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File metadata and controls

320 lines (220 loc) · 17 KB


create-typescript-app provides several dozen pieces of tooling, ranging from code building and formatting to various forms of GitHub repository management. Each can be individually turned off or on.

This table summarizes each block and which base levels they're included in:

Block Flags Minimal Common Everything
AllContributors --add-allcontributors, --exclude-allcontributors 💯
Are The Types Wrong --add-are-the-types-wrong, --exclude-are-the-types-wrong
Contributing Docs --add-contributing-docs, --exclude-contributing-docs ✔️ 💯
Contributor Covenant --add-contributor-covenant, --exclude-contributor-covenant ✔️ 💯
CSpell --add-cspell, --exclude-cspell 💯
Codecov --add-codecov, --exclude-codecov 💯
Development Docs --add-development-docs, --exclude-development-docs ✔️ 💯
ESLint --add-eslint, --exclude-eslint ✔️ 💯
ESLint Comments Plugin --add-eslint-comments-plugin, --exclude-eslint-comments-plugin 💯
ESLint JSDoc Plugin --add-eslint-jsdoc-plugin, --exclude-eslint-jsdoc-plugin 💯
ESLint JSONC Plugin --add-eslint-jsonc-plugin, --exclude-eslint-jsonc-plugin 💯
ESLint Markdown Plugin --add-eslint-markdown-plugin, --exclude-eslint-markdown-plugin 💯
ESLint More Styling --add-eslint-more-styling, --exclude-eslint-more-styling 💯
ESLint Node Plugin --add-eslint-node-plugin, --exclude-eslint-node-plugin 💯
ESLint package.json Plugin --add-eslint-package-json-plugin, --exclude-eslint-package-json-plugin 💯
ESLint Perfectionist Plugin --add-eslint-perfectionist-plugin, --exclude-eslint-perfectionist-plugin 💯
ESLint Regexp Plugin --add-eslint-regexp-plugin, --exclude-eslint-regexp-plugin 💯
ESLint YML Plugin --add-eslint-yml-plugin, --exclude-eslint-yml-plugin 💯
Funding --add-funding, --exclude-funding 💯
GitHub Actions CI --add-github-actions-ci, --exclude-github-actions-ci ✔️ 💯
GitHub Issue Templates --add-github-issue-templates, --exclude-github-issue-templates ✔️ 💯
GitHub PR Template --add-github-pr-template, --exclude-github-pr-template ✔️ 💯
Gitignore --add-gitignore, --exclude-gitignore ✔️ 💯
Knip --add-knip, --exclude-knip 💯
Main --add-main, --exclude-main ✔️ 💯
Markdownlint --add-markdownlint, --exclude-markdownlint 💯
MIT License --add-mit-license, --exclude-mit-license ✔️ 💯
ncc --add-ncc, --exclude-ncc
nvmrc --add-nvmrc, --exclude-nvmrc 💯
Package JSON --add-package-json, --exclude-package-json ✔️ 💯
pnpm Dedupe --add-pnpm-dedupe, --exclude-pnpm-dedupe 💯
PR Compliance --add-pr-compliance, --exclude-pr-compliance 💯
Prettier --add-prettier, --exclude-prettier ✔️ 💯
Prettier Plugin Curly --add-prettier-plugin-curly, --exclude-prettier-plugin-curly 💯
Prettier Plugin Package JSON --add-prettier-plugin-package-json, --exclude-prettier-plugin-package-json 💯
Prettier Plugin Sh --add-prettier-plugin-sh, --exclude-prettier-plugin-sh 💯 --add-readme-md, --exclude-readme-md ✔️ 💯
release-it --add-release-it, --exclude-release-it 💯
Renovate --add-renovate, --exclude-renovate 💯
Security Docs --add-security-docs, --exclude-security-docs ✔️ 💯
Templated With --add-templated-with, --exclude-templated-with ✔️ 💯
TSup --add-tsup, --exclude-tsup ✔️ 💯
TypeScript --add-typescript, --exclude-typescript ✔️ 💯
Vitest --add-vitest, --exclude-vitest 💯
VS Code --add-vs-code, --exclude-vs-code 💯

For example, this uses ncc instead of the default tsup builder:

npx create-typescript-app --add-ncc --exclude-tsup

See also CLI for customizing templated repositories when running npx create-typescript-app.

"Minimal" Base Level

These tooling pieces are the ones that most repositories should generally always have enabled. Other pieces of tooling are likely to not work as well (or at all) if these are removed.

