Support for R-50iA is planned, and tests are already underway.
If the tools need to be adapted quickly, just send us an email. (We currently have no access to a (real) robot with R-50iA)
check the latest release here:
FREE for commercial use
A small collection of tools that simplify the commissioning and programming of Fanuc robots.
The programs are licensed under the
CC BY-ND 4.0 Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)
- The distribution is allowed.
- Modification of the binary file is not allowed.
- The naming of the author is given, because the binary file contains information
Even if the Creative Commons license was not made for software, it serves its purpose for us here.
A license file does NOT have to be copied to the robot controller.
Thereby nothing stands in the way of commercial use.
- R-30iA (V7.50)
- R-30iB (V8.10)
- R-30iBPlus (V9.10)
- R-30iBPlus/CRX (V9.40/42)
If there is no corresponding subfolder, the version is (currently) not available.
If the Arg-Wizard can be used or there is a CRX plug-in this is described or explained.
Currently the programs "TP_VIEW" and "TP_WRITE" uses a "uniform" API.
- Simple commands are called or executed with a string containing the command name.
- Commands of same functional group have the group name separated by a dot from the command name.
- Commands may have (optional) parameters/arguments.
more about this deepdive
TP_VIEW can be used to switch the windows/screens You can switch between
- Single / Triple / Dual
- Single_User / Single_User_Wide
- Load a user-defined screen
- Show modal Dialogs
A CRX_PlugIn called Tablet-TP-Tools is under development.
TP_WRITE can be used to write single-line (dynamic) messages to various "screens".
Among others, the following are available for selection:
- Console
- UserScreen
- TPError
The Arg-Wizard is implemented.
A CRX_PlugIn called Tablet-TP-Tools is under development.
A folder with simple "one command" progs. Result is written to specified register
- sin2REG --> sine to register
- e.g. : CALL SIN2REG(33.5,1) ;
- cos2REG --> cosine to register
- e.g. : CALL COS2REG(33.5,2) ;
- atan22REG --> atan2 to register
- e.g. : CALL ATAN22REG((-100),100,3) ;
- sqrt2REG --> square root to register
- e.g. : CALL SQRT2REG(33.5,4) ;
- rand2reg --> random to register
- e.g. : CALL rand2reg(33.5,100,4,45) ;
- check subfolder for info
- ping2reg --> ping a host/IP and write result to reg
- e.g. : CALL ping2reg('',1) ;
- needed option: User Socket Msg (R648)
- Error INTP-320 Undefined builtin if not installed
- Result value 1 : successfull ping
- Result value 0 : no successfull ping
- ord2reg --> numeric ASCII code from given CHAR to register
- e.g. : CALL ord2reg('ABCDE123,2,1) ;
- will write 66 to register 1, because second(2) Char of string is 'B'
- caller2sr / parent2sr --> writes the parent program name to given StringRegister
- e.g. : CALL caller2sr(1) ;
- e.g. : CALL parent2sr(10001) ;
- will write the program name of calling tp program to register 1
Generates a (pseudo) random number and writes the value into the corresponding register.
Uses $FAST_CLOCK to initialize, but can also be configured.
Make programs temporarily invisible or hide them
- Why xy ? --> Check
- I need more technical information. --> Check
- Where can I find a changelog? Use github and check
- Fanuc is a registered trademark.
Copyright (c) 2023 Backdate Software/Andreas Wissing