PHP validator with expressive error messages.
This library has been archived in favor of the Fluent Validator library. Check it out if you're interested in the same validation style.
- PHP 8.1 or higher.
Install the library via Composer:
composer require programmatordev/yet-another-php-validator
Simple usage looks like:
use ProgrammatorDev\Validator\Validator;
// do this:
$validator = Validator::type('int')->greaterThanOrEqual(18);
// and validate with these:
$validator->validate(16); // returns bool: false
$validator->assert(16, 'age'); // throws exception: The age value should be greater than or equal to 18.
Any form of contribution to improve this library (including requests) will be welcome and appreciated. Make sure to open a pull request or issue.
This library is inspired by respect/validation and symfony/validator.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file distributed with this source code for further information regarding copyright and licensing.