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ModbusTools are cross-platform (Windows, Linux) Modbus simulator tools (client and server) with GUI to work with Modbus protocol (TCP,RTU,ASCII)


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Modbus Tools


ModbusTools are cross-platform (Windows, Linux) Modbus simulator tools (client and server) with GUI to work with standard Modbus Protocol. Modbus Tools are a free, open-source tools with a simple user interface written in C++/Qt. It implements TCP, RTU and ASCII versions of Modbus Protocol.

New in version 0.4:

From now server application allows you to create program logic for the Modbus device simulator using your favorite Python programming language.

Software implements such Modbus functions as:

  • 1 (0x01) - READ_COILS
  • 5 (0x05) - WRITE_SINGLE_COIL
  • 17 (0x11) - REPORT_SERVER_ID (since v0.4)
  • 22 (0x16) - MASK_WRITE_REGISTER (since v0.3)
  • 23 (0x17) - READ_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS (since v0.3)

ModbusTools work with Qt Framework version 5 (5.8 or later). It based on ModbusLib cross platform library project:

Memory item addressing

Modbus Tools uses a 6-digit memory addressing type. The left digit indicates the memory type (0, 1, 3 or 4) and the right 5 digits indicate the address of the memory cell starting from 1 - [1:65536].

New in version 0.4:

IEC61131-3 addressing type is available. There is a setting that allows you to choose between standard Modbus (1 based) and IEC61131-3 (0 based) addressing types.

New in version 0.4.1:

IEC61131-3 Hex (0 based) addressing type is available, e.g. %I0000h, %Q001Fh, %IW0B7Ch, %MW1A01h.

Memory types decribed below:

  • 0x - intended for coils (discrete outputs, boolean), corresponding modern PLC notation is %M or %Q (e.g. 000001 coil in modern notation can be accessed like %M0 or %Q0), can have Read/Write access, corresponding access functions are READ_COILS (which number is 1) and WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS(15, 0x0F);

  • 1x - intended for discrete inputs (boolean), corresponding modern PLC notation is %I (e.g. 100001 boolean in modern notation can be accessed like %I0), has ReadOnly access, corresponding access function is READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS (2);

  • 3x - intended for input registers (analog inputs, 16 bit word), corresponding modern PLC notation is %IW (e.g. 300001 word in modern notation can be accessed like %IW0), has ReadOnly access, corresponding access function is READ_INPUT_REGISTERS(4);

  • 4x - intended for holding registers (analog outputs, 16 bit word), corresponding modern PLC notation is %MW (e.g. 400001 word in modern notation can be accessed like %MW0), , can have Read/Write access, corresponding access functions are READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS(3) and WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS(16, 0x10);

Addressing examples:

Memory type Standard (1 based) IEC 61131-3 (0 based) IEC 61131-3 Hex (0 based)
Coils 000001 %Q0 %Q0000h
Discrete inputs 100016 %I15 %I000Fh
Input registers 300017 %IW16 %IW0010h
Holding registers 406658 %MW6657 %MW1A01h


All compiled binaries are located in the latest release:

About Modbus Client

The client implements access to a remote Modbus device. However, the client can work not only with one device, but with several devices that can be connected to a single network, which is especially useful when working with RTU and ASCII protocols, when access to all Modbus servers is realized through a single serial port. However, it can also be useful when using the TCP version of the protocol, for example, if you use the TCP->RTU bridge.

All work is performed within a single project. The main entities in the project are Port, Device and DataViewItem. Port contains network settings for both TCP/IP and serial ports. Device contains settings for a single device (such as Modbus Unit Address, etc.).
The DataViewItem contains a single data unit to be read from the remote device and has many formats to represent the current data.

Send Message window

The client has the ability to process one separate Modbus function with full configuration of the parameters of this function, view/edit read/write data with the format specified, view Modbus packets of this function:

This window can be opened using menu Tools->Send Message. You can send a message to the specified device or to the specified port with unit address (e.g. unit=0 for broadcast request). It works in parallel with regular Modbus application messages and can be seen in LogView as regular Modbus message as well.

Scanner window (since v0.3)

Scanner tool window is intended to scan Modbus network to determine which device with current settings are present in the network. This window can be opened using menu Tools->Scanner

Scanner scans Modbus network in range [UnitStart:UnitEnd] with tries attempts. The request can be customized using Scanner Request-dialog, which is called using ... button in Request field.

There is a list of found devices in central widget. Found devices can be add to the current project: button To Project add selected devices, All To Project - all devices will be added to the project.

About Modbus Server

The server implements Modbus server device and works like Modbus simulator. However, the server can not only simulate single device, but can simulate several devices that can be connected to a single network, which is especially useful when working with RTU and ASCII protocols, when access to all Modbus servers is realized through a single serial port. However, it can also be useful to simulate Modbus network using the TCP version of the protocol, for example, if you use the TCP->RTU bridge, Modbus server can replace this bridge with remote devices for testing purposes.

All work is performed within a single project. The main entities in the project are Port, Device, DataViewItem and Action. Port contains network settings for both TCP/IP and serial ports. Device contains settings for a single device (such as Modbus Unit Address, memory size etc).
The DataViewItem contains a single data unit to be read/write from the device and has many formats to represent the current data. Action provides simulation capabilities (automatic change of device memory values).

Scripting using Python (since v0.4)

Since v0.4 version 'server' application allows to extend logic of your Modbus device simulator using one the most popular programming language - Python. All you need to use scripting is installed Python interpreter and PyQt5 library.

server application gives you access to the device's internal Modbus memory and provides Output window where standard output is redirected. The rest is the power of Python, its standard library, 3rd party libraries, and your own libraries and scripts.

Every device has its own set of scripts: Init, Loop and Final. Those scripts accessable through device menu or contex menu for device.

Init script performs once at program start (when push Start button). It intended for making python import instructions, create objects, files etc. Modules, objects and files created within will be accessable from Loop and Final scripts.

Loop script performs cyclic until program is stopped. It has implicit cycle so user don't have to cycle his program manualy.

Final script performs once at program stop (when push Stop button). It intended for release resources previously created in Init and Loop scripts, save files etc.

Standard objects for access corresponding device memory: mem0x, mem1x, mem3x, mem4x.

Every object has set of get/set function to work with different data types:

  • mem0x, mem1x: get<datatype>(bitoffset:int)->int and set<datatype>(bitoffset:int,value:int)
  • mem3x, mem4x: get<datatype>(regoffset:int)->int and set<datatype>(regoffset:int,value:int)

<datatype>: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, float, double.


 v = mem0x.getint8(0)
 mem1x.setint16(1, -1)
 mem3x.setuint16(0, 65535)
 mem4x.setdouble(10, 2.71828)

Also index operation is supported. In case of discrete memory (mem0x, mem1x) it work with boolean values and for registers memory (mem3x, mem4x) it work with uint16 values:

 b0 = mem0x[0]
 mem1x[38] = True
 mem3x[100] = 65535
 if mem4x[0] > 32768:
     mem4x[0] = 0 

To view all documentation and possible uses of objects and methods, use the built-in help system.

Server Simulation window

The server has the ability to simulate/change data (actions, automaticaly change values) with predefined simulation action types (Simulation tab near LogView, menu View->Simulation window and menu Simulation):

  • Increment - changing value by adding or subtracting (if incrementValue < 0) incrementValue
  • Sine - sine function with parameters of period, shift, amplitude
  • Random - randomly changing values with specified range
  • Copy - move data from one memory part to another (with same or different memory types)