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Instance Operator




The frontend of the controller responds to Kubernetes add, modify, delete operations. There is very good support for this in Go's kubernetes client interface, but other languages can also be used. If the controller is restarted, the event cache synchronizes itself with Kubernetes and throws synchronization ADDITION events.


To ease the integration of the backend, the frontend is written in Java. It uses the fabric8 Kubernetes client. It also uses the microbean-controller-cache library to provide the implementation details of the Kubernetes controller interface.

It is strongly recommended to read Understanding controllers . It is fairly technical but clearly explains the various pieces involved in building and running a controller.


The backend of the controller is a lightweight version of SAM that covers the ADL -> Logical Model -> Topology Model -> Fuser -> AADL transformations. The initial PE count can be either arbitrary or passed to the backend as an argument through the Job description.


The backend role is double:

  1. Generate a set of AADL from an initial ADL within Job submission request.
  2. Regenerate a set of AADL using an existing ADL from a PE modification request.

The first role is expected to only happen once at Job submission time and is not necessarily time sensitive (although it should happen in a short enough time). The second role is expected to happen more often and reactively (eg. at the request of an external load balancer) and is therefore time sensitive.


A Job custom resource represents a Streams job. For each job job, multiple processing elements job-0, job-1, ... are created. A job can be created as follows:

kind: Job
  name: apps-parallel
    name: apps.parallel.Parallel.sab
    manual: 3

A job spec accepts the following configuration:

Name Type Description Default
bundle dictionary Bundle options
fusion dictionary Fusion options
imagePullPolicy string Always or IfNotPresent Always
imagePullSecret string Name of the Streams runtime image pull secret Always
processingElement dictionary Processing element options
submissionTimeOutInSeconds integer Submission time-out in seconds 300
submissionTimeValues dictionary Submission-time values null
threadingModel dictionary Threading model options
transportCertificateValidityInDays integer Validity period for the TLS certificate 30
resources dictionary Compute resource options

The resource option can be used to define a job-wide resource request. It is empty by default. The table below summarizes how this request is handled:

Job has resource PE has resource Behavior
𐄂 𐄂 PEs use their defaults regardless of their count
𐄂 PEs use the specified PE requests regardless of their count
𐄂 PEs use the specified Job requests divided by their count
PEs use the specified Job requests divided by their count


Application bundles are fetched remotely from an URL and cached locally. A bundle spec of a job defines the properties of bundle to be used. The options are:

Name Type Description
name string The bundle name
pullPolicy enum Either IfNotPresent or Always, default is IfNotPresent
http dictionary A HttpSource object
file dictionary A FileSource object
github dictionary A GithubSource object

The name option is mandatory. The file and github options are mutually exclusive.

Name Type Description
url string An external URL pointing to the bundle to be fetched
certificationAuthority dictionary A CertificationAuthority object

With a CertificationAuthority entry, the user can specify a non-standard root certificate to be used with the HTTP request.

Name Type Description
configMapName string The name of the ConfigMap with the certificate
subPath dictionary The path in the ConfigMap at which to find the certificate
Name Type Description
path string A local path pointing to the bundle to be fetched
Name Type Description
url string An external URL pointing to the bundle to be fetched
secret integer A secret containing the GitHub personal token required to access url

The url option is mandatory. If secret is specified, the url field must be that of a GitHub repository compliant with the GitHub API v3 format:


The pullPolicy option, if specified, determines whether or not the bundle is actually fetched. The pullPolicy and secret options are only meaningful if the url option is specified.


A fusion spec of a job controls how the controller fuses operators into PEs. The options are:

Name Type Description
type enum Type of fusion within parallel regions
automatic boolean true enables automatic fusion, false disables it
legacy boolean true enables legacy fusion, false disables it
manual integer Manually specifies number of PEs

The type option specifies the behavior of the fusion within parallel regions. It can be left unset or set to one of these values:

Name Description
noChannelInfluence Operators in parallel regions are treated like any other
channelIsolation Operators in parallel regions are fused together per-channel
channelExlocation Operators in parallel regions from different channels are not fused together

The automatic, legacy, and manual options are mutually exclusive. It is a logical error to request more than one kind of fusion.

