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K8s 101

Software you need for this workshop:


k8s diagram

Kubernetes is often shortened to K8s (there are 8 letters between K and s).


Are a unit of functionality that addresses a single concern. A container image is self-contained and defines and carries its runtime dependencies.


A Pod is an atomic unit of scheduling, deployment, and runtime isolation for a group of containers.
The only way to run a container is via pod! All containers in a Pod are always scheduled to the same host, are deployed and scaled together, and can also share filesystem, networking, and process namespaces.
Containers within a pod interact via localhost. From outside, a pod looks like a single unix machine and has a single IP.
Pods are ephemeral. IP is assigned only after a pod is scheduled.


Service binds service name to IP and port. It's a named entry for accessing applications. Service usually points to a set of pods. Services also provide load balancing.


Provide a way of dividing k8s resources. Provide scopes for Kubernetes resources and a mechanism to apply authorizations and other policies to a subsection of the cluster.
Can be used for staging (e.g. dev, test, prod), can also be used to achieve multitenancy.

Further Reading

The official kubernetes documentation is quite good, note this doesn't extend to a lot of other projects in the kubernetes ecosystem. Have a look at their tutorials or the explanation of pods.

Some other literature we can recommend:

Getting started

We first need a Kubernetes distribution. For local development, kind is a good fit. It stands for Kubernetes In Docker and runs a whole cluster within docker.

Note about registry

We need a way of hosting container images to deploy on k8s. For common apps public registries (e.g. Docker Hub) are used. For development purposes we can host a registry locally. Use 00_kind/ to start a kind cluster with registry linked to it.

Potential problems

If the script complains about ports being taken, use the following command to find the process occupying port 5001 and kill it.

sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP | grep 5001

Starting a cluster

kind create cluster

or with registry:

sh 00_kind/

Deleting a cluster

kind delete cluster

Interacting with cluster - kubectl

kubectl cluster-info # or kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind

# Get available contexts
kubectl config get-contexts
# Set kind-kind context to be default context
kubectl config use-context kind-kind

# Get nodes
kubectl get nodes # short: kubectl get no
# Get nodes
kubectl get namespaces # short: kubectl get ns
# Get all pods
kubectl get pods -A # short: kubectl get po -A


Command line tool for interaction with k8s clusters.

kubectl <command> <resource> <options>


  • get
  • create
  • describe
  • replace
  • apply
  • delete

Context management

The default config file for kubectl is ~/.kube/config. This file defines clusters and users and links them as contexts. You can list and select the contexts with the kubectl config command.

kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context <context-name>

As it is more convenient, most users use one file per cluster (per context, to be precise). Using the .kubeconfig file extension is also common. You can tell kubectl to use a different config file by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the path of the file. kubectl will then automatically set the current context to the one defined in the file.

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/mycluster.kubeconfig

Deploying stuff

Single command:

kubectl run alpine --image=alpine -- sleep 600

While it may be convenient to use kubectl run to deploy pods, the preferred way is to use manifests. Manifests are yaml (or json) documents, describing resources you want to deploy on k8s. Here's an example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello-world
  # namespace: default
    - name: hello-container
      image: alpine
      command: [ "/bin/sh" ]
        - "-c"
        - |
          echo "Hello, World!"
          sleep 3600



kubectl apply -f 01_intro/00_hello_world_pod.yaml


kubectl get po -n default
# Getting logs
kubectl logs hello-world -n default
# Getting state
kubectl describe pod hello-world -n default
# Getting manifest
kubectl get po hello-world -n default -o yaml # | yq


# Exec a command in a pod
kubectl exec -it hello-world -- sh

Within pod shell:

ps ax # PID 1 is the main container process
ls / # we see regular unix filesystem


kubectl delete pod hello-world -n default

What is a pod?

kubectl explain pod

Also works for all other objects.


Deployment enables declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets - i.e. manages Pods and ReplicaSets.


kubectl apply -f 01_intro/01_hello_world_deployment.yaml


kubectl describe deploy hello-world-deployment
# Inspect replica set that controls pod
kubectl describe replicaset hello-world-deployment-<REPLACE>
# Inspect pod
kubectl describe pod hello-world-deployment-<REPLACE>

Deployment makes sure there is always enough pods available. Try deleting a pod:

kubectl delete pod hello-world-deployment-<REPLACE>

What happens?

Custom applications/container images

For this section to work you have to have a local registry!

Basic example

Building an image and pushing it to local registry.

cd 02_custom_applications/00_alpine_python
docker build . -t localhost:5001/alpine-python:0.1

# test locally with docker
docker run -it localhost:5001/alpine-python:0.1

docker push localhost:5001/alpine-python:0.1

deploy a pod that uses the new image:

kubectl apply -f 02_custom_applications/00_hello_world_pod_python.yaml

Pack everything into container

For proper applications you want to pack your code inside a container.

docker build . -t localhost:5001/python-hello:0.1
# test with docker
docker run localhost:5001/python-hello:0.1
# push to registry
docker push localhost:5001/python-hello:0.1


kubectl apply -f 02_custom_applications/01_python_app.yaml

Networking and Services

Services forward networking requests to groups of pods selected by labels.

