Recall from the previous tutorial covering the data model that the object
class is the base
class of all classes. The directory function dir
can be used to view a list of the object
classes identifiers:
In [1]: dir(object)
Out [1]: [
'__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
'__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__',
'__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__'
When object
is input, followed by a dot .
the identifiers are typically listed alphabetically. However it is easier to understand the identifiers in the object
class when the identifiers are grouped by design pattern and purpose:
In [2]: object.
# -------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `object`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions:
# - __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) : Initializes the object.
# - __new__(*args, **kwargs) : Creates a new instance of the class.
# - __delattr__(self, name, /) : Defines behavior for when an attribute is deleted.
# - __dir__(self, /) : Default dir() implementation.
# - __sizeof__(self, /) : Returns the size of the object in memory, in bytes.
# - __eq__(self, value, /) : Checks for equality with another object.
# - __ne__(self, value, /) : Checks for inequality with another object.
# - __lt__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is less than another.
# - __le__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is less than or equal to another.
# - __gt__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is greater than another.
# - __ge__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is greater than or equal to another.
# - __repr__(self, /) : Returns a string representation of the object.
# - __str__(self, /) : Returns a string for display purposes.
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /) : Returns a formatted string representation of the object.
# - __hash__(self, /) : Returns a hash of the object.
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /) : Gets an attribute from the object.
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /) : Sets an attribute on the object.
# - __delattr__(self, name, /) : Deletes an attribute from the object.
# - __reduce__(self, /) : Prepares the object for pickling.
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /) : Similar to __reduce__, with a protocol argument.
# - __init_subclass__(...) : Called when a class is subclassed; default
# implementation does nothing.
# - __subclasshook__(...) : Customize issubclass() for abstract classes.
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - __class__ : The class of the object.
# - __doc__ : The docstring of the object.
# -------------------------------------
The directory function dir
can be used to view a list of the int
classes identifiers, notice it has many more identifiers:
In [2]: dir(int)
Out [2]: [
'__abs__', '__add__', '__and__', '__bool__', '__ceil__', '__class__',
'__delattr__', '__dir__', '__divmod__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__float__',
'__floor__', '__floordiv__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__',
'__getnewargs__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__index__', '__init__',
'__init_subclass__', '__int__', '__invert__', '__le__', '__lshift__',
'__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__neg__', '__new__', '__or__',
'__pos__', '__pow__', '__radd__', '__rand__', '__rdivmod__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rlshift__', '__rmod__',
'__rmul__', '__ror__', '__round__', '__rpow__', '__rrshift__', '__rshift__',
'__rsub__', '__rtruediv__', '__rxor__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
'__sub__', '__subclasshook__', '__truediv__', '__trunc__', '__xor__',
'bit_length', 'conjugate', 'denominator', 'from_bytes', 'imag', 'numerator', 'real',
Because, the object
is the base
class, it is present in the int
classes method resolution order:
In [3]: int.mro()
Out[3]: ['int', 'object']
Recall the int
class inherits everything from the object
class. Although some identifiers are redefined in the int
class for additional functionality. The int
class also has an abstract base class numbers.Number
and therefore has the behaviour of an immutable Number:
In [4]: import numbers
In [5]: issubclass(int, numbers.Number)
Out[5]: True
When int
is input, followed by a dot .
the identifiers are typically listed alphabetically. However it is easier to understand the identifiers in the int
class when the identifiers are grouped by design pattern and purpose:
In [6]: int.
# -------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `int`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions inherited from `object`:
# - __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) : Initializes the object.
# - __new__(*args, **kwargs) : Creates a new instance of the class.
# - __delattr__(self, name, /) : Defines behavior for when an attribute is deleted.
# - __dir__(self, /) : Default dir() implementation.
# - __sizeof__(self, /) : Returns the size of the object in memory, in bytes.
# - __eq__(self, value, /) : Checks for equality with another object.
# - __ne__(self, value, /) : Checks for inequality with another object.
# - __lt__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is less than another.
# - __le__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is less than or equal to another.
# - __gt__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is greater than another.
# - __ge__(self, value, /) : Checks if the object is greater than or equal to another.
# - __repr__(self, /) : Returns a string representation of the object.
# - __str__(self, /) : Returns a string for display purposes.
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /) : Returns a formatted string representation of the object.
# - __hash__(self, /) : Returns a hash of the object.
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /) : Gets an attribute from the object.
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /) : Sets an attribute on the object.
# - __reduce__(self, /) : Prepares the object for pickling.
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /) : Similar to __reduce__, with a protocol argument.
# - __init_subclass__(...) : Called when a class is subclassed; default implementation does nothing.
# - __subclasshook__(...) : Customize issubclass() for abstract classes.
# 🔍 Attributes inherited from `object`:
# - __class__ : The class of the object.
# - __doc__ : The docstring of the object.
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Additional Functions:
# - __bool__(self, /) : Returns True if the integer is non-zero.
# - __int__(self, /) : Returns the integer itself.
# - __float__(self, /) : Converts the integer to a float.
# - __index__(self, /) : Returns the integer, used for slicing.
# 🔄 Rounding Functions:
# - __round__(self, /[, ndigits]) : Returns the number rounded to ndigits precision.
# - __trunc__(self, /) : Returns the truncated version of the number.
# - __floor__(self, /) : Returns the floor of the number.
# - __ceil__(self, /) : Returns the ceiling of the number.
# 🧮 Unitary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __neg__(self, /) : Returns the negation of the integer (-self).
# - __pos__(self, /) : Returns the positive value (+self).
# - __abs__(self, /) : Returns the absolute value of the integer.
# ➕ Binary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __add__(self, value, /) : Returns the sum of two integers (self + value).
# - __sub__(self, value, /) : Returns the difference between two integers (self - value).
# - __mul__(self, value, /) : Returns the product of two integers (self * value).
# - __truediv__(self, value, /) : Returns the quotient of two integers (self / value).
# - __floordiv__(self, value, /) : Returns the integer quotient of two integers (self // value).
# - __mod__(self, value, /) : Returns the remainder of division (self % value).
# - __pow__(self, value, /) : Returns self raised to the power of value (self ** value).
# 🔄 Binary Reflection Arithmetic Operators:
# - __radd__(self, value, /) : Reflects addition (value + self).
# - __rsub__(self, value, /) : Reflects subtraction (value - self).
# - __rmul__(self, value, /) : Reflects multiplication (value * self).
# - __rtruediv__(self, value, /) : Reflects true division (value / self).
# - __rfloordiv__(self, value, /) : Reflects floor division (value // self).
# - __rmod__(self, value, /) : Reflects modulo operation (value % self).
# - __rpow__(self, value, /) : Reflects power operation (value ** self).
# 🧮 Unitary Bitwise Operators:
# - __invert__(self, /) : Returns the bitwise inverse (~self).
# - bit_length(self) : Returns the number of bits necessary to represent the
# integer in binary, excluding the sign bit.
# - bit_count(self) : Returns the number of ones in the binary representation
# of the integer.
# 🔧 Binary Bitwise Operators:
# - __and__(self, value, /) : Performs bitwise AND (self & value).
# - __or__(self, value, /) : Performs bitwise OR (self | value).
# - __xor__(self, value, /) : Performs bitwise XOR (self ^ value).
# - __lshift__(self, value, /) : Shifts the bits of self to the left by value places (self << value).
# - __rshift__(self, value, /) : Shifts the bits of self to the right by value places (self >> value).
# 🔄 Binary Reflection Bitwise Operators:
# - __rand__(self, value, /) : Reflects bitwise AND (value & self).
# - __ror__(self, value, /) : Reflects bitwise OR (value | self).
# - __rxor__(self, value, /) : Reflects bitwise XOR (value ^ self).
# - __rlshift__(self, value, /) : Reflects left bit shift (value << self).
# - __rrshift__(self, value, /) : Reflects right bit shift (value >> self).
# -------------------------------------
# Compatibility with `bytes`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions:
# - from_bytes(cls, bytes, byteorder, /) : Returns the integer represented by the given array of bytes.
# - to_bytes(self, length, byteorder, /) : Returns an array of bytes representing the integer.
# -------------------------------
# Compatibility with `fractions.Fraction`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Attributes:
# - numerator : The numerator of the fraction.
# - denominator : The denominator of the fraction.
# -------------------------------------
# Compatibility with `complex`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - real : The real part of the complex number.
# - imag : The imaginary part of the complex number.
# 🔧 Functions:
# - conjugate(self, /) : Returns the conjugate of the number.
# 📦 Other Identifiers and Special Methods:
# - __getnewargs__(self, /) : Used during unpickling to retrieve arguments for creating the object.
The directory function dir
can be used to view a list of the float
classes identifiers:
In [7]: dir(float)
Out[7]: ['__abs__', '__add__', '__bool__', '__ceil__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__',
'__divmod__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__float__', '__floor__', '__floordiv__',
'__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getformat__', '__getnewargs__',
'__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__int__',
'__le__', '__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__neg__', '__new__', '__pos__',
'__pow__', '__radd__', '__rdivmod__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__',
'__rfloordiv__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__round__', '__rpow__', '__rsub__',
'__rtruediv__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__sub__',
'__subclasshook__', '__truediv__', '__trunc__', 'as_integer_ratio', 'conjugate',
'fromhex', 'hex', 'imag', 'is_integer', 'real'
The float
class also follows the design pattern of the abstract base class immutable numbers.Number
and therefore has the behaviour of a Number which is why the identifiers above have consistency with the int
In [8]: float.mro()
Out[8]: [float, object]
In [9]: issubclass(float, numbers.Number)
Out[9]: True
When float
is input, followed by a dot .
the identifiers are typically listed alphabetically. However it is easier to understand the identifiers in the float
class when the identifiers are grouped by design pattern and purpose:
In [10]: float.
# -------------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `float`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions inherited from `object`:
# - __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
# - __new__(*args, **kwargs)
# - __delattr__(self, name, /)
# - __dir__(self, /)
# - __sizeof__(self, /)
# - __eq__(self, value, /)
# - __ne__(self, value, /)
# - __lt__(self, value, /)
# - __le__(self, value, /)
# - __gt__(self, value, /)
# - __ge__(self, value, /)
# - __repr__(self, /)
# - __str__(self, /)
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /)
# - __hash__(self, /)
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /)
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
# - __reduce__(self, /)
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /)
# - __init_subclass__(...)
# - __subclasshook__(...)
# 🔍 Attributes inherited from `object`:
# - __class__
# - __doc__
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Additional Functions:
# - __bool__(self, /)
# - __float__(self, /)
# - __int__(self, /)
# - is_integer(self, /) # Returns True if the float is an integer.
# - as_integer_ratio(self, /) # Returns a tuple of the integer ratio.
# 🧪 Compatibility with Hexadecimal Strings:
# - fromhex(self, /) # Converts a hexadecimal string to a float.
# - hex(self, /) # Returns a hexadecimal representation of the float.
# 🔄 Rounding Functions:
# - __round__(self, /[, ndigits])
# - __trunc__(self, /)
# - __floor__(self, /)
# - __ceil__(self, /)
# 🧮 Unitary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __neg__(self, /)
# - __pos__(self, /)
# - __abs__(self, /)
# ➕ Binary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __add__(self, value, /)
# - __sub__(self, value, /)
# - __mul__(self, value, /)
# - __truediv__(self, value, /)
# - __floordiv__(self, value, /)
# - __mod__(self, value, /)
# - __pow__(self, value, /)
# ➕ Binary Reflection Arithmetic Operators:
# - __radd__(self, value, /)
# - __rsub__(self, value, /)
# - __rmul__(self, value, /)
# - __rtruediv__(self, value, /)
# - __rfloordiv__(self, value, /)
# - __rmod__(self, value, /)
# - __rpow__(self, value, /)
# -------------------------------------
# Compatibility with `complex`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - real : The real part of the complex number.
# - imag : The imaginary part of the complex number.
# 🔧 Functions:
# - conjugate(self, /) : Returns the conjugate of the number.
# -------------------------------------
# Compatibility with `bytes`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions:
# - from_bytes(cls, bytes, byteorder, /) : Returns the integer represented by the given array of bytes.
# - to_bytes(self, length, byteorder, /) : Returns an array of bytes representing the integer.
# -------------------------------------
# Other Identifiers and Special Methods:
# - __getnewargs__(self, /) # Used during unpickling to retrieve arguments for creating the object.
If the method resolution order of the bool
class is examined:
In [11]: bool.mro()
Out[11]: [bool, int, object]
Notice that the int
class is a base class:
In [12]: help(bool)
Help on class bool in module builtins:
class bool(int)
| bool(x) -> bool
| Returns True when the argument x is true, False otherwise.
| The builtins True and False are the only two instances of the class bool.
| The class bool is a subclass of the class int, and cannot be subclassed.
| Method resolution order:
| bool
| int
| object
| Methods defined here:
| __repr__(self, /)
| Return repr(self).
| __and__(self, value, /)
| Return self&value.
| __or__(self, value, /)
| Return self|value.
| __xor__(self, value, /)
| Return self^value.
| __rand__(self, value, /)
| Return value&self.
| __ror__(self, value, /)
| Return value|self.
| __rxor__(self, value, /)
| Return value^self.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Static methods defined here:
| __new__(*args, **kwargs)
| Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from int:
| ⁝
In [13]: exit
Integers are whole numbers with unit steps. They can be instantiated explictly using the int
class however because they are a builtins
class the shorthand way of instantiating them is preferred as shown in the return value of each cell. Recall the return value is the print out of the formal representation:
In [1]: int(123)
Out[1]: 123
In [2]: int(12)
Out[2]: 12
In [3]: int(1)
Out[3]: 1
Floating point numbers have a decimal point. These can be explicitly instantiated using the float
class however the return value shows the preferred shorthand way of instantiation:
In [4]: float(100.)