Threading model

A threading model spec accepts the following configuration:

Name Type Description
automatic boolean Use automatic fusion
dedicated boolean Use dedicated fusion
dynamic dictionary Dynamic threading model
manual boolean Use manual fusion

These options are mutually exclusive. It is a logical error to request more than one threading model.

Dynamic threading model

A dynamic threading model spec accepts the following configuration:

Name Type Description
elastic boolean Use elastic threading
threadCount integer Number of threads to use

Processing element

A ProcessingElement custom resource represents a Streams processing element. For each processing element job-N, a pod with prefix job-N- is created. Processing element resources are used to maintain Streams-specific states and concepts that cannot be represented by pods, such as connectivity and launch count.

Top-level layout

Image and runtime
Name Type Description Default
buildType string Build type of the runtime, either debug or release debug
imagePullPolicy string Always or IfNotPresent Inherited
imagePullSecret string Name of the Streams runtime image pull secret Inherited
sabName string Name of the SAB to use Inherited
transportSecurityType string none or TLSv1.2 none
resources dictionary Compute resource options No limits, requests is 100m for cpu and 128Mi for memory

The debug version of the runtime ships with valgrind. It is possible to run the PE runtime process in a valgrind context with the following options:

Name Type Description Default
allowPtrace boolean Enable the SYS_PTRACE capability in Docker false
runWithValgrind boolean Implies buildType = debug and allowPtrace = true false

The debug image also contains gdb. The allowPtrace option is required to attach the PE process inside gdb.

Logging and tracing

Streams runtime supports two domains of logging/tracing: the application domain and the runtime domain. The application domain covers log and trace messages coming from the SPL application (appLog and appTrc) or native operators (with the SPLAPPTRC macro). The runtime domain covers log and trace messages coming from the runtime (with the SPCDBG macro).

Name Type Description Default
appTraceLevel string Level of tracing for the application null
runtimeTraceLevel string Level of tracing for the runtime INFO

The appTraceLevel option sets the level for the application domain. Unset by default, the level defined in the AADL is used. When set, the specified value override that of the AADL. The runtimeTraceLevel option sets the level for the runtime domain.

Restart policies

Restart policies impact the way PE shutdown is handled by the processing element controller. In Streams 4.3, PE shutdown is categorized as follows:


External shutdowns triggered by the streamtool commands stoppe and restartpe, and internal shutdowns triggered by crashes are are sensitive to the restartable property of the affected operators. Other type of shutdowns do not trigger a restart of the PE.

In Knative Streams, some of the notions used above are not directly mappable. For instance, the lack of streamtool interface makes the behavior of stoppe and restartpe irrelevant. However, users can voluntarily delete a pod if they so wish.

The table below summarizes the various scenarios where a pod can be restarted in Knative Streams:

Name Type Description Default
deleteFailedPod boolean Delete failed pods true
restartCompletedPod boolean Restart completed pods false
restartDeletedPod boolean Restart manually deleted pods false
restartFailedPod Boolean Restart failed pods null

The restartCompletedPod option covers the internal, explicit and implicit shutdown situations. When false, pods that terminate with a Completed status (i.e. with an exit status code of 0) are not restarted. When true, these pods are restarted.

The restartDeletedPod covers the voluntary deletion of pods. When false, voluntarily deleted pod are not restarted. When true, these pods are restarted. As it is not trivial to determine whether or not a pod has been voluntarily deleted, this option acts as a fall-through for terminating pods with both restartCompletedPod and restartFailedPod set to false.

The restartFailedPod covers the error scenarios where a pod fails because of an internal exception. When null, the instance controller uses the restartable configuration value derived from the owning processing element's configuration. When false, pods that terminate with a Failed status (i.e. with an exit code ≠ 0) are not restarted. When true, these pods are restarted.

The deleteFailedPod is used to automatically delete failed pods. Although it is true by default, this option is useful to diagnose situations where pods would continuously fail, by inspecting their logs for instance.