Apply an example echo pod and accompanying service and have a look at the yaml file:

kubectl apply -f 03_services/pods_and_service.yaml

Check the output kubectl get svc -o wide.

Forward the port of the service and the single pod:

kubectl port-forward service/echo-service 8081:8080
kubectl port-forward echo-server-1 8082:80

Test the services with curl:

curl localhost:8081
curl localhost:8082

That service is now reachable under the pods ip on port 80 inside the cluster, on port 8080 on the services IP and name echo-service.default.svc.cluster.local (also only inside the cluster) and also on port 30888 on the nodes IP (e.g. your localhost), but only if kind is configured as required (see kind docs).

Try it from curl from inside your cluster:

kubectl run curlpod --image=curlimages/curl -i --tty -- sh

Deploy a second pod with the same label:

kubectl apply -f 03_services/second_pod.yaml

observe what happens when you curl against the service, use kubectl logs -f <pod-name>.

Delete both pods (kubectl delete pod <pod-name>) and try to curl against the service.

Then deploy 03_services/echo-deployment.yaml.

Services and deployments work well together, but one does not require the other.

Services and Pods


Namespaces (or short ns) divide your cluster into several virtual clusters.

Check the namespaces currently installed (kubectl get ns).

Create a new namespace:

kubectl create ns my-custom-ns

and check if it has been created, then delete it.

Create a new namespace from the custom_ns.yaml file:

kubectl apply -f 04_namespaces/custom_ns.yaml

What is the name of that namespace?

Some resources are namespaced (like pods or deployments), others are not (like namespaces themselves).

By default, kubectl uses the default namespace. You can use the -n <namespace> flag to specify a namespace for most kubectl commands.

Try to create a deployment in the "custom-application" namespace.

Config maps and secrets

A ConfigMap holds configuration data that pods can consume.
A Secret is similar to a ConfigMap but is intended specifically for sensitive data. Can hold raw or base64-encoded secrets.

Data from ConfigMaps can be exposed in a pod as an environmental variable or mounted as a file.
Variable example:

kubectl apply -f 05_configmaps/my_cm.yaml
kubectl apply -f 05_configmaps/00_hello_cm_deployment.yaml
kubectl logs deployment.apps/hello-cm-deployment

Modify configmap and restart deployment:

kubectl  rollout restart deployment.apps/hello-cm-deployment
# check if the change was picked up (may take some time)
kubectl logs deployment.apps/hello-cm-deployment

ConfigMap mounted as a file:

kubectl apply -f 05_configmaps/01_mount_cm_pod.yaml
kubectl logs pod/mount-cm-pod
# Jump into the pod and check if that file exists
kubectl exec -it mount-cm-pod -- sh


K8s was meant for ephemeral workloads (no state saved inside the cluster). By default, the filesystem is gone after your pod is terminated.

Let's see how this works.

Have a look at 06_storage/ It's a simple webserver that returns the number of requests it has answered until now. That data is persisted locally into a file called counter.txt. Run it with python 06_storage/ and go to http://localhost:8000. Refresh the site several times. Kill the python process, restart it, and restart the website.

Build the app as a Docker container:

docker build . -t localhost:5001/python-counter:0.1
docker push localhost:5001/python-counter:0.1

Create the app as a k8s service: kubectl apply -f 06_storage/counter_service.yaml and go to http://localhost:30888. Reload and the number should increase.

Now restart the deployment: kubectl rollout restart deployment counter-deployment and reload the webpage. Your count is gone.

Let's make this persistent

Have a look at 06_storage/counter_service_persistent.yaml and deploy it and increase the counter. Then delete the pod or restart the deployment. What does the counter say?

Have a look at:

  • kubectl get pvc
  • kubectl get pv
  • kubectl get sc

Delete the deployment. Have a look at pvcs, pvs, and scs again. Redeploy, check your counter. Where is our data?

Let's make this even more persistent

Have a look at 06_storage/counter_service_more_persistent.yaml and do the same as above.

hostPath is a terrible idea for production, especially if you have a multi node cluster (unless you really know what you are doing).

Storage is hard on k8

Especially if you are not in the cloud.

Note: Deployments are not great for what we did above

Use StatefulSets instead:

StatefulSets in Kubernetes are a workload API object used to manage stateful applications, which are characterized by having a unique network identity and stable, persistent storage. Unlike other Kubernetes objects, like ReplicaSets or Deployments, each pod in a StatefulSet has a unique, sticky identity tied to its ordinal index, hostname, and optional stable network ID (derived from a headless Service). This identity is consistent across rescheduling, making it suitable for applications that require stable network identifiers, persistent storage, and ordered, graceful deployment and scaling. Examples of such applications include databases, key-value stores, and anything else that relies on a stable network identity or persistent data.

