Contains the software for the Nios II processor in the Arria-V-ADC-Ethernet project. This works with both the verilog and VHDL versions of the code.
The software sets up a TCP/IP socket, which can be connected to via Telnet
There are scripts in the scripts/ subdirectory to assist with running the software
Change to the scripts directory:
cd scripts/
Generate the board support package:
Make the nios project:
cd ../ADC_Socket/
cd ../scripts/
Run the software on the board:
(Optional) Open the nios terminal:
The socket can be connected to via telnet:
telnet <ipaddress> 30
These commands can be sent from the telnet command line:
ACQUIRE - output most recent trigger
TRIG:SLOPE: - Set trigger slope: POS or NEG
TRIG:SOURCE: - Set trigger source: SELF or EXT
DELAY: - Set delay: ON or OFF
MENU - display this menu
QUIT - quit
The python scripts in Arria-V-ADC-Ethernet-scripts can also be used to connect to the socket.