Tags: redsolution/django-imagekit
Merge branch 'release/4.0.2' * release/4.0.2: Bump version to 4.0.2 Do not leak open files after generation Fix `ImageCacheFile.__repr__` to not send signals Make generateimages support pre Django 1.8 versions generateimages: fix taking arguments README - use Python 3 print function In Python 3 files should be opened as binary Fixed matthewwithanm#368 use specs directly in ProcessedImageField
Merge branch 'release/4.0.1' * release/4.0.1: stylling and linting fixes to setup.py Bump version to 4.0.1 Cleaned up _autodiscovered flag handling. Added huge performance improvement by running imagekit.utils.autodiscover() only once on Django > 1.7 as it was intended. Update README.st change model->instance for clarity in defining specs outside of models. Improved docs to include example on how to use plain ImageSpec (defined outside of model, not ImageSpecField) with AdminThumbnail.
Merge branch 'release/4.0' * release/4.0: Bump version to 4.0 Universal wheels! Replaces matthewwithanm#301 autodiscover works with AppConfig Ignore autogenerated CTags file Do not try south modelinspector when not needed Make it possible to configure IMAGEKIT_CACHE_TIMEOUT Test against Django 1.11 Close the file only if it has been opened locally Cleanup caching configuration updated readme.rst with a svg badge honor post_save's update_fields and only fire the source_saved signal when needed Ignore VSCode workspace config files Fixed matthewwithanm#350: Error when trying to access width/height after url Fixes matthewwithanm#382: Tests no longer leave junk Fixes matthewwithanm#379 Support for Django 1.10 Ignore .idea from git Include the test suite in the sourcetarball but do not install it. Make travis happy Drop support for older Django and Python versions Replace Lenna image in tests with a truly free alternative. Move compat module outside of templatetags package Fix test requirements for django 1.9 and Python3.5