Out[4]: 100.0
In [5]: float(1.1)
Out[5]: 1.1
In [6]: float(0.1)
Out[6]: 1.1
There are only two boolean instances. These can explicitly be instantiated using the bool
class however the return value shows the preferred shorthand way of instantiation. Notice that the syntax highlighting recognises these as bool
In [7]: bool(True)
Out[7]: True
In [8]: bool(False)
Out[8]: False
The int
, float
and bool
classes are typically used as casting functions, casting an instance of one builtins
class to another builtins
In [9]: int(456.7) # .7 is truncated
Out[9]: 456
In [10]: float(456) # .0 added
Out[10]: 456.0
In [11]: bool(0) # zero
Out[11]: False
In [12]: bool(5) # non-zero
Out[12]: True
In [13]: bool(-5) # non-zero
Out[13]: True
In [14]: bool(0.0) # zero
Out[14]: False
In [15]: bool(0.1) # non-zero
Out[15]: True
In [16]: int(False)
Out[16]: 0
In [17]: int(True)
Out[17]: 1
In [18]: float(False)
Out[18]: 0.0
In [19]: float(True)
Out[19]: 1.0
In [20]: int('2') # base 10
Out[20]: 2
In [21]: int('0b10101010', base=2)
Out[21]: 171
In [22]: int('0xaa', base=16)
Out[22]: 171
In [23]: float('456.7')
Out[23]: 456.7
In [24]: bool('') # empty string
Out[24]: False
In [25]: bool('False') # non-empty string
Out[25]: True
In [26]: str(1)
Out[26]: '1'
In [27]: str(456.7)
Out[27]: '456.7'
In [28]: str(False)
Out[28]: 'False'
If the following strings of floating point numbers are examined:
In [29]: for num in range(9, -1, -1):
: print('0.'+num*'0'+'123')
: for num in range(18):
: print('123'+num*'0'+'.')
The default formal representation of these floating point numbers can be seen by casting the str
instances to float
In [30]: for num in range(9, -1, -1):
: print(float('0.'+num*'0'+'123'))
: for num in range(18):
: print(float('123'+num*'0'+'.'))
Notice that the formal representation prefers scientific notation format for very small and very large numbers and the fixed format for numbers that would have the exponential power of -4
to 15
If the following number is examined, the process of conventing it to scientific notation can be explored. Division is carried out until there is a unit:
In [31]: 123 # 0 (no division)
In [32]: 123 / 10 # 1 (1st division)
Out[32]: 12.3
In [33]: 12.3 / 10 # 2 (2nd division)
Out[33]: 1.23
The number of divisions is essentially the exponent and the final result is the mantissa. Notice that raising ten to the power of the exponent cancels out the divisions:
In [34]: mantissa = 1.23
: exponent = +2
In [35]: (1 / (10 * 10)) * (10 ** exponent) # unchanged
Out[35]: 1
The number can be constructed using the form mantissa e exponent
(without spaces):
In [36]: 1.23e2
Out[36]: 123.0
In [37]: 1.23 e 2
Cell In[37], line 1
1.23 e 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Let's look at a smaller number now. Multiplication is carried out until there is a unit:
In [38]: 0.000456 # 0 (no multiplication)
In [39]: 0.000456 * 10 # -1 (1st multipication)
Out[39]: 0.00456
In [40]: 0.00456 * 10 # -2 (2nd multiplication)
Out[40]: 0.0456 * 10 # -3 (3rd multiplication)
In [41]: 0.456 * 10 # -4 (4th multiplication)
Out[41]: 4.56
The number of divisions is essentially the exponent (multiplication is the reverse process of division giving a negative exponent) and the final result is the mantissa. Notice that raising ten to the power of the exponent cancels out the multiplications:
In [42]: mantissa = 4.56
: exponent = -4
In [43]: (1 * (10 * 10 * 10 * 10)) * (10 ** exponent) # unchanged
Out[43]: 1
The number can be constructed using the form mantissa e exponent
(without spaces):
In [44]: 4.56e-4
Out[44]: 0.000456
Sometimes unexpected rounding deviations will crop up when using float
In [45]: 0.1 + 0.2
Out[45]: 0.30000000000000004
In [46]: exit
Although the float
is displayed using a base of 10
, internally it is stored on the computers memory which recall uses a base of 2
and is typically grouped into units of 8 known as a byte:
# displayed
mantissa_base_10 * (10 ** exponent_base_10)
# stored
mantissa_base_2 * (2 ** exponent_base_2)
A float
also known as a float64 uses 64 bits and therefore occupies 8 bytes. The pickle
module is used to serialise a Python object
converting it into a byte stream:
In [1]: import pickle
In [2]: pickle.dumps(0.2)
Out[2]: b'\x80\x04\x95\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00G?\xc9\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\x9a.'
Recall that a byte will be represented by an ascii character if it is printable or by its hexadecimal escape character if its non-printable. To view all the bytes in hexadecimal the bytes
method hex
can be used:
In [3]: pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()
Out[3]: '8004950a00000000000000473fc999999999999a2e'
The hexadecimal string returned contains the hexadecimal data however it is enclosed in information which details the pickle protocol:
Hexadecimal | Index | Purpose | Details |
80 | 0-2 | Start OptCode | pickle.PROTO.hex() |
04 | 2-4 | Protocol Version | pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL |
95 | 4-6 | Frame OptCode | pickle.FRAME.hex() |
0a00000000000000 | 6-22 | Frame Size | 8 bytes little endian |
47 | 22-24 | binary float protocol | pickle.BINFLOAT |
3fc999999999999a | 24-40 | data as hex | 0.2 |
2e | 40-42 | Stop OptCode | pickle.STOP.hex() |
Selecting only the data:
In [4]: pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40]
Out[4]: '3fc999999999999a'
It can be cast into an int
In [5]: int(pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40], base=16)
Out[5]: 4596373779694328218
And then displayed in binary:
In [6]: bin(int(pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40], base=16))
Out[6]: '0b11111111001001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010'
This should have 64 bits, for clarity the leading zeros will be shown:
In [7]: '0b' + bin(int(pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40], base=16)).removeprefix('0b').zfill(64)
Out[7]: '0b0011111111001001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010'
Compare this to another number:
In [8]: '0b' + bin(int(pickle.dumps(0.125).hex()[24:40], base=16)).removeprefix('0b').zfill(64)
Out[8]: '0b0011111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
Notice 0.2
has a recurring pattern 1100...
whereas 0.125
has a series of trailing zeros. Therefore 0.125
is encoded precisely in binary but 0.2
is not and recurs. Moreover because there are only 64 bits, the number is eventually truncated leading to the rounding deviation. Rounding deviations also occur in decimal but are less common as there are 10 characters used to represent a number instead of 2:
In [9]: 1 / 3
Out[9]: 0.3333333333333333
In [10]: 10 / 3
Out[10]: 3.3333333333333335
The IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format uses 1 bit for the sign, 11 bits for the biased exponent and 53 bits for the mantissa:
In [11]: data = bin(int(pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40], base=16)).removeprefix('0b').zfill(64)
In [12]: data[0], data[1:12], data[12:]
Out[12]: ('0', '01111111100', '1001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010')
This is essentially a form of scientific notation using a binary base. Some further optimations have been made in order to optimise memory efficiency.
In [13]: sign_bits, biased_exponent_bits, mantissa_bits = data[0], data[1:12], data[12:]
For the sign:
In [14]: if sign_bits == '0':
: sign = '+'
: else:
: sign = '-'
: sign
Out[14]: '+'
The exponent is biased, so it is always a positive number, this biased can be removed:
In [15]: biased_exponent_int = int('0b'+biased_exponent_bits, base=2)
: offset = 1023
: unbiased_exponent_int = biased_exponent_int - offset
: unbiased_exponent_int
Out[15]: -3
In [16]: unbiased_exponent_binary = bin(unbiased_exponent_int)
: unbiased_exponent_binary
Out[16]: '-0b11'
Every number in a binary mantissa begins with 1
because binary scientific notation places the first non-zero number, which in binary can only be 1
in front of the binary point and this is not shown in order to conserve memory:
In [17]: mantissa_binary = '0b1.' + mantissa_bits
: mantissa_binary
Out[17]: '0b1.1001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010'
Therefore the number in binary scientific notation essentially is:
In [18]: sign + mantissa_binary + 'p' + unbiased_exponent_binary
Out[18]: '+0b1.1001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010p-0b11'
Here p
represents the power. As binary is hard to read for a human, the hexadecimal format is preferred. Returning to the hexadecimal string, the sign and the exponent occupy the first 1 bit and 11 bits respectively and 12 bits is 6 hexadecimal characters:
In [19]: pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40]
Out[19]: '3fc999999999999a'
So the matissa becomes:
In [20]: pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40][3:]
Out[20]: '999999999999a'
In [21]: '0x' + '1.' + pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40][3:]
Out[21]: '0x1.999999999999a'
This gets combined with the sign and the unbiased exponent represented as an integer in the float
hexadecimal format:
In [22]: sign + '0x' + '1.' + pickle.dumps(0.2).hex()[24:40][3:] + str(unbiased_exponent_int)
Out[22]: '+0x1.999999999999a-3'
The float
method hex
can be used to get this format:
In [23]: 0.2.hex()
Out[23]: '0x1.999999999999ap-3'
Notice in the above, the .
is used as part of the float
indicating a decimal point and is also used to access an identifier from this float
instance. This syntax can be confusing and does not work with an int
In [24]: 2.real
Cell In[24], line 1
SyntaxError: invalid decimal literal
Parethesis are used to emphasise that the instance is an int
and not a float
In [25]: (2).real
Out[25]: 2
Code is more readible when the float
instance is also in parenthesis:
In [25]: (0.2).real
Out[25]: 0.2
In [26]: (0.2).hex()
Out[26]: '0x1.999999999999ap-3'
The float
class has the fromhex
class method which is an alternative constructor from this format:
In [27]: float.fromhex('+0x1.999999999999ap-3')
Out[27]: 0.2
Recall 0.125
is encoded precisely in binary and the trailing zeros in the hexadecimal mantissa can be observed:
In [28]: (0.125).hex()
Out[28]: '0x1.0000000000000p-3'
If the following hexadecimal values are observed:
In [29]: (0.1).hex()
Out[29]: '0x1.999999999999ap-4'
In [30]: (0.2).hex()
Out[30]: '0x1.999999999999ap-3'
In [31]: (0.1+0.2).hex()
Out[31]: '0x1.3333333333334p-2'
In [32]: (0.3).hex()
Out[32]: '0x1.3333333333333p-2'
Notice that 0.1+0.2
and 0.3
are different from one another and as a result of this rounding deviation:
In [33]: 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3
Out[33]: False
instances do not have this rounding deviation:
In [34]: 1 + 2 == 3
Out[34]: True
The data model method __round__
controls the behaviour of the builtins
function round
. For a float
it will by default round to an int
In [35]: round(4.567)
Out[35]: 5
Compare this to casting to an int
which truncates the component past the decimal point:
In [36]: int(4.567)
Out[36]: 4
The round
function has an optional input argument, the number of digits to round down to:
In [37]: round(4.567, 2)
Out[37]: 4.56
In [38]: round(4.567, 1)
Out[38]: 4.6
And therefore:
In [34]: round(0.1 + 0.2, 6) == round(0.3, 6)
Out[34]: True
There are three rounding related functions that are less commonly used and are therefore comparmetalised into the math
module. The data model method __floor__
defines the behaviour of the math.floor
function returning the next integer above and the data model method __ceil__
defines the behaviour of the math.ceil
function returning the previous integer. The data model method __trunc__
defines the behaviour of math.trunc
which effectively is the same as casting to an int
but can sometimes be more readible:
In [35]: import math
In [36]: math.floor(4.567)
Out[36]: 4
In [37]: math.floor(-4.567)
Out[37]: -5
In [38]: math.ceil(4.567)
Out[38]: 5
In [39]: math.ceil(-4.567)
Out[39]: -4
In [40]: math.trunc(4.567)
Out[40]: 4
In [41]: math.trunc(-4.567)
Out[41]: -4
will also check to see if two float
instances are close to one another with respect to a tolerence:
In [42]: math.isclose(0.3, 0.1+0.2, abs_tol=1e-6)
Out[42]: True
The absolute tolerance of 1e-6
means the number lies between the following boundaries:
In [43]: format(0.3-1e-6, '019.17f')
Out[43]: '0.29999900000000002'
In [44]: format(0.3+1e-6, '019.17f')
Out[44]: '0.30000099999999996'
In this case:
In [45]: format(0.1+0.2, '019.17f')
Out[45]: '0.30000000000000004'
Because a float
instance is encoded to a fixed number of bits, large numbers are much more widely spaced than smaller numbers. The function math.ulp
(unit in last place) returns the value that is essentially the next available up or down. A small float
instance can be examined for example 0.1
. Because of the rounding deviation due to binary encoding, notice the 17th value past the decimal point is 1
instead of 0
. The unit in last place steps using this 17th decimal place:
In [46]: format(0.1, '019.17f')
Out[46]: '0.10000000000000001'
In [47]: format(math.ulp(0.1), '019.17f')
Out[47]: '0.00000000000000001'
A large float
instance can be examined for example 1e18
. Notice that the unit in last palce is now 128
In [48]: format(1e18,'019.0f')
Out[48]: '1000000000000000000'
In [49]: format(math.ulp(1e18), '019.0f')
Out[49]: '0000000000000000128'
Calculations generally depend on the relative precision of each float
and in either case the relative precision is approximately 1e-16
In [50]: math.ulp(0.1) / 0.1
Out[50]: 1.3877787807814457e-16
In [51]: math.ulp(1e18) / 1e18
Out[51]: 1.28e-16
The related function math.nextafter
will compute the next number from x
going towards y
In [52]: format(math.nextafter(1e18, 2e18), '019.0f')
Out[52]: '1000000000000000128'
The rounding deviation can propogate when summing a sequence of float
instances. The function floating point sum fsum
carries out additional checks to combat these rounding deviations:
In [53]: sum([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2])
Out[53]: 0.9000000000000001
In [54]: math.fsum([0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2])
Out[54]: 0.9
In [55]: exit
Numeric instances do not have escape characters and therefore the data model methods __repr__
and __str__
which define the behaviour of the builtins
function repr
and builtins
class str
are consistent:
In [1]: repr(4.567)
Out[1]: '4.567'
In [2]: str(4.567)
Out[2]: '4.567'
In [3]: repr(0.0000123)
Out[3]: '1.23e-05'
In [4]: str(0.0000123)
Out[4]: '1.23e-05'
Recall that the cell output shows the print out of the formal representation:
In [5]: print(repr(4.567))
The __format__
data model defines how these classes operate with the builtins
function format
. This is used as a format specifier within the str
method format
method or more commonly within a fstring:
In [6]: format(12, '') # (12).__format__('')
Out[6]: '12'
The format
function accepts a format specifier for example d
denotes a decimal integer:
In [7]: format(12, 'd') # decimal integer
Out[7]: '12'
In [8]: format(12, '4d') # width of 4
Out[8]: ' 12'
In [9]: format(12, '04d') # show leading zeros
Out[9]: '0012'
denotes a character:
In [10]: num1 = 97
: chr(num1)
Out[10]: 'a'
In [11]: num2 = 945
: chr(num2)
Out[11]: 'α'
In [12]: format(num1, 'c') # character
Out[12]: 'a'
In [13]: format(num1, '4c') # width of 4
Out[13]: ' a'
In [14]: format(num1, '04c') # show leading zeros
Out[14]: '000a'
denotes binary:
In [15]: num1 = 97 # 1 byte
: bin(num1)
Out[15]: '0b1100001'
In [16]: num2 = 945 # 2 bytes
: bin(num2)
Out[16]: '0b1110110001'
In [17]: format(num1, 'b') # binary
Out[17]: '1100001'
In [18]: format(num1, '8b') # width of 8
Out[18]: ' 1100001'
In [19]: format(num1, '08b') # show leading zeros
Out[19]: '01100001'
In [20]: format(num2, '016b')
Out[20]: '0000001110110001'
In [21]: format(num2, '#018b') # # shows the 0b prefix (width + 2)
Out[21]: '0b0000001110110001'
denotes hexadecimal:
In [22]: num1 = 97 # 1 byte
: hex(num1)
Out[22]: '0x61'
In [23]: num2 = 945 # 2 bytes
: hex(num2)
Out[23]: '0x3b1'
In [24]: format(num1, 'x') # hexadecimal
Out[24]: '61'
In [25]: format(num2, 'x')
Out[25]: '3b1'
In [25]: format(num2, '4x') # width of 4
Out[25]: ' 3b1'
In [26]: format(num2, '04x') # show leading zeros
Out[26]: '03b1'
In [27]: format(num2, '#06x') # # shows the 0x prefix (width + 2)
Out[27]: '0x03b1'
Capital X
will capitalize the above (less common):
In [28]: format(num2, '#06X') # # shows the 0x prefix (width + 2)
Out[28]: '0X03B1'
denotes the fixed format:
In [29]: num1 = 0.00000123
: num1
Out[29]: 1.23e-06
In [30]: format(num1, 'f')
Out[30]: '0.000001'
In [31]: format(num1, '10f') # width
Out[31]: ' 0.000001'
In [32]: format(num1, '010f') # show trailing zeros
Out[32]: '000.000001'
In [33]: format(num1, '010.7f') # precision of 7
Out[33]: '000.0000012'
denotes the scientific notation format:
In [34]: num1 = 1.23e-04
: num1
Out[34]: 0.000123
In [35]: format(num1, 'e') # scientific notation format
Out[35]: '1.230000e-04'
In [36]: format(num1, '14e') # width
Out[36]: ' 1.230000e-04'
In [37]: format(num1, '014e') # show trailing zeros
Out[37]: '001.230000e-04'
In [38]: format(num1, '014.7e') # precision of 7
Out[38]: '01.2300000e-04'
Capital E
will capitalize the above (less common):
In [39]: format(num1, '014.7E') # precision of 7
Out[39]: '01.2300000E-04'
is the general format, essentially fixed or exponential depending on the value (same as the default):
In [40]: num1 = 0.0000123
: num1
Out[40]: 1.23e-05
In [41]: num2 = 1.23e-04
: num2
Out[41]: 0.000123
In [42]: format(num1, 'g')
Out[42]: '1.23e-05'
In [43]: format(num2, 'g')
Out[43]: '0.000123'
The width and trailing zeros can be specified however the precision is normally automatic when g
is used. Upper G
is the same as g
but displays scientific notation with upper case E
instead of lower case e
is the percentage format, note the value is multiplied by 100
In [44]: num1 = 0.00123
In [45]: format(num1, '%')
Out[45]: '0.123000%'
In [46]: format(num1, '7.3%') # width of 7 and precision of 3
Out[46]: ' 0.123%'
The format
function was implicitly used which takes the valeu to be formated and the format specification as positional input arguments:
In [47]: format(1.23e-04, '010.7f')
Out[47]: '00.0001230'
A fstring is prepended with f f'...'
