These are the exercise files used for Advanced Java Training course.
The course outline can be found in
Module 1. Getting Started
- Installing Java
- Installing Eclipse
Module 2. Using Generics
- Exploring the simplified use of generics
- Using underscores in numeric literals
- Using strings in switch statements
Module 3. Using Advanced Class Structures
- Using static initializers
- Using instance field initializers
- Using member classes
- Using local inner classes
- Using anonymous inner classes
- Creating and using enumeration classes
Module 4. Using the Reflection API
- Using the Class class
- Instantiating classes dynamically
- Navigating inheritance trees
Module 5. More of the Collections Framework
- Managing unordered sets with HashSet
- Managing ordered sets with TreeSet
- Controlling list order with LinkedList
- Peeking and polling with queues
Module 6. Testing and Advanced Exception Handling
- Exploring test-driven development with the assert keyword
- Using the finally keyword
- Using try-with-resources in Java 7
- Defining and throwing a custom exception
Module 7. Managing Files and Directories in Java 7
- Using the Path class
- Managing files and directories
- Reading and writing text files
- Walking the directory tree
- Finding files
- Watching a directory for file changes
Module 8. Working with I/O Streams
- Reading and writing byte streams
- Reading and writing character streams
- Using buffered streams
- Scanning tokenized text
Modoule 9. Working with Multi-threading
- Extending the Thread class
- Implementing the Runnable interface
- Interrupting a thread
- Synchronizing threads