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🐭 Description

What is modulo...

πŸš€ Getting started

How to use Modulo ?

Step 1:

  • Create a new java project in your favorite IDE.
  • Add the modulo-api dependency to your project.
    • Manually with your IDE.
    • With Maven add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
    • With Gradle add the following dependency to your build.gradle: (recommended)
      dependencies {
        implementation 'com.chillycheesy:modulo-api:BINKS-0.3.0'

Step 2:

  • Create a new java class in your project. The class must inherit from the Module class. This will become your main class.
  • Implement the needed methods.
    package com.chillycheesy.modulo;
    import com.chillycheesy.modulo.modules.Module;
    public class HelloModule extends Module {
        protected void onLoad() {
            info("HelloModule is loaded");
        protected void onStart() {
            info("HelloModule is started");
        protected void onStop() {
            info("HelloModule is stopped");

Step 3:

  • Create the module.yml file in your project resources folder.
    • The module.yml file must contain the following information:
      name: HelloModule
      description: This is a hello module
      version: 1.0.0
      main: com.chillycheesy.modulo.HelloModule # The main class of the module
        - ChillyCheesy
      dependencies: [] # Optional
      softDependencies: [] # Optional

Step 4:

  • Download the modulo-server jar file.
  • Build your project and drop it in the modules folder inside your server folder.
  • run the server with the following command:
    $> java -jar modulo-server.jar

Step 5:

Enjoy 🌢 πŸ§€ !

If you use gradle, you can use the ModuloGradleApplication.

πŸ“• How to use it

See the Java documentation page here.
You can also check the wiki.

🌢 πŸ§€ See also

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            Despelette was here !