and a set of braces is used f'...{}...'
to insert a value f'...{value}...'
. A format specifier can be supplied alongside the value f'...{value:format_spec}...'
In [48]: f'{1.23e-04:010.7f}'
Out[48]: '00.0001230'
In [49]: f'num1 = {1.23e-04:010.7f}'
Out[49]: 'num1 = 00.0001230'
This is the more typical way of using a formatted string:
In [50]: exit
The following three measurements show vastly quantities:
In [1]: radius_hydrogen = 1.2e-10
: radius_human = 1.0
: radius_sun = 6.957e8
In [2]: f'{radius_hydrogen:024.12f}'
Out[2]: '00000000000.000000000120'
In [3]: f'{radius_human:024.12f}'
Out[3]: '00000000001.000000000000'
In [4]: f'{radius_sun:024.12f}'
Out[4]: '00695700000.000000000000'
Notice that when the very large and very small quantity are added, that the large quantity is returned unaltered:
In [5]: f'{radius_sun + radius_hydrogen:024.12f}'
Out[5]: '00695700000.000000000000'
This is because the large quantities uncertainty is much larger than the smaller quantity. Recall that this example involes the sun which is a very large object that is constituted of a very large number of hydrogen atoms, the difference of 1 hydrogen atom becomes negligible compared to the overall uncertainty.
When the very large and very small quantity are multiplied, the following result corresponds to the number of hydrogen atoms along the radius of the sun:
In [6]: f'{radius_sun * radius_hydrogen:024.12f}'
Out[6]: '00000000000.083484000000'
These values are normally express in scientific notation. For multiplication, the mantissas are multiplied and the powers are added:
In [7]: radius_hydrogen = 1.2e-10
: radius_sun = 6.957e8
In [8]: mantissa = 6.957 * 1.200
: mantissa
Out[8]: 8.3484
In [9]: exponent = 8 + (-10)
: exponent
In [10]: -2
In [11]: exit
For division, the mantissas are divided and the powers subtracted.
Unitary data model methods define the behaviour of a unitary operator. For an int
or float
using the +
operator returns the int
or float
unchanged and using the -
operator returns the int
and float
with the opposite sign:
In [1]: +2 # (2).__pos__()
Out[1]: 2
In [2]: -2 # (2).__neg__()
Out[2]: -2
For a bool
, these methods are inherited from the int
class without modification and therefore return an int
instance. If +
is examined:
In [3]: +False # (False).__pos__()
Out[3]: 0
In [4]: +True # (True).__pos__()
Out[4]: 1
It can be seen that the bool
instance False
is equivalent to the int
instance 0
and the bool instance True
is equivalent to the int
instance 1
. This behaviour is also seen when the -
operator is used:
In [5]: -False # (False).__neg__()
Out[5]: 0
In [6]: -True # (True).__neg__()
Out[6]: -1
The abs
function returns the absolute value of a number, essentially providing the number without the sign:
In [7]: abs(2) # (2).__abs__()
Out[7]: 2
In [8]: abs(-2) # (-2).__abs__()
Out[8]: 2
The int
class has the data model __index__
which allows an int
to be used to index into a Collection
such as a str
to retrieve a value. This also allows use of an int
instances to construct a slice
instance or a range
In [9]: 'python'[0]
Out[9]: 'p'
In [10]: 'python'[1]
Out[10]: 'y'
In [11]: 'python'[2]
Out[11]: 't'
In [11]: 'python'[0:2:1]
Out[11]: 'py'
In [12]: 'python'[slice(0, 2, 1)]
Out[12]: 'py'
In [13]: tuple(range(0, 2, 1))
Out[13]: (0, 1)
Recall that Python uses zero-order indexing and therefore slicing is inclusive of the start bound and exclusive of the stop bound (going up to but not includign the stop bound itself). Since a bool
is a subclass of an int
and __index__
is inherited from the int
class indexing with a bool
is the euivalent of indexing with 0
and 1
In [14]: 'python'[False]
Out[14]: 'p'
In [15]: 'python'[True]
Out[15]: 'y'
The __index__
method is not defined in the float
class and even if the float
is equal in value to an integer cannot be used for slicing:
In [16]: (0.0).is_integer()
Out[16]: True
In [17]: 'python'[0.0]
SyntaxWarning: str indices must be integers or slices, not float; perhaps you missed a comma?
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cell In[17], line 1
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not 'float'
In [18]: exit
A binary operator carries out an operation between two instances. The binary operator is called from the left instance and applied to the right instance. This is seen more clearly when the data model method is explicitly used:
In [1]: 2 + 3 # (2).__add__(3)
Out[1]: 5
In this case the instance that the data model is called from is known as self (in this case 2
) and the value that the data model method is applied to is called value. The return result is 5
In the following 3
is self and 2
is value:
In [2]: 3 + 2 # (3).__add__(2)
Out[2]: 5
The data model methods in the float
class are set up for interoperability with int
instances, essentially, the int
is cast into a float
and the operator therefore treats the int
instance as a float
instance, carrying out the operation between two float instances:
In [3]: 3.14 + 2 # (3.14).__add__(2)
Out[3]: 5.140000000000001
Note in the above, the float
instance 3.14
is self and the int
instance 2
is value.
If the data model method __add__
is implicitly called from self the int
instance 2
and applied to value the float
instance 3.14
, NotImplemented
is returned instead of a result
In [4]: (2).__add__(3.14)
Out[4]: NotImplemented
Since __add__
between an int
(self) and float
(value) is NotImplemented
, instructions are looked for in __radd__
(dunder reverse add) between a float
(self) and int
(value) which does have an implementation, casting the int
to a float
instance and carrying out addition:
In [5]: (3.14).__radd__(2)
Out[5]: 5.140000000000001
This means the float
data model method __radd__
is implictly used when the +
operator is used from an int
instance and applied to a float
In [6]: 2 + 3.14 # (3.14).__radd__(2)
Out[6]: 5.140000000000001
In the bool
class this method is inherited from the int
class without modification and the bool
instance is equivalent to 0
or 1
In [7]: True + 2 # (True).__add__(2)
Out[7]: 3
The binary operator -
performs numeric subtraction from self by value:
In [8]: 2 - 3 # (2).__sub__(3)
Out[8]: -1
In [9]: 2 - 3.14 # (3.14).__rsub__(2)
Out[9]: -1.1400000000000001
In [10]: False - 3 # (False).__sub__(3)
Out[10]: -3
The binary operator *
performs numeric subtraction from self by value:
In [9]: 2 * 3 # (2).__mul__(3)
Out[9]: 6
In [10]: 2 * 3.14 # (3.14).__rmul__(2)
Out[10]: 6.28
In [11]: False * 3 # (False).__mul__(3)
Out[11]: 0
The binary operator **
raises self to the power of value:
In [12]: (2 * 2 * 2) # power of 3
Out[12]: 8
In [13]: 2 ** 3 # (2).__pow__(3)
Out[13]: 8
The binary operator /
divides self by value always returning a float
In [14]: 2 / 4 # (2).__truediv__(4)
Out[14]: 0.5
In [15]: 4 / 2 # (4).__truediv__(2)
Out[15]: 2.0
In [16]: 4 / 3.14 # (3.14).__rtruediv__(4)
Out[16]: 1.2738853503184713
The binary operators //
and %
divide self by value returning an int
number of divisions and an int
remainder respectively:
In [17]: 5 // 2 # (5).__floordiv__(2)
Out[17]: 2
In [18]: 5 % 2 # (5).__mod__(2)
Out[18]: 1
The combination below is carried out frequently:
In [19]: 5 // 2, 5 % 2
Out[19]: (2, 1)
And is implemented by the builtins
function divmod
In [20]: divmod(5, 2) # (5).__divmod__(2)
Out[20]: (2, 1)
The numeric classes are immutable and therefore do not have inplace data model methods operators assigned.
In [21]: num = 2
: num = (num + 3) # carry out operation in parenthesis first
: # num = (2 + 3)
: # num = 5
: num
Out[21]: 5
Any operation on the right hand side of an assignment operator is evaluated to a value. This value is then assigned to the object
name (or label) on the left hand side of the assignment operator:
In [22]: num = 2
: num = num + 3
: num
Out[22]: 5
This can be written shorthand by combining the addition operator and the assignment operator:
In [23]: num = 2
: num += 3
: num
Out[23]: 5
This is the inplace assignment operator however because the int
is immutable, this operator performs two operations (evaluation of the right hand expression using the original self 2
and value 3
and then reassignment of the return result 5
to the original object
name num
The other binary operators can be combined with the assignment operator in a similar manner.
