What we call the instance operator is the Java class that instantiates all of the other Java classes that implement the CRDs. It lives at:
The instance operator has six main tasks:
Create the stores for each CRD. Since CRDs represent Streams concepts such as jobs, PEs or consistent regions, this means that these stores are how Kubernetes tracks all objects relavent to Streams.
Create the factories for each CRD. These are objects that follow the standard factory pattern: they know how to create new objects of the CRD kind. Most of the factories just need access to the Kubernetes client, but some require more information. For example, the PE factory also requires access to the job store, since PE creation requires knowing about the job itself.
Create the controllers for each CRD. The controllers are the things that react to new events on a CRD (specifically, creation, deletion and modification). All controllers need access to their corresponding store and factory. But most controllers also need access to some other stores and factories. For example, the PE controller also needs access to the job store, the pod factory and the configmap factory.
Start the controllers.
Wait for the shutdown signal.
Close the controllers.
Steps 1 through 4 are the startup phase, and then step 5 is normal operation: all of the controllers are ready to react to Streams-related events as delivered by Kubernetes.
Because the instance operator is a Kubernetes Deployment, Kubernetes will restart a new pod with the same image if it crashes or a user deletes it. For example, the standard way that we refresh code in the instance operator after compiling, installing and creating new images is to delete it:
[scoschne@c0321] kubectl get pods
streams-instance-operator-7f9b7cf98f-5mzcp 1/1 Running 0 16d
streams-repository-6ff88f698-4t678 1/1 Running 0 30d
[scoschne@c0321] kubectl delete pod -l svc=instance-operator
pod "streams-instance-operator-7f9b7cf98f-5mzcp" deleted
[scoschne@c0321] kubectl get pods
streams-instance-operator-7f9b7cf98f-vnklr 1/1 Running 0 14s
streams-repository-6ff88f698-4t678 1/1 Running 0 30d
Note that this operation is safe: whatever Streams objects (such as jobs, PEs, imports and exports, consistent regions, etc.) that were created prior to the deletion are re-created and restored when the instance operator restarts. Kubernetes manages storing CRDs for us. This leads to an important principle: whatever we want to remember across failures must be stored in a CRD.