Fitch is a simple language for making propositional proofs in a Fitch-style natural deduction system. The interpreter parses the proofs, renders them as text, and optionally generates a LaTex document. You can find over 40 example proofs in total in the examples folder.
See the detailed langage explanation in the documentation.
The CLI interface program can be found in src/
usage: [-h] [-l LATEX] [-v] filename
A small language to write, verify and format Fitch-style proofs in propositional logic
positional arguments:
filename the path to the file containing the proofs to interpret
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --latex LATEX write a LaTex document with all the proofs, using the 'fitch' package
-v, --verify if used, the output is printed only in case of error in the proof file given
for parsing logical expression and Fitch-style rules
The code was formatted using black
, with line length 120.
The generated LaTex output uses the fitch
package, available on CTAN.