If you'd like to deploy Online Boutique via its Helm chart, you could leverage the following instructions.
Warning: Online Boutique's Helm chart is currently experimental. If you have feedback or run into issues, let us know inside GitHub Issue #1319 or by creating a new GitHub Issue.
Deploy the default setup of Online Boutique:
helm upgrade onlineboutique oci://us-docker.pkg.dev/online-boutique-ci/charts/onlineboutique \
Deploy advanced scenario of Online Boutique:
helm upgrade onlineboutique oci://us-docker.pkg.dev/online-boutique-ci/charts/onlineboutique \
--install \
--create-namespace \
--set images.repository=us-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/microservices-demo \
--set frontend.externalService=false \
--set redis.create=false \
--set cartservice.database.type=spanner \
--set cartservice.database.connectionString=projects/my-project/instances/onlineboutique/databases/carts \
--set serviceAccounts.create=true \
--set authorizationPolicies.create=true \
--set networkPolicies.create=true \
--set sidecars.create=true \
--set frontend.virtualService.create=true \
--set 'serviceAccounts.annotations.iam\.gke\.io/gcp-service-account=spanner-db-user@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com' \
--set serviceAccounts.annotationsOnlyForCartservice=true \
-n onlineboutique
For the full list of configurations, see values.yaml.
You could also find advanced scenarios with these blogs below: