and not "stop-the-world".

--mm:refc This is the default memory management strategy. It's a
deferred reference counting based garbage collector with a simple Mark&Sweep backup GC in order to collect cycles. Heaps are thread-local. This document contains further information.
--mm:markAndSweep Simple Mark-And-Sweep based garbage collector.
Heaps are thread-local.

--mm:boehm Boehm based garbage collector, it offers a shared heap. --mm:go Go's garbage collector, useful for interoperability with Go.

Offers a shared heap.
--mm:none No memory management strategy nor a garbage collector. Allocated memory is
simply never freed. You should use --mm:arc instead.

Here is a comparison of the different memory management modes:

Memory Management Heap Reference Cycles Stop-The-World Command line switch
ORC Shared Cycle Collector No --mm:orc
ARC Shared Leak No --mm:arc
RefC Local Cycle Collector No --mm:refc
Mark & Sweep Local Cycle Collector No --mm:markAndSweep
Boehm Shared Cycle Collector Yes --mm:boehm
Go Shared Cycle Collector Yes --mm:go
None Manual Manual Manual --mm:none

JavaScript's garbage collector is used for the JavaScript and NodeJS compilation targets. The NimScript target uses the memory management strategy built into the Nim compiler.