The "minimal" base is best suited for projects that are very small and not likely to change very frequently. However, they'll be missing out on many of the great tooling pieces enabled in more comprehensive bases. We strongly recommend using at least the "common" base level instead for most repositories.


tsup: Builds output definitions and JavaScript files using esbuild. Each *.ts source file within src/ is built into .d.ts and .js output files in lib/.

Building once:

pnpm run build

Building in watch mode:

pnpm run build --watch


Prettier: Formats code for developers and enforces a consistent formatting style. It's run on file save per VS Code settings and as a Git commit hook via husky and lint-staged. prettier-plugin-curly, prettier-plugin-sh, and prettier-plugin-packagejson add in more formatting as well.

Auto-formatting all files:

pnpm run format --write


ESLint: Static analysis for JavaScript code that detects likely logical issues and helps enforce consistent code style. Uses typescript-eslint to understand TypeScript syntax and include TypeScript-specific rules.

Linting all files:

pnpm run lint

Linting all files, auto-fixing fixable rule reports:

pnpm run lint --fix

Package Management

pnpm: Disk-efficient package manager alternative to npm. It caches packages in a computer-wide registry and symlinks installed packages within that registry.

Installing packages:

pnpm run install

Repository Templates

In code, assorted repository documentation files for GitHub are created:

GitHub Actions workflows are added for each of the enabled tooling pieces to run them in CI.

On the GitHub repository, metadata will be populated:

Type Checking

TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that ensures runtime behavior matches the code's intent. Configured with strict compiler options, including noImplicitAny and strict.

Type checking once:

pnpm run tsc

Type checking in watch mode:

pnpm run tsc --watch

"Common" Base Level

These added tooling pieces are those that aren't quite essential for a repository, but are still very commonly useful. This is recommended for most users of create-typescript-app to start with.


All Contributors: Tracks various kinds of contributions and displays them in a nicely formatted table in the Contributions will be auto-detected when possible using all-contributors-auto-action.

Lint Knip

Knip: Detects unused files, dependencies, and code exports.

Running Knip:

pnpm run lint:knip


release-it: Generates changelogs, bumps the package version, and publishes to GitHub and npm based on conventional commits.


Renovate: Keeps dependencies up-to-date with PRs, configured to wait a week after each update for safety.


Vitest: Fast unit tests, configured with coverage tracking.


Running tests in watch mode:

pnpm run test

Running tests in watch mode and auto-updating Vitest snapshots:

pnpm run test -u

Running tests once with coverage tracking:

pnpm run test run --coverage

"Everything" Base Level

This level is for developers who are eager to get the maximum tooling benefits in a repository. Using the "everything" level will gain you comprehensive, strict coverage of all sorts of repository issues, including auto-sorting of properties and strict ESLint configs.


PR Compliance Action: Checks PRs for compliance such as addressing a linked issue and proper title formatting.

Lint ESLint

@eslint-community/eslint-plugin-eslint-comments: Enforces proper usage of ESLint configuration comments.

Lint JSDoc

eslint-plugin-jsdoc: Enforces good practices around JSDoc comments.


eslint-plugin-jsonc: Adds linting for .json and .jsonc files.

Lint MD

Markdownlint: Linting for Markdown code.

pnpm lint:md

This is a separate linter from ESLint, but will likely eventually be switched to an ESLint plugin (#567).

Lint Package JSON

eslint-plugin-package-json: Linting for package.json files.

Lint Packages

Uses pnpm dedupe to deduplicate package dependencies.

pnpm lint:packages

This is grouped with "Lint" tooling pieces, but will likely eventually be renamed (#896).

Lint Perfectionist

eslint-plugin-perfectionist: Lints for sorting properties, imports, etc. This plugin is quite particular -perfectionist, even- but all its rules include auto-fixers that can correct complaints for you.

Lint Regexp

eslint-plugin-regexp: Detects issues with JavaScript regular expressions, such as potential exponential complexity.

Lint Spelling

CSpell: Spell checking for code. Helps detect typos based on a configurable user dictionary (cspell.json).

pnpm lint:spelling

This is a separate linter from ESLint, but will likely eventually be switched to an ESLint plugin (#897).

Lint Strict

Enables typescript-eslint's strict configs for increased scrutiny around code logic.

Lint Stylistic

Enables typescript-eslint's stylistic configs for increased scrutiny around consistent code style.

Lint YML

eslint-plugin-yml: Adds linting for yaml and .yml files, such as sorting keys.