The math
module has a number of identifiers that complement the above. It can be imported using:
In [24]: import math
The floating-point absolute math.fabs
function behaves similarly to the abs
function however will always return a float
instance even when the input argument is an int
In [25]: abs(-3)
Out[25]: 3
In [26]: math.fabs(-3)
Out[26]: 3.0
The math.copysign
function will copy the sign from y
and apply it to x
In [27]: math.copysign(-5, 2)
Out[27]: 5.0
The math.pow
function behaves similarly to the operator **
but likewise always returns a float
In [28]: 3 ** 2
Out[28]: 9
In [29]: math.pow(3, 2)
Out[29]: 9.0
The functions math.sqrt
and math.isqrt
compute the square root and the integer square root respectively:
In [30]: math.sqrt(9)
Out[30]: 3.0
In [31]: math.isqrt(9)
Out[31]: 3
When the square root is not an exact int
, notice that math.isqrt
will still return an integer instance which is equivalent to the integer obtained from the truncated float
returned from math.sqrt
In [32]: math.sqrt(8)
Out[32]: 2.8284271247461903
In [33]: math.isqrt(8)
Out[33]: 2
Note that the functions in the math
module do not support complex numbers:
In [34]: math.sqrt(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cell In[34], line 1
ValueError: math domain error
This makes this function less powerful than the **
In [35]: (-1) ** 0.5
Out[35]: (6.123233995736766e-17+1j)
There is a complementary complex math module cmath
which has equivalent functions which handle complex numbers. Notice the cmath
function always returns a complex
In [36]: import cmath
In [37]: cmath.sqrt(-1)
Out[37]: 1j
In [38]: cmath.sqrt(9)
Out[38]: (3+0j)
In [39]: cmath.sqrt(-1)
Complex numbers will be discussed in more detail later. The
function is similar to sum
but calculates the product of values in an iterable opposed to the sum
In [40]: sum((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) # 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
Out[40]: 15
In [41]:, 2, 3, 4, 5)) # 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
Out[41]: 120
The modulus and fractional function math.modf
will split a number into a fractional component which is a float
instance and a whole component which is an int
In [42]: math.modf(-3.99)
Out[42]: (-0.9900000000000002, -3.0)
The Fortran modulus math.fmod
function calculates the modulus associated with integer division. For positive numbers the behaviour is identical to the Python operator %
In [43]: 7 // 3
Out[43]: 2.0
In [44]: 7 % 3
Out[44]: 1.0
In [45]: math.fmod(7, 3)
Out[45]: 1.0
However differences can be seen when negative numbers are used. The default Python integer division is essentially the floor of the floating point division value:
In [46]: -7 / 3
Out[46]: -2.3333333333333335
In [47]: math.floor(-7 / 3)
Out[47]: -3
In [48]: -7 // 3 # math.floor(-7 / 3)
Out[48]: -3.0
The modulus is calculated in the following way:
In [49]: -7 % 3
: # -7 == (3 * -3.0) + modulus
: # modulus = -7 - (3 * -3.0)
: # modulus = 2
Out[49]: 2
The Fortran modulus can be thought of the associated remainder when a float
is cast into an int
In [50]: int(-7/3)
Out[50]: -2
In [51]: math.fmod(-7, 3)
Out[51]: -1.0
The math.remainder
function can be thought of the associated remainder when a float
is rounded to an int
In [52]: round(-7/3)
Out[52]: -2
In [53]: math.remainder(-7, 3)
Out[53]: -1.0
The greatest common divisor function math.gcd
will return the greatest common divisor from an unpacked iterable of integers:
In [54]: math.gcd(12, 15, 18)
Out[54]: 3
In [55]: [(num // 3, num % 3) for num in (12, 15, 18)]
Out[55]: [(4, 0), (5, 0), (6, 0)]
The least common divisor function math.lcd
will return the least common divisor from an unpacked iterable of integers:
In [56]: math.lcm(10, 12, 15)
Out[56]: 60
In [57]: [(60 // num, 60 % num) for num in (10, 12, 15)]
Out[57]: [(6, 0), (5, 0), (4, 0)]
In [58]: exit
The numeric datatypes are ordinal and therefore the six binary comparison operators are defined. The ==
operator can be used to check to see if self is equal to value returning a boolean:
In [1]: 2 == 2 # 2.__eq__(2)
Out[1]: True
There is no __req__
data model method, however in the case where self is an int
and value is a float
, the data model method is not implemented, therefore the data model method __eq__
is called from the float
In [2]: (2).__eq__(2.0)
Out[2]: NotImplemented
In [3]: (2.0).__eq__(2)
Out[3]: True
In [4]: 2 == 2.0 # (2.0).__eq__(2)
Out[4]: True
In the bool
class, the comparison operators are inherited from the int
class without modification, therefore the bool
instance is equivalent to 0
or 1
In [5]: False == 0 # (False).__eq__(0)
Out[5]: True
In [6]: True == 1 # (True).__eq__(1)
Out[6]: True
The comparison operator ==
is equal to should not be confused with the keyword is
. ==
will check to see if self is equal to value whereas is
will check to see if self is value i.e. the same object
in memory. A SyntaxWarning
is displayed when is
is used with numeric instances:
In [7]: 1 is 1.0
<>:1: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
1 is 1.0
Out[7]: False
In [8]: 1 is True
SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
1 is True
Out[8]: False
In [9]: 1 is 1
<>:1: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
1 is 1
Out[9]: True
The !=
operator can be used to check to see if self is not equal to value returning a boolean that is the inverse result obtained using ==
In [10]: 1 == 1 # (1).__eq__(1)
Out[10]: True
In [11]: 1 != 1 # (1).__ne__(1)
Out[11]: False # not 1 == 1
In [12]: 1 != 2.0 # (2.0).__eq__(1)
Out[12]: True
The >
operator will check to see if self is greater than value returning a boolean result. The <
operator will check to see if self is less than value returning a boolean result:
In [13]: 1 > 2 # (1).__gt__(2)
Out[13]: False
In [14]: 1 < 2 # (1).__lt__(2)
Out[14]: True
In [15]: 1.0 < 2 # (1.0).__lt__(2)
Out[15]: True
The greater than >
operator is paired with the less than or equal to operator <=
In [14]: (1).__gt__(2.0)
Out[14]: NotImplemented
In [15]: (2.0).__le__(1)
Out[15]: False
In [16]: 1 > 2.0 # (2.0).__le__(1)
Out[16]: False
Likewise the less than <
operator is paired with the greater than or equal to operator >=
In [17]: (1).__lt__(2.0)
Out[17]: NotImplemented
In [18]: (2.0).__ge__(1)
Out[18]: True
In [19]: 1 < 2.0 # (2.0).__ge__(1)
Out[19]: True
Recall that there may be rounding deviations due to the binary encoding of float
In [20]: 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3
Out[20]: False
Python uses an order of precedence similar to mathematics known as PEDMAS:
Order | Name | Operator |
1 | Parenthesis | () |
2 | Exponentiation | ** |
3 | Division | // or / |
3 | Multiplication | * |
4 | Addition | - |
4 | Subtraction | + |
This can be seen by examining the following expression:
In [1]: 5 * 2 ** 3
Out[1]: 40
Notice the **
takes precedence over the *
operator and therefore the 2 ** 3
expression is evaluated first to return the result 8
which is used in the expression 5 * 8
evaluating the final result 40
which is returned.
And comparing this to:
In [2]: (5 * 2) ** 3
Out[2]: 1000
In [3]: exit
Notice now the ()
takes precedence over the **
operator and therefore the (5 * 2)
expression is evaluated first to return the result 10
which is used in the expression 10 ** 3
evaluating the final result 1000
which is returned.
The int
class has compatibility with bytes
, because recall a byte is an unsigned integer ranging between 0:256
(inclusive of 0
and exclusive of 256
In [1]: (0).to_bytes()
Out[1]: b'\x00'
In [2]: int.from_bytes(b'\x00')
Out[2]: 0
Recall if the byte is a printable ASCII character it is typically represented by the character:
In [3]: (97).to_bytes()
Out[3]: b'a'
The last byte is \xff
corresponding to 255
and any other value flags an OverflowError
In [4]: (255).to_bytes()
Out[4]: b'\xff'
In [5]: (256).to_bytes()
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cell In[5], line 1
OverflowError: int too big to convert
To use a value greater than 255
, the byte length and byteorder
need to be specified:
In [6]: (945).to_bytes(length=2, byteorder='big')
Out[6]: b'\x03\xb1'
In [7]: int.from_bytes(b'\x03\xb1', byteorder='big')
Out[7]: 945
The &
operator operates bitwise between each bit in self and each bit in other:
In [8]: 7 & 5 # (7).__and__(5)
Out[8]: 7
It can appear a bit confusing when the above is not examined in binary. Therefore the format method can be used to evaulate each expression in binary. Now notice that the returned result has zero in all bits except when the bit in both self and value is 1
In [9]: format(7, '#010b')
Out[9]: '0b00000111'
In [10]: format(5, '#010b')
Out[10]: '0b00000101'
In [11]: format(7 & 5, '#010b')
Out[11]: '0b00000101'
The |
operator operates bitwise between each bit in self and each bit in other and the bit in the returned result will only be 0
if both bits are 0
In [12]: 7 | 5 # (7).__or__(5)
Out[12]: 7
In [13]: format(7, '#010b')
Out[13]: '0b00000111'
In [14]: format(5, '#010b')
Out[14]: '0b00000101'
In [15]: format(7 | 5, '#010b')
Out[15]: '0b00000111'
The ^
operator operates bitwise between each bit in self and each bit in other and the bit in the returned result will only be 1
if both bits are different:
In [16]: 7 ^ 5 # (7).__xor__(5)
Out[16]: 2
In [17]: format(7, '#010b')
Out[17]: '0b00000111'
In [18]: format(5, '#010b')
Out[18]: '0b00000101'
In [19]: format(7 ^ 5, '#010b') # (7).__xor__(5)
Out[19]: '0b00000010'
The <<
operator will left shift the binary number by the specified number of places:
In [20]: 5 << 1 # (5).__lshift__(1)
Out[20]: 10
In [21]: 5 << 2 # (5).__lshift__(2)
Out[21]: 20
In [22]: format(5, '#010b')
Out[22]: '0b00000101'
In [23]: format(5<<1, '#010b')
Out[23]: '0b00001010'
In [24]: format(5<<2, '#010b')
Out[24]: '0b00010100'
The >>
operator will right shift the binary number by the specified number of places:
In [25]: 5 >> 1 # (5).__lshift__(1)
Out[25]: 2
In [26]: 5 >> 2 # (5).__lshift__(2)
Out[26]: 1
In [27]: format(5, '#010b')
Out[27]: '0b00000101'
In [28]: format(5>>1, '#010b')
Out[28]: '0b00000010'
In [29]: format(5>>2, '#010b')
Out[29]: '0b00000001'
The bit_length
counts the number of occupied bits and bit_count
counts how many of the occupied bits are 1
In [30]: format(5, '#b')
Out[30]: '0b101'
In [31]: (5).bit_length()
Out[31]: 3
In [32]: (5).bit_length()
Out[32]: 2
The int
class is signed. For 1 byte (8 bits), the first bit denotes the sign with 0
denoting a positive sign. The byte
configuration can be seen by using &
with the maximum value of an unsigned byte 255
In [33]: format(0 & 255, '#010b')
Out[33]: '0b00000000'
In [34]: format(1 & 255, '#010b')
Out[34]: '0b00000001'
In [35]: format(127 & 255, '#010b')
Out[35]: '0b01111111'
Because 7
bits are used but the first 7
bit configuration is reserved for 0
the maximum value is:
In [36]: 2 ** 7 - 1
Out[36]: 127
denotes a negative sign and the largest negative value is:
In [37]: -(2 ** 7)
Out[37]: -128
In [38]: format(-128 & 255, '#010b')
Out[38]: '0b10000000'
The lowest negative value is -1
In [39]: format(-1 & 255, '#010b')
Out[39]: '0b11111111'
The unitary operator ~
will invert all the bits and add 1
In [40]: ~5
Out[40]: -6
In [41]: format(5 & 255, '#010b')
Out[41]: '0b00000101'
In [42]: format(-6, '#010b')
Out[42]: '0b11111010'
In practice this changes the sign of the int
and subtracts -1
(this -1
is a consequence of 0
occupying the first bit 0b00000000
The binary data model methods __and__
, __or__
and __xor__
are redefined in the bool
class to return a bool
instance instead of a bool
instances. As there are 2
instances of the bool
class, this gives 4 combinations for each operator. In the case of &
the result is True
only when both instances are True
In [43]: True & True
Out[43]: True
In [44]: False & True
Out[44]: False
In [45]: True & False
Out[45]: False
In [46]: False & False
Out[46]: False
In the case of |
the result is True
when either or both instances are True
In [47]: True | True
Out[47]: True
In [48]: False | True
Out[48]: True
In [49]: True | False
Out[49]: True
In [50]: False | False
Out[50]: False
In the case of ^
the result is True
only when both instances are different:
In [51]: True ^ True
Out[51]: False
In [52]: False ^ True
Out[52]: True
In [53]: True ^ False
Out[53]: True
In [54]: False ^ False
Out[54]: False
When a bool
instance is used in combination with an int
instance, the bool
is cast to an int
and returns an int
instance. Due to the nature of the operation, there are some special rules:
In [55]: True & 3 # True & odd_int
In [55]: 1 # always 1
In [56]: True & 4 # True & even_int
In [56]: 0 # always 0
In [57]: format(True & 255, '#010b')
Out[57]: '0b00000001'
In [58]: format(3 & 255, '#010b')
Out[58]: '0b00000011'
In [57]: format(1 & 255, '#010b')
Out[57]: '0b00000001'
In [58]: False & 3 # False & int
Out[58]: 0 # always 0
In [59]: True | 3 # True | odd_int
In [59]: 3 # always odd_int
In [60]: True | 3 # True | odd_int
In [60]: 4 # always odd_int + 1
In [61]: False | 5 # True | int
Out[61]: 5 # always int
In [62]: True ^ 3 # True ^ odd_int
In [62]: 3 # always odd_int - 1
In [63]: True ^ 2 # True ^ odd_int
In [63]: 3 # always odd_int + 1
In [64]: False ^ 2 # False ^ odd_int
In [64]: 2 # always int
The keyword and
is independent of the data model method &
and the keyword or
is independent of the data model method __or__
. The keywords are more powerful and can work with different classes:
In [65]: True & ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cell In[65], line 1
True & ''
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'bool' and 'str'
In [66]: True and ''
Out[66]: ''
To understand this recall:
In [67]: bool('') # empty
Out[67]: False
In [68]: bool(' ') # non-empty
Out[68]: True
The keyword and
returns the first False
(self or value). When both (self and value) are True
, value is returned:
In [69]: 0 and 3 # False self returned
Out[69]: 0
In [70]: 2 and 0 # False value returned
Out[70]: 0
In [71]: 2 and '' # False value returned
Out[71]: ''
In [72]: 0 and 0 # False self returned
Out[72]: 0
In [73]: 2 and 3 # True self and True value returns value
Out[73]: 3
In [74]: '' and 'hello' # False self returned
Out[74]: ''
In [75]: 'bye' and 'hello' # True self and True value returns value
Out[75]: 'hello'
The keyword or
returns the first True
(self or value). When both (self and value) are False
, value is returned:
In [76]: 'hello' and 2 # True self returned
Out[76]: 'hello'
In [77]: 2 and 'hello' # True value returned
Out[77]: 2
In [78]: 0 and '' # False self and False value returns value
Out[78]: ''
Note when both instances are bool
instances, &
and and
behave consistently:
In [79]: True and True
Out[79]: True
In [80]: False and True
Out[80]: False
In [81]: True and False
Out[81]: False
In [82]: False and False
Out[82]: False
In [83]: True or True
Out[83]: True
In [84]: False or True
Out[84]: True
In [85]: True or False
Out[85]: True
In [86]: False or False
Out[86]: False
Parenthesis are often used to group conditions:
In [87]: (1 < 3) & (3 < 5)
Out[87]: True
The above expression can also be expressed using:
In [88]: (1 < 3 < 5)
Out[88]: True
Multiple parenthesis are often used to express more complicated conditions:
In [89]: ((1 < 3) & (3 < 5)) & False
Out[89]: False
In [90]: exit
The float
method is_integer
checks to see if a float
is equivalent to an int
In [1]: (3.0).is_integer()
Out[1]: True
In [2]: (3.1).is_integer()
Out[2]: False
The float
method as_integer_ratio
looks to express the float
as an int
ratio, also known as a fraction. Note the result is often influenced by rounding deviations of float
In [3]: (0.5).as_integer_ratio()
Out[3]: (1, 2)
In [4]: (1/3).as_integer_ratio()
Out[4]: (6004799503160661, 18014398509481984)
In [5]: exit
Python has a fractions
module which compartmentalises the Fraction
In [1]: from fractions import Fraction
In [2]: Fractions.
