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ContinualAI Lab is a collaborative, distributed team and observatory within ContinualAI with the goal of supporting the development of open source projects and tools that can make the life of a CL researcher easier.
**ContinualAI Lab** works mostly at a meta research level. Its core mission is to support the development of **open source projects** and **tools** that can make the life of a CL researcher easier. In particular, we would like to talk and propose practical solutions to the following questions among others:
- How can we help young researchers and enthustiasts in this area learn faster and be better supported by the community?
- How can we organize research in continual learning to make it easier to anyone find the right piece of information?
- How can we help continual learning researchers share more resources (insights, code and knowledge) and collaborate more together?
- How can we make continual learning research more accessible to anyone?
At the moment CLAI Lab is maintaining the following collaborative projects:
We are always looking for new CLAI Lab members! Write us a message on slack if you want to join us!
CLAI Lab is composed by the following ContinualAI members:

Vincenzo Lomonaco
Neuroscience-inspired AI, Continual Learning, Robotics

Andrea Cossu
Team Lead
Continual Learning, Sequence Learning

Keiland Cooper
Neuroscience, Neuroscience-inspired AI, Continual Learning

Qi She
Continual Learning, Robotics

Jeremy Forest
Neuroscience, Neuroscience-inspired AI, Continual Learning