TextTrove is a versatile text processing and analysis tool designed to make working with text easier and more efficient. Whether you're a content creator, a student, or a data scientist, this tool provides a range of essential features to help you understand, manipulate, and extract meaningful insights from text.
🔡 Lowercase Conversion: This feature converts all the text to lowercase. It's useful for standardizing text and making it consistent, especially for text mining and analysis.
🔠 Uppercase Conversion: Similar to lowercase conversion, this feature converts text to uppercase. It can also be valuable for standardization and emphasis.
🔊: Text-to-Speech: This feature allows users to input text and have it read aloud using a text-to-speech engine. It can be beneficial for accessibility and enhancing the user experience.
8️⃣ Word Count: This feature calculates the number of words in the text. It typically considers spaces and punctuation to identify word boundaries.
9️⃣ Character Count: This feature counts the total number of characters in the text, including spaces and punctuation.
⏰ Time to Read: Estimate the time it would take for an average reader to read the text at a standard reading pace. This can be presented in minutes or minutes and seconds.
- React JS ⚛️
- Bootstrap
$ git clone https://github.com/JiyaGupta-cs/TextTrove-A_Text_Analyzer.git
$ cd TextTrove-A_Text_Analyzer/
$ npm install
$ npm start