# -------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `fractions.Fraction`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions inherited from `object`:
# - __init__(self, numerator=0, denominator=1) : Initializes a new fraction.
# - __new__(cls, numerator=0, denominator=1) : Creates a new instance of the class.
# - __delattr__(self, name, /) : Defines behavior for when an attribute is deleted.
# - __dir__(self, /) : Default dir() implementation.
# - __sizeof__(self, /) : Returns the size of the object in memory, in bytes.
# - __eq__(self, other, /) : Checks for equality with another fraction.
# - __ne__(self, other, /) : Checks for inequality with another fraction.
# - __lt__(self, other, /) : Checks if the fraction is less than another.
# - __le__(self, other, /) : Checks if the fraction is less than or equal to another.
# - __gt__(self, other, /) : Checks if the fraction is greater than another.
# - __ge__(self, other, /) : Checks if the fraction is greater than or equal to another.
# - __repr__(self, /) : Returns a string representation of the fraction.
# - __str__(self, /) : Returns a string for display purposes.
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /) : Returns a formatted string representation of the fraction.
# - __hash__(self, /) : Returns a hash of the fraction.
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /) : Gets an attribute from the object.
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /) : Sets an attribute on the object.
# - __reduce__(self, /) : Prepares the object for pickling.
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /) : Similar to __reduce__, with a protocol argument.
# - __init_subclass__(...) : Called when a class is subclassed; default
# implementation does nothing.
# - __subclasshook__(...) : Customize issubclass() for abstract classes.
# 🔍 Attributes inherited from `object`:
# - __class__ : The class of the object.
# - __doc__ : The docstring of the object.
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Additional Functions:
# - __bool__(self, /) : Returns True if the fraction is non-zero.
# - __int__(self, /) : Returns the numerator of the fraction as an integer.
# - __float__(self, /) : Converts the fraction to a float.
# - as_integer_ratio(self, /) : Returns a pair of integers (numerator, denominator).
# - limit_denominator(self, : Limits the denominator to a maximum value.
# max_denominator=1000000)
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - numerator : The numerator of the fraction.
# - denominator : The denominator of the fraction.
# 🔄 Rounding Functions:
# - __round__(self, /[, ndigits]) : Returns the fraction rounded to ndigits precision.
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Unitary Operators:
# - __neg__(self, /) : Negates the fraction (returns -self).
# - __pos__(self, /) : Returns the positive value of the fraction (returns self).
# - __invert__(self, /) : Inverts the fraction (returns 1/self).
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Binary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __add__(self, other, /) : Returns the sum of two fractions (self + other).
# - __sub__(self, other, /) : Returns the difference between two fractions (self -
# other).
# - __mul__(self, other, /) : Returns the product of two fractions (self * other).
# - __truediv__(self, other, /) : Returns the quotient of two fractions (self / other).
# - __floordiv__(self, other, /) : Returns the integer quotient of two fractions (self //
# other).
# - __mod__(self, other, /) : Returns the remainder of division (self % other).
# - __pow__(self, other, /) : Returns self raised to the power of another fraction
# (self ** other).
# 🔄 Binary Reflection Arithmetic Operators:
# - __radd__(self, other, /) : Reflects addition (other + self).
# - __rsub__(self, other, /) : Reflects subtraction (other - self).
# - __rmul__(self, other, /) : Reflects multiplication (other * self).
# - __rtruediv__(self, other, /) : Reflects true division (other / self).
# - __rfloordiv__(self, other, /) : Reflects floor division (other // self).
# - __rmod__(self, other, /) : Reflects modulo operation (other % self).
# - __rpow__(self, other, /) : Reflects power operation (other ** self).
# -------------------------------------
# Alternative Constrctors:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions:
# - from_float(cls, float) : Creates a fraction from a float.
# - from_decimal(cls, decimal.Decimal) : Creates a fraction from a Decimal.
# -------------------------------------
# Compatibility with `complex`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - real : The real part of the fraction.
# - imag : The imaginary part of the fraction (always 0).
# 🔧 Functions:
# - conjugate(self, /) : Returns the conjugate of the fraction.
# 📦 Other Identifiers and Special Methods:
# - __getnewargs__(self, /) : Used during unpickling to retrieve arguments for creating the object.
If Fraction
is input with open parenthesis, the docstring displays:
In [2]: Fraction(
# Docstring popup
Init signature: Fraction(numerator=0, denominator=None, *, _normalize=True)
This class implements rational numbers.
In the two-argument form of the constructor, Fraction(8, 6) will
produce a rational number equivalent to 4/3. Both arguments must
be Rational. The numerator defaults to 0 and the denominator
defaults to 1 so that Fraction(3) == 3 and Fraction() == 0.
Fractions can also be constructed from:
- numeric strings similar to those accepted by the
float constructor (for example, '-2.3' or '1e10')
- strings of the form '123/456'
- float and Decimal instances
- other Rational instances (including integers)
Notice there are two input arguments numerator
and denominator
. When both of these are provided, they are normally input positionally as shown in the printed formal representation shown in Out[2]
. Notice that Out[2]
also shows fraction reduction dividing the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD):
In [2]: Fraction(numerator=6, denominator=8)
Out[2]: Fraction(3, 4)
Note that the int
class is setup for compatibility with the Fraction
class and has the attribute numerator
which is always identical to the value of the int
instance and denominator
which is a class attribute that is always 1
In [3]: (4).numerator
Out[3]: 4
In [4]: (4).denominator
Out[4]: 1
This means, the int
instance 4
is treated as:
In [5]: Fraction(numerator=4, denominator=1)
Out[5]: Fraction(4, 1)
Unlike the other numeric classes previously examined, the informal and formal string representations for the Fraction
class differ. The printing of the formal representation displays the preferred way to construct a Fraction
In [6]: repr(Fraction(1, 4))
Out[6]: 'Fraction(1, 4)'
Whereas the printing of the informal representation shows a form similar to a fraction is displayed in mathematics:
In [7]: str(Fraction(1, 4))
Out[7]: '1/4'
A Fraction
instances can also be constructed supplying a string of this notation:
In [8]: Fraction('1/4')
Out[8]: Fraction(1, 4)
Most of the unitary and binary methods seen in the int
and float
classes are consistent:
In [9]: 2 + Fraction(1, 4) - 3 * Fraction(3, 8) # remember PEDMAS
: # 2 + Fraction(1, 4) - Fraction(9, 8)
: # 8 * Fraction(2, 8) + Fraction(2, 8) - Fraction(9, 8) # GCD
: # Fraction(16, 8) + Fraction(2, 8) - Fraction(9, 8)
Out[9]: Fraction(9, 8)
When a Fraction
instance is used in a binary data model method alongside a float
instance, it is cast into a float
In [10]: Fraction(9, 8) + 0.5 # Fraction(9, 8).__add__(0.5)
Out[10]: 1.625
A tuple
can be unpacked within a function call to supply positional input arguments as shown below:
In [11]: input arguments = (2, 1)
In [12]: Fraction(*input arguments)
Out[12]: Fraction(2, 1)
In [13]: Fraction(*(2, 1))
Out[13]: Fraction(2, 1)
Recall that the float
method as_integer_ratio
provides a tuple
In [14]: (1/3).as_integer_ratio()
Out[14]: (6004799503160661, 18014398509481984)
This tuple
can be unpacked to instantiate a Fraction
In [12]: Fraction(*(1/3).as_integer_ratio())
Out[12]: Fraction(6004799503160661, 18014398509481984)
The Fraction
method limit_denominator
has a default maximum denomination of 1000000
and can be used to address the float
deviation due to binary (or in this case the limitations fo both binary and decimal) encoding:
In [13]: Fraction(*(1/3).as_integer_ratio()).limit_denominator(max_denominator=1000000)
Out[13]: Fraction(1, 3)
In [14]: exit
The square root of a negative number is indeterminate using standard real numbers and is represented using another component, the imaginary component denoted by j
In [1]: (-1) ** 0.5
Out[1]: (6.123233995736766e-17+1j)
In the above 6.123233995736766e-17
is from a rounding deviation and is effectively 0
. So the definition of the square root of -1
is this imaginary component j
This number is an instance of the complex
class, its identifiers can be examined:
In [2]: complex.
# -------------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `complex`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions inherited from `object`:
# - __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
# - __new__(*args, **kwargs)
# - __delattr__(self, name, /)
# - __dir__(self, /)
# - __sizeof__(self, /)
# - __eq__(self, value, /)
# - __ne__(self, value, /)
# - __lt__(self, value, /)
# - __le__(self, value, /)
# - __gt__(self, value, /)
# - __ge__(self, value, /)
# - __repr__(self, /)
# - __str__(self, /)
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /)
# - __hash__(self, /)
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /)
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
# - __reduce__(self, /)
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /)
# - __init_subclass__(...)
# - __subclasshook__(...)
# 🔍 Attributes inherited from `object`:
# - __class__
# - __doc__
# -------------------------------------
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - real : The real part of the complex number.
# - imag : The imaginary part of the complex number.
# 🔧 Functions:
# - conjugate(self, /) : Returns the complex conjugate.
# 🔧 Additional Functions:
# - __bool__(self, /) : Returns True if the complex number is non-zero.
# - __complex__(self, /) : Returns the complex number itself.
# - __float__(self, /) : Returns the real part as a float.
# - __int__(self, /) : Returns the real part as an integer.
# 🔄 Rounding Functions:
# - __round__(self, /[, ndigits]) : Rounds the real part of the complex number.
# 🧮 Unitary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __neg__(self, /) : Returns the negation of the complex number (-self).
# - __pos__(self, /) : Returns the positive value (+self).
# - __abs__(self, /) : Returns the magnitude of the complex number.
# ➕ Binary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __add__(self, value, /) : Adds another number to this complex number.
# - __sub__(self, value, /) : Subtracts another number from this complex number.
# - __mul__(self, value, /) : Multiplies by another number.
# - __truediv__(self, value, /) : Divides by another number.
# - __floordiv__(self, value, /) : Performs floor division (unsupported).
# - __mod__(self, value, /) : Modulus (unsupported).
# - __pow__(self, value, /) : Raises to the power of another number.
# ➕ Binary Reflection Arithmetic Operators:
# - __radd__(self, value, /) : Reflects addition.
# - __rsub__(self, value, /) : Reflects subtraction.
# - __rmul__(self, value, /) : Reflects multiplication.
# - __rtruediv__(self, value, /) : Reflects true division.
# - __rfloordiv__(self, value, /) : Reflects floor division (unsupported).
# - __rmod__(self, value, /) : Reflects modulus (unsupported).
# - __rpow__(self, value, /) : Reflects power.
# 📦 Other Identifiers and Special Methods:
# - __getnewargs__(self, /) : Used during unpickling to retrieve arguments for creating the object.
To instantiate a new instance, the complex
class can explicitly be used. To view the docstring input complex
with open parenthesis:
In [3]: complex(
# Docstring popup
Init signature: complex(real=0, imag=0)
Create a complex number from a real part and an optional imaginary part.
This is equivalent to (real + imag*1j) where imag defaults to 0.
Type: type
Subclasses: complex128
Notice that the complex
class has two components, the real
and imag
components which each have a default value of 0
. Normally when both are supplied, they are supplied positionally:
In [4]: complex(real=2)
Out[4]: (2+0j)
In [5]: complex(imag=3)
Out[5]: 3j
In [6]: complex(2, 3)
Out[6]: (2+3j)
shows the printed formal representation of a complex
instance and the preferred way to isntantiate a complex
instance. The complex
instance is normally instantiated by supplying the real component and then adding the imaginary component to it. Notice that parenthesis is typically used without spacing to emphasise the grouping:
In [7]: 4 + 3j
Out[7]: (4+3j)
The complex
instance has the attributes real
and imag
which return the coefficients of each component:
In [8]: (4+3j).real
Out[8]: 4.0
In [9]: (4+3j).imag
Out[9]: 3.0
A complex number is generally depicted as a vector with the real component depicted in magenta along x and the imaginary component along y depicted in magenta:
When addition and subtraction are involved these components are evaluated separately:
In [10]: (4+3j) - (2+1j)
Out[10]: (2+2j)
Visually the above can be visualised by going to the red point which is the complex
instance self and then subtracting the distances expressed in value which gives the result which is the green point:
is defined as the square root of -1
, therefore:
In [11]: 1j*1j
Out[11]: (-1+0j)
In [12]: 1j**2
Out[12]: (-1+0j)
Multiplication of complex numbers is similar to linear algebra, however the squared term becomes -1
and is therefore subtracted from the real component:
In [12]: (4+3j) * (2+1j)
: # 4 * 2 + 4 * 1j + 3j * 2 + 3j * 1j
: # 8 + 4j + 6j + 3*(1j**2)
: # 8 + 10j + 3 * (-1)
: # 5 + 10j
Out[12]: (5+10j)
A complex number has a complex conjugate, which essentially flips the sign of the imaginary component. Pictorally the complex conjugate of the red point is the blue point:
Notice when a number is multiplied by it's complex conjugate, the imaginary components cancel out returning only a real number:
In [13]: (4+3j) * (4-3j)
: # 4 * 4 + (3j * 4 - 3j * 4) + 3j * -3j
: # 16 - 9*(1j**2)
Out[13]: (25+0j)
The number returned is the magnitude squared. This complex number was selected because it is a Pythagorean triple:
In [14]: 4 ** 2 + 3 ** 2
Out[14]: 25
The square root of this is the magnitude:
In [15]: 25 ** 0.5
Out[15]: 5.0
The magnitude is the hypotenuse, depicted in purple below:
Note that the math.hypot
function can be used to calculate the hypotenuse:
In [16]: import math
In [17]: math.hypot(3, 4)
Out[18]: 5.0
The related math.dist
function can be used to calculate the distance between two points where the point p
is the origin and q
is the red dot:
In [19]: math.dist((0, 0), (4, 3))
Out[19]: 5.0
The int
and the float
classes have the attributes real
and imag
which are consistent with the complex
class. The imag
component is a class attribute that is essentially zero 0
and 0.0
respectively and the real
component is essentially the instance:
In [20]: (5).imag
Out[20]: 0
In [21]: (5).real
Out[21]: 5
In [22]: (5.0).imag
Out[22]: 0
In [23]: (5.0).real
Out[23]: 5.0
These classes also have the method conjugate
for consistency however because the imag
component is zero. The complex conjugate returned is the same as the original instance.
