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Build System for OCP

VTK 9.3.1 for Python 3.13


The github action can be found in .github/workflows/build-ocp.yml


The action creates a wheel for Python 3.13 for os in ["ubuntu-22.04", "macos-13", "macos-14", "windows-2019"]

Known issues

This wheel will work with cadquery_ocp, but other packages that depend on vtk will most probably not work.


NOTE: For final wheels always use the official sources from the OCP repository. This can be achieved by setting the environment variable PYWRAP to false. Only use true if you know what you do!


The github action can be found in .github/workflows/build-ocp.yml


The action creates two different types of delocated wheels for OCP

  1. cadquery_ocp- which is build against pypi's VTK 9.3.1
  2. cadquery_ocp_novtk- which comes without VTK support

The wheels encapsulate the native OCP module into a folder OCP.

├── Adaptor2d
│   └──
├── Adaptor3d
│   └──
├── IVtk
│   └──
├── IVtkOCC
│   └──
├── IVtkTools
│   └──
├── IVtkVTK
│   └──

with e.g. for Adaptor2d looking like

from ..OCP.Adaptor2d import *

OCP behaves exactly like the conda version, i.e. you can just ìmport OCP.BRep as usual. However, error traces can involve OCP.OCP.BRep ... prefixing the module with the OCP folder

Supported Operation Systems

The wheels are created for

  • Windows (Intel)
  • MacOS (Intel): running from macOS 11.11 or newer
  • MacOS (arm64): running from macOS 11.11 or newer
  • Linux (Intel): running Ubuntu 20.04 or newer (GLIBC_2.29 and GLIBCXX_3.4.26)

Supported Python Versions

  • The vtk version can be built with pypi's vtk==9.3.1 for Python 3.10 - 3.12. For Python 3.13 the dependency is cadquery_vtk==9.3.1 since vtk is not provided on pypi for Python 3.13
  • The novtk version can be built for Python3.10 and newer, up to 3.13.


  • The vtk wheels are tested against build123d and `cadquery``
  • The novtk wheels are tested against a patched version of build123d only (vtk support removed)

Known issues

  • For macOS (Intel), nlopt 2.9 is not on pypi. The test installs nlopt from conda.
  • For Windows, casadi and nlopt create a segmentation fault on exit (even when OCP and VTK are not installed). The test installs nlopt and casadi from conda.
  • ocpsvg has cadquery_ocp as a dependency and will install parallel to the novtk wheel. The test uninstalls cadquery_ocp after installation of build123d.


The action heavily caches artifacts since some steps can take 0.5 - 1.5 h.

For vtk wheels:

  • VTK-9.3.1-py<version>-<os>-: The generated VTK SDK
  • OCCT-7.8.1-py-<version>-vtk-<os>-: The compiled OCCT SDK with VTK support
  • OCP-source-<os>-: The generated OCP source with VTK support
  • OCP-<version>-<os>-: The compiled OCP Python module with VTK support

For novtk wheels:

  • OCCT-7.8.1-py-<version>-novtk-<os>-: The compiled OCCT SDK without VTK support
  • OCP-<version>-<os>-: The compiled OCP Python module without VTK support

<os> being "ubuntu-22.04", "macos-13", "macos-14", and "windows-2019". <version> being "3.10", "3.11", "3.12", and "3.13"

To recompile, delete the respective cached elements first.

OCP stubs


The github action can be found in .github/workflows/build-ocp-stubs.yml


The action creates one wheel for any Python and OS cadquery_ocp_stubs-