Liveness probe
Name Type Description Default
initialProbeDelayInSeconds integer Initial delay for the PE liveness probe 30
probeFailureThreshold integer Number of retries before a PE is killed by its liveness probe 1
probeIntervalInSeconds integer Probing interval for the PE liveness probe 10
Data directory configuration
Name Type Description Default
dataPath string Override STREAMS_DATA_PATH setup in the controller YAML null
dataVolumeClaim dictionary Data volume claim null
Checkpoint configuration
Name Type Description Default
checkpointRepository dictionary Checkpoint data store null
External properties
Name Type Description Default
appPropertiesSecret string The name of the secret to use as application properties null
restrictedPropertiesSecret string The name of the secret to use as restricted properties null

Data volume claim

A data volume claim spec accepts the following configuration:

Name Type Description
name string Name of the persistent volume claim
subPath string A path in the claim

Checkpoint data store

A checkpoint data store spec accepts the following configuration:

Name Type Description
fileSystem dictionary Filesystem data store
redis dictionary Redis data store
Filesystem data store
Name Type Description
path string The mount path of the checkpoints in PEs
volumeClaim dictionary Data volume claim
Redis data store
Name Type Description
replicaCount integer The number of replicas to use
restrictedProperty string The restricted property to use as a password for redis
service string The name of the redis service associated to the redis ReplicaSet
shardCount integer The number of shards per replica to use
shuffle boolean Shuffle the redis server selection


Kubernetes keeps track of dependences between CRDs (eg. when a CRD is created as a result of a CRD creation). When a CRD is deleted, the deletion can be propagated 3-way:

  • Orphan: the dependents are not deleted
  • Background: the owner and dependents are deleted asynchronously
  • Foreground: the owner is deleted after all of its dependents have been deleted

The kubectl tool as well as the instance controller use the Background policy by default. When job submission or UDP fail, the instance controller uses the Foreground deletion policy to restart the operation from a clean slate.

Resource creation


The creation of a pod is controlled by the pod state machine. The pod state machine checks the fulfillment of the following criterias before creating pods:

  • Creation of the configmap that stores the AADL for the pod
  • Modification event for the processing element either due to the increment of the launch count or changes in the content id
  • Creation of all the hostpool CRDs for the job

During the job lifecycle, if there are modifications to processing elements either due to the increment of the launch count or changes in the content id, new pods are created and old pods are cleaned up.

Resource deletion


A job can only be deleted voluntarily by the user through kubectl delete. When a job is deleted, all resources attached to the job are garbage collected by Kubernetes.

Processing elements

A processing element can be deleted either voluntarily by the user, as a result of a UDP resizing, or garbage collected by Kubernetes. The current policy when a processing element is voluntarily deleted and a job still exists is to recreate it automatically as long as its restartable flag permits it.


A pod can be deleted either voluntarily by the user or garbage collected by Kubernetes. When a pod is deleted by the user and the restartDeletedPod option of its processing element is set to true, the pod is automatically restarted.

A pod can fail as a result of an error or a liveness probe timeout. If a pod fails and the restartFailedPod option of its processing element is set to true, the pod is automatically restarted. That option can be either manually adjusted or automatically defined depending on the PE's restartable status.

A pod can complete its operation, for instance as a result of calling the shutdownPe() function. If a pod completes and the restartCompletedPod option of its processing element is set to true, the pod is automatically restarted.

App and restricted properties

Streams has the ability to store instance-related secrets as restricted properties. This facility seem to be only used for the redis checkpoint configuration. Support for these properties is now implemented using secrets.


Type validation

Minimum Kubernetes version for support: 1.11.

Type instance status

Minimum Kubernetes version for support: 1.11.

The logic associated with a CRD will have associated states. These states must be reflected in the CRD statuses now available in Kubernetes version 1.11.

Statuses are fetched using the /status sub-resource of the CRD and are displayed by defining an additional STATUS printer column.

Cross-type dependencies

Processing elements can only be defined for existing jobs. If an invalid job is specified then an error must be reported. It is unclear where that check should be happening and how the error should be reported. An obvious solution is throught the /status sub-resource, but Event resources can also be used.