Installing applications

Helm vs Kustomize


  • Imperative
  • Templating
  • Packages
  • Added abstraction
  • Not natively supported


  • Declarative
  • Built into kubectl
  • Works on plain yamls/manifests
  • Minimal
  • Overlays/patches


Based around templates called "charts".

If you haven't installed helm: brew install helm

Artifact Hub is a central repository for helm charts.

Let's install grafana as an example:

helm repo add grafana
helm repo update
helm install mygrafana grafana/grafana

grafana/grafana is the chart (first grafana is the repo, second grafana is the chart), mygrafana is the name of the installed "release".

Have a look at what pods, services, deployments etc. were created.

Let's delete it again:

helm uninstall mygrafana

(sometimes there are leftovers).

Next time, install into a specific namespace with -n <namespace>. If the namespace doesn't exist yet, helm can create it for us: --create-namespace.

Let's change some settings.

What settings exist?

helm show values grafana/grafana

or see website.

Let's change the admin username and password:

helm install mygrafana grafana/grafana -f 07_app_installation/helm/grafana_values.yaml

Try to login with the settings from grafana_values.yaml.

Want to use a NodePort with the service? Try to use grafana_values2.yaml.

Want to see (or use) the manifests?

helm template grafana/grafana -f 07_app_installation/helm/grafana_values_2.yaml

Helm also supports role-backs and lots of other cool things. Reasonably easy to create your own charts, including dependecies on other charts.

Why not helm?

Hard to customize anything that creators of a chart didn't think about.


Use cases:

  • Patches
  • Replacing a variable
  • Replacing image
  • Generating configmaps

The kustomize documentation can be found here: Kustomize

Want to test a kustomization without applying it? You can do a dry run to see what the resulting yamls would look like:

kubectl kustomize path/to/kustomization/

Want to apply it? You can use either command:

kubectl apply -k path/to/kustomization/
kubectl kustomize path/to/kustomization | kubectl apply -f -

Want to delete the kustomization?

kubectl delete -k path/to/kustomization/


CronJob documentation can be found here: CronJob Docu.

Cron syntax is explained here: Cron Syntax.

Have a look at 08_jobs/cronJob/.


RBAC = Role Based Access Control

Consists of Roles (surprise!) and RoleBindings. Roles set permissions to do something with specified resources while RoleBindings bind the Rules to Users, Groups, or Service Accounts.

ServiceAccounts provide identities to processes running on k8s when they contact the k8s API.

Roles and RoleBindings are namespaced. There are also ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding which are not namespaced but valid cluster wide.

Resources are all the API Objects we have already met (Pods, Services, Deployments, etc.)

Verbs are the operations on for those resources. Which operations exist somewhat depends on the objects. The classics are create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch.

Have a look at the existing ServiceAccounts, ClusterRoles, and ClusterRoleBindings.

Interlude: Operators

Operators provide a way to package, deploy, and manage a Kubernetes application in a more automated and scalable manner. These are essentially software extensions that use custom resources to manage applications and their components. They often use Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and Custom Resources (CRs) (we won't use those).

We will now use shell-operator to write our own operator. The operator will create a new echo pod in each newly created namespace.

Have a look at 09_rbac/operator_example/complete.yaml.

Back to RBAC

Apply 09_rbac/operator_example/operator.yaml, and create a new namespace (e.g. kubectl create ns test) observe the logs. You should see some permission denied messages. This is because our operator doesn't have the right permission yet. Check 09_rbac/operator_example/service_account.yaml to see how we add a new ServiceAccount, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.

Apply, create another test namespace, check the logs. What is still missing? Have a look at 09_rbac/operator_example/complete.yaml and see the last missing permissions. Create another namespace.


The K8s API does not have a concept of users. Instead, if you have a certificate sign by the cluster's CA, the common name (CN) of that certificate is your user name, the organisation fields (O) are the groups you belong to.

Check your current username:

CERTIFICATE_DATA=$(kubectl config view --raw -o jsonpath='{.users[?( == "kind-kind")].user.client-certificate-data}')
echo $CERTIFICATE_DATA | base64 --decode > cert.pem
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout
rm cert.pem

Find out which ClusterRoleBinding exist for your username or group.

Create a new user

You can create a new user by creating a new X509 certificate and get it signed by the k8s CA.

Have a look at the script in 09_rbac/users/ to see how it is done. The example script expects to create a user with the same name as an existing namespace. Run the script (e.g. USER=ops bash and test access: kubectl get pods -n ops --kubeconfig ops-config/ops.config.

You can check if you are allowed to do a specific operation with kubectl auth can-i create pods.

You can also use something like keycloak for authentication against the API.

Lots of chances to mess this up. Some good hints in the k8s docs.


You can specify how many resources your containers (containers, not pods!) should consume.

The k8s documentation is short but thorough.

You can set resources for cpu, memory and hugepages, each for limits and requests.

In practice:

  • For CPU: do not use limits, but requests for all pods
  • For Memory: requests = limits

You can also specify limits for namespaces, see ResourceQuotas.

In 10_resources you can find a simple pod description that can be executed with low and high (cpu) limits, execute them and check the logs how long the computation took.


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