Projects are necessary while learning any programming language. Here are 50+ python projects with their source code for different levels of programmers that can inspire you.
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- Send Automatic Emails using Python
- Defang IP Address
- Password Authentication using Python
- Web Scraping to create a dataset
- Resume Scanner
- Merge Sort Algorithm
- Pick a Random card using Python
- Quartile Deviation using Python
- Count Character Occurrences
- Pyramid Pattern using Python
- Sequential Search
- Sorting NumPy Arrays
- Validate Anagrams
- Create Tables with Python
- Recursive Binary Search
- Dijkstraβs Algorithm using Python
- Hash Tables using Python
- Queues using Python
- Validate a Binary Search Tree
- Story Generator with Python
- Generate Password with Python
- Play Rock, Paper, and Scissors with Python
- Dice Roll Simulator
- QR Code Generator
- Animal Quiz Game
- Print Coloured Text
- BMI Calculator
- Fahrenheit to Celcius Converter
- Taking Multiple User Inputs
- Convert Roman Numbers to Decimals
- Pearson Correlation
- Treemap using Python
- Convert Image to an array
- Scrape IMDb with Python
- Visualize a Neural Network using Python
- Bias and Variance using Python
- Get Live Weather Updates using Python
- Count Objects in Image using Python
- Scrape Trending News using Python
- Real-time Stock Price Data Visualization using Python
- OTP Verification using Python
- Choropleth Map with Python
- Egg catcher game
- Extract Country Details
- Convert Text to Numerical data
- AUC and ROC using Python
- Interactive Language Translator
- Maximum Profit Finder
- Language Detection
- Histogram and Density Plots with Python
- Radar Plot with Python
- Create a Chatbot with Python
- Stopwords Removal
- Unicode Characters Removal
- Grammar Correction with Python
- Caterpillar Game with Python
- Maze Solver
- Encrypt and Decrypt Messages with Python
- Bitcoin Mining
- Password Picker
- Typing Test Game GUI
- URL Shortner with Python
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Most of the tutorials are taken from . You can follow his blogs for more python projects.