In [24]: (5).conjugate()
Out[24]: 5
In [25]: (5.0).conjugate()
Out[25]: 5.0
This allows compatibility between the int
, float
and complex
In [26]: (3+4j) + 4
Out[26]: (7+4j)
In [27]: exit
The Python standard library has the fractions
, math
, cmath
, decimal
, random
, statistics
and datetime
modules which compartmentalise supplementary numeric operations. The math
, cmath
, random
and statistics
module use a Collection
of numeric values. The next tutorial covers the concept behind a Collection
which may be useful to review before looking at these modules.
A number of additional numeric identifiers are compartmentalised into the mathemematics module math
, some fo these identifiers that were closely related to float
rounding deviations or closely associated with a builtins
function or data model operator have already been explored:
In [1]: import math
In [2]: math.
# -------------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `math`:
# -------------------------------------
# ⚙️ Constants:
# - tau : The constant τ (approximately 6.28318, which is 2π).
# - pi : The constant π (approximately 3.14159).
# - e : The constant e (approximately 2.71828).
# - inf : Represents positive infinity.
# - nan : Represents NaN (Not a Number).
# 📐 Circle and Angular Functions:
# - degrees(x) : Converts angle x from radians to degrees.
# - radians(x) : Converts angle x from degrees to radians.
# - dist(p, q) : Returns the Euclidean distance between points p and q.
# - hypot(x, y) : Returns the Euclidean norm (hypotenuse) of x and y.
# 🔋 Similar to builtins Functions:
# - fabs(x) : Returns the absolute value of a floating-point number always
# returning a floating-point number.
# - copysign(x, y) : Returns x with the sign of y.
# - pow(x, y) : Returns x raised to the power y.
# - sqrt(x) : Returns the square root of x.
# - isqrt(n) : Returns the integer square root of a non-negative integer n.
# - prod(iterable[, start]) # Returns the product of elements in the iterable.
# - fsum(iterable) : Returns the floating-point sum of an iterable of floats.
# Some additional corrections are made to counter rounding
# deviations.
# 🔄 Rounding Functions:
# - trunc(x) : Returns the integer part of x, truncating towards zero.
# - floor(x) : Returns the largest integer less than or equal to x.
# - ceil(x) : Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to x.
# - round(x[, n]) : Rounds x to n digits, rounding ties to the nearest even number.
# - ulp(x) : Returns the value of the least significant bit of x.
# - nextafter(x, y) : Returns the next floating-point number after x towards y.
# 🛞 Integer Division Complementary Functions:
# - modf(x) # Return the fractional and integer parts of x.
# Both results carry the sign of x and are floats.
# - fmod(x, y) # Fortran Mod. Returns the remainder when x is divided by y
# (precision for floats).
# - remainder(x, y) # Returns the IEEE 754-style remainder of x with respect to y.
# - lcm(*integers) # Returns the least common multiple of the specified integers.
# - gcd(*integers) # Returns the greatest common divisor of the specified integers.
# 🔍 Boolean and Classification Functions:
# - isinf(x) # Returns True if x is positive or negative infinity.
# - isnan(x) # Returns True if x is NaN.
# - isfinite(x) # Returns True if x is neither infinity nor NaN.
# 🔢 Combinatorial Functions:
# - comb(n, k) # Returns the number of ways to choose k items from n items.
# - perm(n, k) # Returns the number of ways to arrange k items out of n items.
# 📈 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions:
# - factorial(n) # Returns the factorial of n.
# - exp(x) # Returns e raised to the power x.
# - expm1(x) # Returns e raised to the power x, minus 1
# (for precision with small x).
# - log(x[, base]) # Returns the logarithm of x to the specified base
# (default is e).
# - log1p(x) # Returns the natural logarithm of 1 + x
# (for precision with small x).
# - log2(x) # Returns the base-2 logarithm of x.
# - log10(x) # Returns the base-10 logarithm of x.
# 🛤 Trigonometric Functions:
# - sin(x) # Returns the sine of x (x in radians).
# - cos(x) # Returns the cosine of x (x in radians).
# - tan(x) # Returns the tangent of x (x in radians).
# - asin(x) # Returns the arcsine of x in radians.
# - acos(x) # Returns the arccosine of x in radians.
# - atan(x) # Returns the arctangent of x in radians.
# - atan2(y, x) # Returns the arctangent of y / x in radians,
# considering quadrant.
# 🔄 Hyperbolic Functions:
# - sinh(x) # Returns the hyperbolic sine of x.
# - cosh(x) # Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
# - tanh(x) # Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.
# - asinh(x) # Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
# - acosh(x) # Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
# - atanh(x) # Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
# 🎲 Error and Gamma Functions:
# - erf(x) # Returns the error function at x.
# - erfc(x) # Returns the complementary error function at x.
# - gamma(x) # Returns the gamma function at x.
# - lgamma(x) # Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function at x.
A circle can be drawn in
In [2]: math.tau
Out[2]: 6.283185307179586
When a circle is normalised, the radius is
In the math
module (and scientific computing packages in general) the radian is used as a unit of measure for angles in geometric shapes. Therefore conversions from degrees to radians have to be made on angles, before use of an angle as an input argument for any of the trigonometric functions.
The degrees
function will convert from radians:
In [3]: math.degrees(math.tau)
Out[3]: 360.0
And the radians
function will convert from degrees to radians:
In [4]: math.radians(360.0)
Out[4]: 6.283185307179586
In the above a normalised circle was used, more generally the circumference is expressed as the product of the circle constant
The area of a circle is the integral of its circumference with respect to its radius. Recall the general formula for integration is:
In this case, integration by
When the radius of a circle is
i.e. the integration constant is 0
The volume of a sphere is the integral of a circles area with respect to its radius:
Once again when
shape | number of sides | sum of all angles in radians |
triangle | 3 | |
square | 4 | |
pentagon | 5 | |
hexagon | 6 | |
heptagon | 7 |
For a triangle the sum of all the angles is
In [5]: math.pi
Out[5]: 3.141592653589793
Although this appears to simplify the area formula... it can make the process of integration used to obtain the area seem somewhat obscure making it harder for a student to understand. Therefore when working with circles, the circle constant
Another constant
This formula gets expanded out as an Euler series:
The denominator in each expression is known as a factorial:
In [6]: math.factorial(0)
Out[6]: 1
In [7]: math.factorial(1)
Out[7]: 1
In [8]: math.factorial(2)
Out[8]: 2
In [9]: nums = [num for num in range(0, 10, 1)]
: nums
Out[9]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
In [10]: factorials = list(map(math.factorial, nums))
: factorials
Out[10]: [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]
The Euler Series can be defined in the following function:
In [11]: def euler_series(factor):
: total = 1.0
: for num in range(1, factor+1):
: total += 1.0 / math.factorial(num)
: return total
This expression can be evaluated for different factors:
In [12]: nums = [num for num in range(0, 10, 1)]
: nums
Out[12]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
In [13]: values = list(map(euler_series, nums))
: values
Out[13]: [1.0,
Notice the value converges at higher factors, the converged value is known as Euler's number
In [14]: math.e
Out[14]: 2.718281828459045
There are also two constants representing the number infinity math.inf
and not a number math.nan
In [15]: math.inf
Out[15]: inf
In [16]: math.nan
Out[16]: nan
The math
module has boolean classification functions math.isinf
, math.isnan
and math.isinfinite
which check the input argument and return a bool
In [17]: math.isinf(1)
Out[17]: False
In [18]: math.isinf(math.inf)
Out[18]: True
In [19]: math.isinfinite(1)
Out[19]: True
In [20]: math.isfinite(math.inf)
Out[20]: False
In [21]: math.isnan(1)
Out[21]: False
In [22]: math.isnan(math.inf) # math.inf is a number
Out[22]: False
In [23]: math.isnan(math.nan)
Out[23]: True
The number of combinations and number of permutations can be calculated using the math.comb
or math.perm
functions respectively. Combinations and premutations can be visualised pictorially with an example.
If there are three colored circle items, a purple, green and red circle i.e.
In [24]: math.comb(3, 2)
Out[24]: 3
Each combination can be thought of as a set that is a subset of the items from set
, the order doesn't matter. In a permutation, the order is important and in this example because there are
In [25]: math.perm(3, 2)
Out[25]: 6
The value e
was explored before. The math.exp
function raises e
to the power of x
In [26]: math.e
Out[26]: 2.718281828459045
In [27]: math.exp(1) # math.e
Out[27]: 2.718281828459045
In [28]: math.exp(2) # math.e * math.e
Out[28]: 7.3890560989306495
In [29]: math.exp(3) # math.e * math.e * math.e
Out[29]: 20.085536923187668
When plotted, notice that the value, by definition exponentially increases:
The inverse of the exponential math.exp
function is the logarithmic math.log
function which default to the natural base of e
In [30]: math.log(2.718281828459045)
Out[30]: 1.0
In [31]: math.log(7.3890560989306495)
Out[31]: 2.0
In [32]: math.log(20.085536923187668)
Out[32]: 3.0
This can also be plotted and has the opposite behaviour as the exponential function:
Note that the log
cannot accept a number less than 0
as an input argument.
In [33]: math.log(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cell In[33], line 1
ValueError: math domain error
The base can be changed to 2
which is common for the binary numbering system, which recall is commonly used due to binary encoding:
In [34]: math.exp2(1) # 2 ** 1
Out[34]: 2.0
In [35]: math.exp2(2) # 2 ** 2
Out[35]: 4.0
In [36]: math.exp2(3) # 2 ** 3
Out[36]: 8.0
In [37]: math.log2(2)
Out[37]: 1.0
In [38]: math.log2(4)
Out[38]: 2.0
In [39]: math.log2(8)
Out[39]: 3.0
Or 10
which is commonly used for the decimal numbering system. There is no math.log10
function, however the values can be obtained using:
In [40]: 10 ** 1
Out[40]: 10
In [41]: 10 ** 2
Out[41]: 100
In [42]: 10 ** 3
Out[42]: 1000
In [43]: math.log10(10)
Out[43]: 1.0
In [44]: math.log10(100)
Out[44]: 2.0
In [45]: math.log10(1000)
Out[45]: 3.0
The math.log
function can take in an optional input argument base, if set to 8
it can be used for the octal numbering system:
In [46]: 8 ** 1
Out[46]: 8
In [47]: 8 ** 2
Out[47]: 64
In [48]: math.log(64, 8)
Out[48]: 2.0
If the base of 2
is examined:
In [49]: 0.5 * 2 ** -2 # mantissa * 2 ** exponent
Out[49]: 0.125
The fraction and exponent math.frexp
function is used to determine the mantissa fraction expressed as a float
and exponent expressed as an int
when a base of 2
is used:
In [50]: math.frexp(0.125)
Out[50]: (0.5, -2)
The load exponent math.ldexp
function is the inverse of math.frexp
and is used to return the float
instance from the mantissa and exponent using the base of 2
In [51]: math.ldexp(0.5, -2)
Out[51]: 0.125
The exponential minus 1 math.expm1
function calculates the exponential of a value and subtracts 1
from it:
In [52]: math.exp(1) # math.e
Out[52]: 2.718281828459045
In [53]: math.expm1(1) # math.e - 1
Out[53]: 1.718281828459045
The logarithmic plus 1 log1p
function is the reverse function calculates the logarithmic of a value and adds 1
to it:
In [52]: math.log(2.718281828459045)
Out[52]: 1.0
In [53]: math.log1p(1.718281828459045)
Out[53]: 1.0
The factorial math.factorial
function operates on an int
instance int
instance. The gamma math.gamma
function is similar however takes a
In [54]: math.factorial(3) # 1 * 2 * 3
Out[54]: 6
In [54]: math.gamma(3+1)
Out[54]: 6.0
Notice that it also returns a float
instance and isn't constrained to integer inputs:
In [55]: math.gamma(1.5+1)
Out[55]: 1.3293403881791372
The logarithmic gamma math.lgamma
function, as the name suggests takes the logarithmic of the gamma function:
In [56]: math.log(math.gamma(1.5+1))
Out[56]: 0.2846828704729196
In [57]: math.lgamma(1.5+1)
Out[57]: 0.28468287047291935
The math.hypot
function (hypotenuse) is an application of Pythagoras theorem for right-angled triangles:
In [58]: math.hypot(3, 4)
Out[58]: 5.0
The distance math.dist
function calculates the distance between two co-ordinates:
In [59]: math.dist((1, 1), (4, 5))
Out[59]: 5.0
This function can be used with higher dimensional data. Essentially a component of the difference for each axis is calculated as depicted with the magenta, cyan and seagreen lines. These components are squared and then summed. Finally the square root is taken to get the distance tomato line:
In [60]: math.dist((1, 1, 1), (3, 4, 7))
Out[60]: 7.0
In [61]: exit
Pythagoras theorem has the formula:
On a 2D co-ordinate system,
For a circle, centred about the origin, the hypotenuse
This gives:
Or re-arranged:
The following phase diagram will be used as a basis for examining the trigonometric identities:
Because this is a circle, each point in the circle has a constant radius. For simplicity a radius of 1
has been selected. Let's simplify the circle further by depicting just the first quarter of the circle:
The point on the circle is depicted as a red dot and has a radius of 1
. If a red line is drawn from the red dot to the centre of the circle, it makes an straight line that has an angle
In the general case, when used with a right angled triangle, the math.sin
function (sine) gives the ratio of opposite side to the hypotenuse side:
Since the hypotenuse for a unit circle has a fixed radius of 1
, i.e. is normalised. The sine function will directly give the length of the opposite side (depicted in cyan). This is the
The math.cos
function (cosine) gives the ratio of adjacent side to the hypotenuse side:
Since the hypotenuse side is the radius of the circle which is 1
, this will give the length of the adjacent side in this case which is the
The math.tan
function (tangent) gives the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side:
When 0
(no cyan line) and the adjacent length (magenta line) matches the side of the radius 1
Therefore the sine function at this angle returns 0
(cyan line cannot be seen) and the cosine function returns 1
(depicted as a magenta line). The tangent function gives the ratio which is 0/1
which is 0
In [1]: import math
In [2]: angle = 0 * math.tau / 16
In [3]: math.sin(angle)
Out[3]: 0
In [4]: math.cos(angle)
Out[4]: 1
In [5]: math.tan(angle)
Out[5]: 0
The length of the opposite line (depicted in cyan) and the adjacent line (depicted magenta) can be calculated using:
In [6]: angle = 1 * math.tau / 16
In [7]: math.sin(angle)
Out[7]: 0.3826834323650898
In [8]: math.cos(angle)
Out[8]: 0.9238795325112867
In [9]: math.tan(angle)
Out[9]: 0.41421356237309503
In [10]: angle = 2 * math.tau / 16
In [11]: math.sin(angle)
Out[11]: 0.7071067811865476
In [12]: math.cos(angle)
Out[12]: 0.7071067811865476
In [13]: math.tan(angle)
Out[13]: 1.0
In [14]: angle = 3 * math.tau / 16
In [15]: math.sin(angle)
Out[15]: 0.9238795325112867
In [16]: math.cos(angle)
Out[16]: 0.3826834323650898
In [17]: math.tan(angle)
Out[17]: 2.414213562373095
Moreover there is symmetry between the triangle at the angles of
For the smaller angle, the opposite side is the short side of the triangle (depicted in cyan right) and the adjacent is the long side of the triangle (depicted in magenta right).