Open questions


Scale in Kubernetes is handled through replication. The concept of replication implies that replicated pods have identical functions or roles (i.e. multiple instances of the same application). Replication for CRDs is handled by the /scale sub-resource. This sub-resource is used as an interface with standard replication controllers.

It is conceivable to use the concept of replica as a mean to control the arity of heterogeneous resources. For instance, the replica count can be used to control the number of running PEs even though PEs are not idempotent.

The advantage of this approach is to expose some sort of Streams elasticity to the user using a familiar concept. Its downside is that it hijacks the concept of replica and breaks compatibility with generic replica controllers. It could also confuse users by falsely claiming idempotence for the processing elements.

The ideal solution is to have generic processing elements that can execute arbitrary sets of operators and can switch between these sets over the course of its execution. Processing elements would then behave like virtual machines specialized in the execution of operators.

The current PE runtime is not flexible enough to fit in that solution. A PE is given a set of operators and is defined by that set. It does not support swapping this set for another set while running and no two PEs are identical.

The only exception to that statement are parallel regions configured with channel isolation. In that setup, multiple identical channels are executed by different PEs with identical sets of operators. Changing the arity of the parallel region is done by adding or removing identical PEs.

It is then conceivable that Streams replicas compatible with Kubernetes' concept of replica can be implemented by exposing to the user the parallel count of a parallel region through the replicaCount property of the /scale sub-resource.

To that end, the proper type capable of accurately modeling that replicated resource must be defined. Jobs are too coarse-grained, while PEs are too fine-grained (and almost irrelevant in the current state of the runtime).

Application sizing and resource control

The number of PEs to fuse an application into is a parameter we must provide to our fusion algorithms.

In the automatic fusion feature introduced in Streams 4.2, if users do not specify the number of PEs, the default is to use the number of hosts in the instance. Each PE would then be scheduled on one host. The assumption underlying this heuristic is that Streams is the primary consumer and controller of all of the hosts in an instance.

In the Kubernetes context, we can no longer assume that Streams is the primary consumer of all of the available hosts. It's also more likely that the number of available hosts will be greater than the number of hosts an application should ideally use. As a consequence, we no longer have an obvious default number of PEs to fuse a given application into. But we should be able to devise a heuristic based on both inherent characteristics of the application, and from Kubernetes itself:

  1. Minimum number of necessary threads. We can inspect an application and count the number of necessary threads, including source operators, threaded ports, and input ports that must execute under the dynamic threading model.
  2. Maximum number of threads. The total number of operators that may execute under the dynamic threading model, plus the minimum number of necessary threads, should yield the maximum number of threads an application can use.
  3. Pod CPU limits. We should be able to determine the CPU limits of the pod the PEs will execute in.

The minimum CPU usage of any application is trivial to estimate: zero. That is because the number of threads or operators present does not necessitate actual CPU usage. (Imagine an application with one source operator that sends one tuple and then goes to sleep.) But with the minimum number of necessary threads, we can estimate a minimum-heavy-usage. That is, it's the CPU usage if we assume each thread of the application is fully occupied with work, but the application uses no more threads. The other side is the maximum number of CPUs the application can use if it uses the maximum number of threads allowed, and all threads are fully occupied with work. (Note that this discussion does not consider multithreaded operators.)

While the above estimates are rough, they at least allow us to clearly recognize the difference between an application with three operators and one thread, and an application with 5,000 operators and dozens of threads. When we combine this rough CPU usage projections with the pod minimums and limits, we can come up with a range of number of PEs.

Ideally, we would also know the current CPU usage (not just the allocations) of the entire cluster. Based on our current understanding, that information is not currently available. If it were, we could use that information, along with the above range of fusions, to make a final judgement of how many PEs to use.

Without actual CPU usage, we will need to make some judgement of where in the spectrum of possible number of PEs we should use. We can get a better idea of what to do as we experiment with it. We should also investigate how we could get actual CPU usage metrics from Kubernetes.


Operator framework

Kubernetes client libraries