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126 lines (96 loc) · 3.59 KB

File metadata and controls

126 lines (96 loc) · 3.59 KB

Commands list and usage

- addrs           Get all registered addressed by target photos
- captions        Get user's photos captions
- commentdata     Get a list of all the comments on the target's posts
- comments        Get total comments of target's posts
- followers       Get target followers
- followings      Get users followed by target
- fwersemail      Get email of target followers
- fwingsemail     Get email of users followed by target
- hashtags        Get hashtags used by target
- info            Get target info
- likes           Get total likes of target's posts
- mediatype       Get user's posts type (photo or video)
- photodes        Get description of target's photos
- photos          Download user's photos in output folder
- propic          Download user's profile picture
- stories         Download user's stories  
- tagged          Get list of users tagged by target
- wcommented      Get a list of user who commented target's photos
- wtagged         Get a list of user who tagged target


Return a list with address (GPS) tagged by target in his photos. The list has post, address and date fields.


Return a list of all captions used by target in his photos.


Return the total number of comments in target's posts


Exit from Osintgram


Can set preference to save commands output in output folder. It save output in <target username>_<command>.txt file.

With FILE=y you can enable saving in file.

With FILE=n you can disable saving in file.


Return a list with target followers with id, nickname and full name


Return a list with users followed by target with id, nickname and full name


Return a list of emails of target followers


Return a list of emails of user followed by target


Return a list of phone number of target followers


Return a list of phone number of user followed by target


Return a list with all hashtag used by target in his photos


Show target info like:

  • id
  • full name
  • biography
  • followed
  • follow
  • is business account?
  • business category (if target has business account)
  • is verified?
  • business email (if available)
  • HD profile picture url
  • connected Facebook page (if available)
  • Whats'App number (if available)
  • City Name (if available)
  • Address Street (if available)
  • Contact phone number (if available)


Can set preference to export commands output as JSON in output folder. It save output in <target username>_<command>.JSON file.

With JSON=y you can enable JSON exporting.

With JSON=n you can disable JSON exporting.


Return the total number of likes in target's posts

list (or help)

Show all commands available.


Return the number of photos and video shared by target


Return a list with the description of the content of target's photos


Download all target's photos in output folder. When you run the command, script ask you how many photos you want to download. Type ENTER to download all photos available or type a number to choose how many photos you want download.

Run a command: photos
How many photos you want to download (default all):


Download target profile picture (HD if is available)


Download all target's stories in output folder.


Return a list of users tagged by target with ID, username and full name


Return a list of users who commented target's photos sorted by number of comments


Return a list of users who tagged target sorted by number of photos