This script allows you to encrypt text using various encryption methods.
- Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
- Clone this repository or download the script file.
- Open a terminal or command prompt.
- Navigate to the directory where the script is located.
- Run the following command: python
Follow the prompts to enter the text and choose an encryption method. Encryption Methods
Caesar Cipher The Caesar cipher is a substitution cipher where each letter in the plaintext is shifted a certain number of positions down the alphabet. To choose the Caesar cipher, enter 1 when prompted.
Affine Cipher The Affine cipher is a substitution cipher that combines the Caesar cipher with multiplication and addition. To choose the Affine cipher, enter 2 when prompted.
Substitution Cipher The Substitution cipher is a method of encryption where each letter in the plaintext is replaced by another letter according to a fixed key. To choose the Substitution cipher, enter 3 when prompted. Note that the key must have the same length as the number of characters in the alphabet (26).
Transposition Cipher The Transposition cipher is a method of encryption that rearranges the letters of the plaintext to form the ciphertext. To choose the Transposition cipher, enter 4 when prompted. You will also be asked to enter a transposition key, which should be less than the length of the text. Note: If you enter an invalid choice or provide incorrect input, appropriate error messages will be displayed.
Example Here is an example of running the script: Enter the text to encrypt: Hello, World! Choose an encryption method:
- Caesar cipher
- Affine cipher
- Substitution cipher
- Transposition cipher Enter your choice (1-4): 3 Enter the substitution key: QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM Substitution cipher (encryption): ITSSG, KTSSG!