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OpenAPI definition resolver

Resolves JSON-References ($ref) with the values they point to inside OpenAPI definition. Our API can work with either OpenAPI Specification represented as POJO or as URL that points to the OpenAPI definition file.

Note: We'll demonstrate the code examples on objects that doesn't represent OpenAPI Specification, to keep the examples short

POJO usage

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

const pojoDefinition = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    $ref: '#/a',

SwaggerClient.resolve({ spec: pojoDefinition }); 
 * Promise({
 *   spec: {
 *      "a": 1,
 *      "b": 1
 *   },
 *   errors: []
 * })

URL usage

Provided url will be resolved as OpenAPI definition. Then the algorithm works recursively and resolves all JSON-References inside the resolved OpenAPI definition.

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

SwaggerClient.resolve({ url: ''});
 * Promise({
 *   spec: ...resolved pet store...,
 *   errors: []
 * })

Note: you can provide Swagger.resolve both spec and url options. In that case spec will always be preferred and url option will be ignored.


When JSON-References points to a remote document protected by authentication, requestInterceptor option can be used to provide request authentication (e.g. by setting Authentication header).

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

const requestInterceptor = request => {
  if (request.loadSpec) {
    request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer Asdf1234ThisIsMyToken';

  return request;

  url: '',

Note: Notice how we use loadSpec Request property to determine if the intercepted request was made to fetch the OAS definition.


Resolver can also produce errors on various problems inside OpenAPI definition. One of those problems can be invalid JSON-Reference.

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

const pojoDefiniton = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    $ref: 1,

SwaggerClient.resolve({ spec: pojoDefiniton }); 
 *  Promise({
 *   "spec": {
 *     "a": 1,
 *     "b": {
 *       "$ref": 1
 *     }
 *   },
 *   "errors": [
 *     {
 *       "message": "$ref: must be a string (JSON-Ref)",
 *       "$ref": 1,
 *       "fullPath": [
 *         "b",
 *         "$ref"
 *       ]
 *     }
 *   ]
 * })

Alternate API

Resolve during instantiation

Along with calling resolve statically from a SwaggerClient class, resolution can happen during SwaggerClient class instantiation.

POJO usage

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

const pojoDefinition = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    $ref: '#/a',

new SwaggerClient({ spec: pojoDefinition }).then(swaggerClient => {

URL usage

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

new SwaggerClient('').then(swaggerClient => {


import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

new SwaggerClient({ url: '' }).then(swaggerClient => {
Re-resolve the definition

It's possible (as a convenience) to re-resolve your definition from resolve instance method.

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

const pojoDefinition = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    $ref: '#/a',

new SwaggerClient({ spec: pojoDefinition })
  .then(swaggerClient => swaggerClient.resolve()) // definition will be re-resolved again
  .then(swaggerClient => {


Along with spec and url, there are other options that controls the resolution algorithm behavior.

Type notations are formatted like so:

  • String="" means a String type with a default value of "".
  • String=["a"*, "b", "c", "d"] means a String type that can be a, b, c, or d, with the * indicating that a is the default value.
Option Description
fetch Function=Http. Alias for http. The option is part of API due to compatibility reasons.
http Function=Http. If provided this function will be used as primary HTTP fetch mechanism for resolution. The provided function must return a Promise and must be compatible with our HTTP Client.
mode String=["nostrict", "strict"]. If strict, don't process allOf JSON-References.
allowMetaPatches Boolean=true. Allows adding .meta patches, which include adding $$refs to the resolved definition. $$ref is a meta information created from the original JSON Reference.

Original definition:


Resolved definition:

pathDiscriminator Array=[]. Example value can be e.g. ['components', 'schemas']. This tells the resolver to only resolve all Json-Reference on this path and leave the rest untouched. Can be used for lazy resolution.
modelPropertyMacro Function=null. If provided, accepts a property object e.g. {type: 'integer', format: 'int64' } and computes a default value. That computed value is then assigned into original property object under the key default; {type: 'integer', format: 'int64', default: 1 }
parameterMacro Function=null. If provided, accepts a parameter object e.g. { name: 'offset', in: 'query' } and computes a default value. That computed value is then assigned into original parameter object under the key default; { name: 'offset', in: 'query', default: 1 }
requestInterceptor Function=identity. Intercepts and possibly transform a request before it is handled.
responseInterceptor Function=identity. Intercepts and possibly transform a response before it is handled.
skipNormalization Boolean=false. Normalization creates unique operationIds when explicit operationIds are duplicates, and preserve originals.
useCircularStructures Boolean=false. Prevents circular values from being constructed, unless you specifically want that to happen. If set to false, just leave the references unresolved.
baseDoc String=null. If provided in the form of URL, will be able to resolve circular JSON-References.

Sub-Tree resolver

When working with a large JSON OpenAPI definition, it's often convenient to resolve JSON-References in only part of the JSON OpenAPI definition tree. Our sub-tree resolver does exactly that.

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

const pojoDefinition = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    $ref: '#/a',

SwaggerClient.resolveSubtree(pojoDefinition, ['b']);
 * Promise({
 *   spec: 1,
 *   errors: [],  
 * } 

Note: third argument is optional and if provided it must be of the shape of Options documented below.

Option Description
returnEntireTree Boolean=false. If set to true, returns only resolved part of OpenAPI definition tree determined by path (second argument).
modelPropertyMacro Function=null. If provided, accepts a property object e.g. {type: 'integer', format: 'int64' } and computes a default value. That computed value is then assigned into original property object under the key default; {type: 'integer', format: 'int64', default: 1 }
parameterMacro Function=null. If provided, accepts a parameter object e.g. { name: 'offset', in: 'query' } and computes a default value. That computed value is then assigned into original parameter object under the key default; { name: 'offset', in: 'query', default: 1 }
requestInterceptor Function=identity. Intercepts and possibly transform a request before it is handled.
responseInterceptor Function=identity. Intercepts and possibly transform a response before it is handled.
useCircularStructures Boolean=false. Prevents circular values from being constructed, unless you specifically want that to happen. If set to false, just leave the references unresolved.
baseDoc String=null. If provided in the form of URL, will be able to resolve circular JSON-References.

Resolver algorithm caches results of remotely fetched and resolved OpenAPI definitions in an internal cache. When using long-running threads that periodically pulls a OpenAPI definitions, the internal cache may cause a problem. In order to avoid this problem, it is possible to explicitly clear the internal cache before doing resolution.

import SwaggerClient from 'swagger-client';

SwaggerClient.resolve({ url: ''}).then(swaggerClient => {

Note: An internal cache is only involved when doing resolution on remote URLs.