For the larger angle, the opposite side is now the long side of the triangle (depicted in cyan left) and the adjacent is the short side (depicted in magenta right).
When 1
and the adjacent length is 0
In [18]: angle = 4 * math.tau / 16
In [19]: math.sin(angle)
Out[19]: 1.0
In [20]: math.cos(angle)
Out[20]: 6.123233995736766e-17 # effectively 0
In [21]: math.tan(angle)
Out[21]: 1.633123935319537e+16 # 1/0 effectively inf
This "triangle" or plane has symmetry when the angle was
Bringing this information together gives the length of the cyan and magenta lines with respect to the angle
angle |
sin(angle) | cos(angle) |
0 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 0.924 | 0.383 |
2 | 0.707 | 0.707 |
3 | 0.383 | 0.924 |
4 | 1 | 0 |
If the full circle is now examined:
Notice that the values of
quarter | angle |
sin(angle) | cos(angle) |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0.924 | 0.383 |
1 | 2 | 0.707 | 0.707 |
1 | 3 | 0.383 | 0.924 |
1 | 4 | 1 | 0 |
In the second quarter of the circle, there is symmetry (with quarter one) but
quarter | angle |
sin(angle) | cos(angle) |
2 | 8–0 | 0 | –1 |
2 | 8–1 | 0.924 | –0.383 |
2 | 8–2 | 0.707 | –0.707 |
2 | 8–3 | 0.383 | –0.924 |
2 | 8–4 | 1 | –0 |
In the third quarter of the circle, there is symmetry (with quarter one) but
quarter | angle |
sin(angle) | cos(angle) |
3 | 8+0 | –0 | –1 |
3 | 8+1 | –0.924 | –0.383 |
3 | 8+2 | –0.707 | –0.707 |
3 | 8+3 | –0.383 | –0.924 |
3 | 8+4 | –1 | –0 |
In the fourth quarter of the circle, there is symmetry (with quarter one) but
quarter | angle |
sin(angle) | cos(angle) |
4 | 0–0 | –0 | 1 |
4 | 0–1 | –0.924 | 0.383 |
4 | 0–2 | –0.707 | 0.707 |
4 | 0–3 | –0.383 | 0.924 |
4 | 0–4 | –1 | 0 |
Bringing this together gives:
angle |
sin(angle) | cos(angle) |
0 or 16 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 0.924 | 0.383 |
2 | 0.707 | 0.707 |
3 | 0.383 | 0.924 |
4 | 1 | 0 |
5 | 0.383 | –0.924 |
6 | 0.707 | –0.707 |
7 | 0.924 | –0.383 |
8 | 0 | –1 |
9 | –0.924 | –0.383 |
10 | –0.707 | –0.707 |
11 | –0.383 | –0.924 |
12 | 1 | 0 |
13 | 0.383 | 0.924 |
14 | 0.707 | 0.707 |
15 | 0.924 | 0.383 |
These numbers can be calculated using:
In [22]: [(num,
: format(math.sin(num*math.tau/16), '.3f'),
: format(math.cos(num*math.tau/16), '.3f'),
: format(math.tan(num*math.tau/16), '.3f'))
: for num in range(16)]
[(0, '0.000', '1.000', '0.000'),
(1, '0.383', '0.924', '0.414'),
(2, '0.707', '0.707', '1.000'),
(3, '0.924', '0.383', '2.414'),
(4, '1.000', '0.000', '16331239353195370.000'),
(5, '0.924', '-0.383', '-2.414'),
(6, '0.707', '-0.707', '-1.000'),
(7, '0.383', '-0.924', '-0.414'),
(8, '0.000', '-1.000', '-0.000'),
(9, '-0.383', '-0.924', '0.414'),
(10, '-0.707', '-0.707', '1.000'),
(11, '-0.924', '-0.383', '2.414'),
(12, '-1.000', '-0.000', '5443746451065123.000'),
(13, '-0.924', '0.383', '-2.414'),
(14, '-0.707', '0.707', '-1.000'),
(15, '-0.383', '0.924', '-0.414')]
Notice that the tan
function is discontinuous at the points where it involves division by zero:
Notice also due to the symmetry of the circle that the cosine waveform has a lag behind the sine waveform:
The plot is often centred around
Recall the circle equation for
In the case of
Which simplifies down to:
The squared terms look like the following:
Note that their sum is 1
as expected.
The arcsine math.asin
, arccosine math.acos
and arctangent math.atan
are inverse functions which return
Because of the circles symmetry there are multiple angles that could correspond to a length ratio. The arc functions are therefore constricted to an angle between
In [23]: [math.asin(num) * 16 / math.tau for num in (-1, -0.707, 0, 0.707, 1)]
Out[23]: [-4.0, -1.9996154816516452, 0.0, 1.9996154816516452, -4.0]
The inverse arcsine function outputs the angle
In [24]: [math.acos(num) * 16 / math.tau for num in (1, 0.707, 0, -0.707, -1)]
Out[24]: [0.0, 2.0003845183483553, 4.0, 5.999615481651645, 8.0]
Notice that the limits for the arcsine and arcosine are selected so the two functions exhibit a similar form, the cyan line in the last plot has a flipped form of the magenta line in the previous plot.
Since the arcsine is the default, the arctangent function operates over the same range as the arcsine function. For example:
In [25]: [math.atan(num) * 16 / math.tau for num in (-1, -0.707, 0, 0.707, 1)]
Out[25]: [-2.0, -1.5671249216248313, 0.0, 1.5671249216248313, 2.0]
In [26]: exit
Exam the cyan curve, for small values of
This relationship breaks down further and further away from the origin.
If a set of measurement values have an average value of
There is no inbuilt function for the normal distribution in the math
module but it is easy to construct using the functions provided in math
In [1]: import math
In [2]: def standard_normal(x):
: return math.exp(-(x**2)/2)/math.sqrt(math.tau)
In [3]: [format(standard_normal(num), '.3f') for num in (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2)]
Out[3]: ['0.054', '0.242', '0.399', '0.242', '0.054']
The standard normal distribution is shown below:
The normal distribution is commonly plotted with the x-axis shown in units of standard deviations. Each standard deviation is
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd standard deviation are shown.
Visually the number of boxes under the graph can be counted. Each box has an x length of 1
and a y length of 0.05
giving an area of 0.05
. There are approximately 20
boxes and therefore the total area is 1.00
i.e. is normalised. The area under the curve of a normal distribution and the probability of all outcomes should be certain and therefore sum up to 1.00
A measurement value of 0.6827
(68.27 %) chance of lying within 1 standard deviations. Pictorally this can be seen as the 1st green line past the origin encloses about 6.5
boxes. The negative bound encloses about 6.5
other boxes. Recall there were 20
boxes in total and 13/20
is 0.65
A measurement value of 0.9545
chance of lying within 2
standard deviations. Pictorially this can be seen as the 2nd green line past the origin encloses about 3
boxes. The negative bound encloses about 3
other boxes. Recall the first bound enclosed about 13
boxes and 19/20
is 0.95
A measurement value of 0.9973
chance of lying within 3
standard deviations. Pictorially this can be seen as the 3nd green line past the origin encloses just under 0.5
of a box. The negative bound also encloses just under 0.5
of a box. This gives just under 20/20
which is just under 1.00
and there is a small fraction of area under the curve visibly outside the third standard deviation.
The error function has the formula:
This may initially look complicated but it is a formula that is essentially finding the area under the curve of the normal distribution aboven using integration. The formula takes in
The error function can be evaluated at 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations using:
In [4]: [format(math.erf(num/2**0.5), '0.4f') for num in (1, 2, 3)]
Out[4]: ['0.6827', '0.9545', '0.9973']
The error function and the normal distribution are shown below:
In the normal distribution plotted above, probability was
The value of the erf(
There is a complementary error function:
This complementary error function math.erfc
is normally used with positive values of 1 - math.erf
The value of the erfc(
In [5]: [format(math.erfc(num/2**0.5), '0.4f') for num in (1, 2, 3)]
Out[5]: ['0.3173', '0.0455', '0.0027']
The unit parabola equation is similar to the unit circle equation:
The unit parabola has a positive asymptote at
Angles close to
Angles close to
For convenience, the region between
The hyperbolic sine math.sinh
, hyperbolic cosine math.cosh
and hyperbolic tangent math.tanh
are the hyperbolic counterparts to the circular functions sine math.sin
, cosine math.cos
and tangent math.tan
Like a point in a circle, a right angle triangle can be constructed to the origin. Notice unlike the case of the circle, the magnitude of the hypotenuse will increase as the magnitude of the angle increases.
Since this is a unit parabola and the hyperbolic sine function gives the value of the y co-ordinate on the parabola:
Likewise the hyperbolic cosine gives the value of the x co-ordinate on the parabola:
In [5]: [(num,
: format(math.sinh(num*math.tau/16), '.3f'),
: format(math.cosh(num*math.tau/16), '.3f'),
: format(math.tanh(num*math.tau/16), '.3f'))
: for num in range(17)]
Out [6]: [(0, '0.000', '1.000', '0.000'),
(1, '0.403', '1.078', '0.374'),
(2, '0.869', '1.325', '0.656'),
(3, '1.470', '1.778', '0.827'),
(4, '2.301', '2.509', '0.917'),
(5, '3.492', '3.632', '0.961'),
(6, '5.228', '5.323', '0.982'),
(7, '7.781', '7.845', '0.992'),
(8, '11.549', '11.592', '0.996'),
(9, '17.121', '17.150', '0.998'),
(10, '25.367', '25.387', '0.999'),
(11, '37.576', '37.589', '1.000'),
(12, '55.654', '55.663', '1.000'),
(13, '82.426', '82.432', '1.000'),
(14, '122.073', '122.078', '1.000'),
(15, '180.789', '180.792', '1.000'),
(16, '267.745', '267.747', '1.000')]
The inverse functions will return the angle:
In [6]: format(math.asinh(0) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[6]: '0.000'
In [7]: format(math.acosh(1) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[7]: '0.000'
In [8]: format(math.atanh(0) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[8]: '0.000'
In [9]: format(math.asinh(0.403) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[9]: '1.000'
In [10]: format(math.acosh(1.078) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[10]: '0.999'
In [11]: format(math.atanh(0.374) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[11]: '1.001'
In [12]: exit
Zooming in to view the smaller angles in more detail:
Recall the unit parabola equation was defined with the equation:
And since
The offset of 1
can be seen when these squared functions are plotted:
The hyperbolic cosine and hyperbolic sine equations are related to the exponential which was previously examined:
At an
This gives the co-ordinate
For larger values it is insightful to plot out the positive exponential and negative exponential components. At larger values the positive exponent dominates:
And therefore this is the sum of the sandybrown and palegreen curves. Notice the sandybrown curve has the same value as the palegreen curve at the start at
At larger values of
And therefore this is the difference of the sandybrown and palegreen curves. Notice the sandybrown curve has the same value as the palegreen curve at the start at
At larger values of
The cmath
module compartmentalises a number of mathematical functions for complex numbers. It is largely consistent with the math
module however the functions are updated so they can operate on complex numbers. There are a handful of unique functions that are complex number specific which will be examined:
In [12]: import cmath
In [13]: cmath.
# -------------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `cmath`:
# -------------------------------------
# ⚙️ Constants:
# - pi : The constant π (approximately 3.14159).
# - e : The constant e (approximately 2.71828).
# - inf : Represents positive infinity for complex numbers.
# - nan : Represents NaN (Not a Number) for complex numbers.
# 📐 Complex Number Operations:
# - phase(x) : Returns the phase (or angle) of a complex number x.
# - polar(x) : Converts a complex number to polar coordinates, returning a tuple (r, phi).
# - rect(r, phi) : Converts polar coordinates (r, phi) back to a complex number.
# 🔋 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Complex):
# - exp(x) : Returns e raised to the power x for complex numbers.
# - log(x[, base]) : Returns the logarithm of x for a complex number to the specified base.
# - log10(x) : Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number x.
# 📈 Power Functions:
# - pow(x, y) : Returns x raised to the power y for complex numbers.
# - sqrt(x) : Returns the square root of a complex number x.
# 🛤 Trigonometric Functions (Complex):
# - sin(x) : Returns the sine of a complex number x.
# - cos(x) : Returns the cosine of a complex number x.
# - tan(x) : Returns the tangent of a complex number x.
# - asin(x) : Returns the arcsine of a complex number x.
# - acos(x) : Returns the arccosine of a complex number x.
# - atan(x) : Returns the arctangent of a complex number x.
# 🔄 Hyperbolic Functions (Complex):
# - sinh(x) : Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number x.
# - cosh(x) : Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number x.
# - tanh(x) : Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number x.
# - asinh(x) : Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number x.
# - acosh(x) : Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a complex number x.
# - atanh(x) : Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a complex number x.
# 🔍 Boolean and Classification Functions:
# - isinf(x) : Returns True if x is positive or negative infinity (complex).
# - isnan(x) : Returns True if x is NaN (complex).
# - isfinite(x) : Returns True if x is neither infinity nor NaN (complex).
A complex number
Notice the similarity between the plot above and the circle examined when exploring the trigonometric reltations sine, cosine and tangent.
