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This directory includes examples of how Pulsar CLI tools and Pulsar clients connect to a Pulsar cluster through the OAuth2 or Token authentication plugin.


Currently, the Python and Node.js clients only support to connect to a cluster through the Token authentication plugin. Other Pulsar CLI tools and Pulsar clients support to connect to a cluster through Oauth2 or Token authentication plugin.

To use these tools or clients to connect to StreamNative Cloud, you need get the Pulsar service URLs of the StreamNative Cloud and OAuth2 or Token authentication parameters that are used to connect to the service URLs.

Before starting, you should already install snctl, and create the service account, Pulsar instance, and Pulsar cluster. We take the following resources as examples.

Item Name OrganizationName
Pulsar instance test-pulsar-instance-name test-organization-name
Pulsar cluster test-pulsar-cluster-name test-organization-name
Service account test-service-account-name test-organization-name

You can get the organization name by following commands:

$ snctl get organizations -A

Get Pulsar service URLs

  • SERVICE_URL: the Pulsar service URL for your cluster. A SERVICE_URL is a combination of the protocol, hostname and port ID.
  • WEB_SERVICE_URL: Pulsar Web service URL for your cluster. A WEB_SERVICE_URL is a combination of the protocol, hostname and port ID.

For both the SERVICE_URL and WEB_SERVICE_URL parameters, you can use the following command to get the hostname value .

$ snctl get pulsarclusters [PULSAR_CLUSTER_NAME] -n [ORGANIZATION_NAME] -o json | jq '.spec.serviceEndpoints[0].dnsName'

This example shows how to get the hostname value of the SERVICE_URL and WEB_SERVICE_URL parameters.

snctl get pulsarclusters test-pulsar-cluster-name -n test-organization-name -o json | jq '.spec.serviceEndpoints[0].dnsName'


Here is an example of the service URL.


Here is an example of the Web service URL.

Get Oauth2 authentication parameters

To connect to a Pulsar cluster through the Oauth2 authentication plugin, you should specify the following parameters.

  • type: Oauth2 authentication type. Currently, this parameter can only be set to the client_credentials.

  • clientId: client ID.

  • issuerUrl: URL of the authentication provider which allows the Pulsar client to obtain an access token.

  • privateKey: URL of a JSON credentials file.

  • audience: The identifier for the Pulsar instance.

  • For the privateKey parameter, you can use the following command to get the path of an Oauth2 key file.

    snctl auth export-service-account [SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME] -n [ORGANIZATION_NAME] [flags]
      -h, --help              help for export-service-account
      -f, --key-file string   Path to the private key file.
          --no-wait           Skip waiting for service account readiness.

    This example shows how to get the Oauth2 key file.

    snctl auth export-service-account test-service-account-name -n test-organization-name -f [/path/to/key/file.json]


    Wrote private key file <Path of your private key file>
  • For the clientId and issuerUrl parameters, you can get the corresponding value from the Oauth2 key file. Here is an example of the Oauth2 key file.

  • For the audience parameter, it is a combination of the urn:sn:pulsar, as well as the organization name and name of the Pulsar instance. Here is an example of the audience parameter.


Get Token authentication parameters

To connect to a Pulsar cluster through Token authentication plugin, you need to specify the AUTH_PARAMS option with the token you obtained through the following command.

snctl auth get-token [PULSAR_INSTANCE_NAME] -n [ORGANIZATION_NAME] [flags]

  -h, --help              help for get-token
  -f, --key-file string   Path to the private key file
      --login             Use an interactive login
      --skip-open         if the web browser should not be opened automatically

This example shows how to get a token.

snctl auth get-token test-pulsar-instance-name -n test-organization-name --login


We've launched your web browser to complete the login process.
Verification code: ABCD-EFGH

Waiting for login to complete...
Logged in as
Welcome to Apache Pulsar!

Use the following access token to access Pulsar instance 'test-organization-name/test-pulsar-instance-name':



In code implementation, for safety and convenience, you can set AUTH_PARAMS as an environment variable.