For the complex number
A complex number times its complex conjugate should square the magnitude of the complex number leaving only a real component:
This condition is also satisfied with a complex exponential:
Eulers formula equates:
If a single complex point is considered:
In [13]: (3+2j)
Out[13]: (3+2j)
The data point is in red and is plotted on a using rectangular co-ordinates where the imaginary component
If a red line is drawn from the origin with radius
The complex number can be expressed in the rectangular
The phase cmath.phase
function will determine the phase angle
In [14]: format(cmath.phase((3+2j)) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[14]: '1.497'
This angle can also be calculated using the atan
of the ratio of the
In [15]: format(math.atan(2/3) * 16 / math.tau, '.3f')
Out[15]: '1.497'
The polar function cmath.polar
function will return a 2 element tuple
instance of the form (
In [16]: cmath.polar(3+2j)
Out[16]: (3.605551275463989, 0.5880026035475675)
The first element is the radius
In [17]: math.hypot(3, 2)
Out[17]: 3.605551275463989
The second element is the angle expressed in radians, to get it in units that are
In [18]: cmath.polar(3+2j)[1]*16/math.tau
Out[18]: 1.4973363344879904
The inverse function rectangular cmath.rect
will return a complex number in rectangular co-ordinates from polar co-ordinates:
In [19]: cmath.rect(*cmath.polar(3+2j))
Out[19]: (3+1.9999999999999996j)
In [20]: exit
The decimal
module compartmentalises the Decimal
class. This is essentially a floating point number that is encoded in decimal instead of binary and as a consequence behaves more similarly to the numbering systems humans are used to. The down side of the use of the Decimal
class over the float
class is it requires a lot more memory. If it's imported, it's identifiers can be viewed:
In [1]: from decimal import Decimal
In [2]: Decimal.
# -------------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `Decimal`:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions inherited from `object`:
# - __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
# - __new__(*args, **kwargs)
# - __delattr__(self, name, /)
# - __dir__(self, /)
# - __sizeof__(self, /)
# - __eq__(self, value, /)
# - __ne__(self, value, /)
# - __lt__(self, value, /)
# - __le__(self, value, /)
# - __gt__(self, value, /)
# - __ge__(self, value, /)
# - __repr__(self, /)
# - __str__(self, /)
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /)
# - __hash__(self, /)
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /)
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
# - __reduce__(self, /)
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /)
# - __init_subclass__(...)
# - __subclasshook__(...)
# 🔍 Attributes inherited from `object`:
# - __class__
# - __doc__
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Additional Functions:
# - __bool__(self, /)
# - __float__(self, /)
# - __int__(self, /)
# 🔄 Rounding Functions:
# - __round__(self, /[, ndigits])
# - __trunc__(self, /)
# - __floor__(self, /)
# - __ceil__(self, /)
# 🧮 Unitary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __neg__(self, /)
# - __pos__(self, /)
# - __abs__(self, /)
# ➕ Binary Arithmetic Operators:
# - __add__(self, value, /)
# - __sub__(self, value, /)
# - __mul__(self, value, /)
# - __truediv__(self, value, /)
# - __floordiv__(self, value, /)
# - __mod__(self, value, /)
# - __pow__(self, value, /)
# ➕ Binary Reflection Arithmetic Operators:
# - __radd__(self, value, /)
# - __rsub__(self, value, /)
# - __rmul__(self, value, /)
# - __rtruediv__(self, value, /)
# - __rfloordiv__(self, value, /)
# - __rmod__(self, value, /)
# - __rpow__(self, value, /)
# -------------------------------------
# 📊 Arithmetic and Mathematical Operations:
# -------------------------------------
# - sqrt(self, context=None) # Returns the square root of the Decimal.
# - exp(self, context=None) # Returns e raised to the power of the Decimal.
# - ln(self, context=None) # Returns the natural logarithm of the Decimal.
# - log10(self, context=None) # Returns the base-10 logarithm of the Decimal.
# -------------------------------------
# Compatibility with Integer Functions:
# -------------------------------------
# - to_integral_value(self, /) # Rounds to an integer, with current context precision.
# - to_integral_exact(self, /) # Rounds to the nearest integer, checking inexact or rounding.
# -------------------------------------
# Quantization:
# -------------------------------------
# - quantize(self, exp, rounding=None, context=None) # Rounds a Decimal to the exponent value.
# - same_quantum(self, other, /) # Checks if self and other have the same exponent.
# -------------------------------------
# 📐 Comparison and Boolean:
# -------------------------------------
# - compare(self, other, context=None) # General comparison function, respecting context.
# - compare_signal(self, other, context=None) # Comparison with signaling NaNs.
# - compare_total(self, other, /) # Compares for total ordering.
# - compare_total_mag(self, other, /) # Compares absolute value total ordering.
# - is_signed(self, /) # Returns True if the Decimal is negative.
# - is_nan(self, /) # Checks if the Decimal is NaN.
# - is_qnan(self, /) # Checks if the Decimal is a quiet NaN.
# - is_snan(self, /) # Checks if the Decimal is a signaling NaN.
# - is_infinite(self, /) # Checks if the Decimal is infinity.
# - is_zero(self, /) # Checks if the Decimal is zero.
# - is_subnormal(self, /) # Checks if the Decimal is subnormal.
# -------------------------------------
# Compatibility with `bytes`:
# -------------------------------------
# - to_eng_string(self, /) # Returns a string in engineering notation.
# - to_integral(self, rounding=None, context=None) # Rounds to an integral value.
# -------------------------------------
# Other Utility and Helper Methods:
# -------------------------------------
# - adjust(self, /) # Adjusts the exponent to remove trailing zeros.
# - canonical(self, /) # Returns the canonical form of the Decimal.
# - copy_abs(self, /) # Returns a copy with an absolute value.
# - copy_negate(self, /) # Returns a copy with a negated value.
# - copy_sign(self, other, /) # Returns a copy with the sign of another Decimal.
# - fma(self, other, third, context=None) # Returns the result of (self * other) + third.
# - max(self, other, context=None) # Returns the maximum of self and other.
# - max_mag(self, other, context=None) # Returns the maximum by absolute value.
# - min(self, other, context=None) # Returns the minimum of self and other.
# - min_mag(self, other, context=None) # Returns the minimum by absolute value.
# - next_minus(self, context=None) # Returns the previous representable value.
# - next_plus(self, context=None) # Returns the next representable value.
# - next_toward(self, other, context=None) # Returns the next value in the direction of other.
# - scaleb(self, other, context=None) # Shifts the exponent by the value of other.
# - to_tuple(self, /) # Returns a named tuple representation.
# - rotate(self, other, context=None) # Rotates the digits of the Decimal.
# - shift(self, other, context=None) # Shifts the digits by other’s value.
# -------------------------------------
# Other Identifiers and Special Methods:
# -------------------------------------
# - __getnewargs__(self, /) # Used during unpickling to retrieve arguments for creating the object.
A large number of the identifiers are consistent to the numeric data model and are seen in the float
class or are consistent to functions in the math
The Decimal
class is normally instantiated using a str
of the floating point number:
In [2]: Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.2')
Out[2]: Decimal('0.3')
Notice that the operation above displays without any rounding deviation, because this number is displayed in decimal and encoded in decimal.
Compare this to the float
instances, which show the rounding deviation due to binary encoding:
In [3]: 0.1 + 0.2
Out[3]: 0.30000000000000004
If a float
instance is cast into a Decimal
instance the rounding deviation will display:
In [4]: Decimal(0.1+0.2)
Out[4]: Decimal('0.3000000000000000444089209850062616169452667236328125')
Notice that the Decimal
instance has a much higher precision than the float
and that the return value shows the initialisation data is supplied as a str
of a float
because the str
of the float
is not normally subject to rounding deviations. The context contains details about the precision, minimal and maximal exponent as well as flags and traps:
In [5]: from decimal import getcontext
In [6]: getcontext()
Out[6]: Context(prec=28, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN, Emin=-999999, Emax=999999, capitals=1, clamp=0, flags=[Inexact, FloatOperation, Rounded], traps=[InvalidOperation, DivisionByZero, Overflow]
Scientific notation can be used for large and small numbers. Note the Decimal
class expresses the exponent in capitals by default:
In [7]: for num in range(9, -1, -1):
: print(Decimal('0.'+num*'0'+'123'))
: for num in range(20):
: print(Decimal('123'+num*'0'+'.'))
The formal representation will only convert the string of a small number to the string of the exponent form. Large numbers are normally returned as supplied:
In [8]: Decimal('1e7')
Out[8]: Decimal('1E+7')
In [9]: Decimal('10000000')
Out[9]: Decimal('10000000')
In [10]: Decimal('10000000') == Decimal('1e7')
Out[10]: True
The Decimal
class does not encounter binary rounding deviations but is still subject to decimal rounding deviations:
In [11]: Decimal('1') / Decimal('3')
Out[11]: Decimal('0.3333333333333333333333333333')
In [12]: exit
The datetime
module compartmentalises a number of classes for working with dates and times. These classes can be imported directly from the module:
In [1]: from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta
These classes were originally developed as builtins
classes before being compartmentalised to their own module and as a consequence they are in lower case and do not use PascalCase like shown in Decimal
and Fraction
It is not recommended to import the classes directly from the module, because there is another standard module called time
with a function called time
In [2]: from time import time
In addition, if datetime
is later imported, there may be confusion with the module name and class which are both in lower case:
In [3]: import datetime
i.e. the direct imports can create naming conflicts...:
In [3]: exit
Instead it is recommended to import both modules directly and now there is no ambiguity:
In [1]: import datetime
: import time
In [2]: datetime.time
Out[2]: <function time.time>
In [3]: datetime.datetime
Out[3]: datetime.datetime
By default datetime
instances are timezone agnostic. Creation of timezones is compartmentalised further into the zoneinfo
module (lower case) which contains the ZoneInfo
In [4]: from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
The identifiers of the
class can be examined:
In [5]:
# -------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for ``:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions inherited from `object`:
# - __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) : Initializes the date object.
# - __new__(*args, **kwargs) : Creates a new instance of the date class.
# - __delattr__(self, name, /) : Defines behavior for deleting an attribute.
# - __dir__(self, /) : Default dir() implementation.
# - __sizeof__(self, /) : Returns the memory size of the date object, in bytes.
# - __repr__(self, /) : Returns a detailed string representation of the date.
# - __str__(self, /) : Returns a simple string representation of the date.
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /) : Returns a formatted string for the date.
# - __hash__(self, /) : Returns the hash of the date.
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /) : Retrieves an attribute by name.
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /) : Sets an attribute on the object.
# - __reduce__(self, /) : Supports pickling of date objects.
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /) : Similar to __reduce__, with an added protocol argument.
# - __subclasshook__(...) : Customize issubclass() behavior for abstract classes.
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - __class__ : The class of the object.
# - __doc__ : The docstring of the object.
# -------------------------------------
# Date Constructors:
# -------------------------------------
# - today(cls) : Returns the current local date.
# - fromtimestamp(cls, timestamp) : Converts a POSIX timestamp to a date.
# - fromordinal(cls, n) : Returns the date corresponding to the ordinal n.
# 🔍 Date Attributes:
# - year : The year of the date (e.g., 2024).
# - month : The month of the date (1–12).
# - day : The day of the date (1–31).
# 🔄 Methods for Date Arithmetic:
# - __sub__(self, other, /) : Returns the difference between two dates as a timedelta.
# - __add__(self, timedelta, /) : Adds a timedelta to the date.
# - __radd__(self, timedelta, /) : Reflects addition with timedelta (timedelta + self).
# - __rsub__(self, other, /) : Reflects subtraction with another date or timedelta.
# ➕ Comparison Methods:
# - __eq__(self, other, /) : Checks if two dates are equal.
# - __ne__(self, other, /) : Checks if two dates are not equal.
# - __lt__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is earlier than another date.
# - __le__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is earlier than or equal to another date.
# - __gt__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is later than another date.
# - __ge__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is later than or equal to another date.
# 🔄 Date Formatting and String Conversion:
# - ctime(self) : Returns a string representing the date in C-style format.
# - strftime(self, format) : Formats the date as a string according to format specifiers.
# - isoformat(self) : Returns the date in ISO 8601 format ('YYYY-MM-DD').
# 📦 Other Date Utility Methods:
# - weekday(self) : Returns the day of the week as an integer (0 = Monday, 6 = Sunday).
# - isoweekday(self) : Returns the ISO day of the week (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday).
# - isocalendar(self) : Returns a tuple containing the ISO calendar year, week, and weekday.
# - timetuple(self) : Returns a time.struct_time tuple for the date.
# - toordinal(self) : Returns the ordinal of the date (days since 0001-01-01).
# - replace(self, year, month, day) : Returns a new date with the specified year, month, or day replaced.
# 🔄 Properties:
# - min : The minimum representable date (, 1, 1)).
# - max : The maximum representable date (, 12, 31)).
# - resolution : The smallest difference between two dates (1 day).
The identifiers of the datetime.time
class can be examined:
In [5]: datetime.time.
# -------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for ``:
# -------------------------------------
# 🔧 Functions inherited from `object`:
# - __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) : Initializes the date object.
# - __new__(*args, **kwargs) : Creates a new instance of the date class.
# - __delattr__(self, name, /) : Defines behavior for deleting an attribute.
# - __dir__(self, /) : Default dir() implementation.
# - __sizeof__(self, /) : Returns the memory size of the date object, in bytes.
# - __repr__(self, /) : Returns a detailed string representation of the date.
# - __str__(self, /) : Returns a simple string representation of the date.
# - __format__(self, format_spec, /) : Returns a formatted string for the date.
# - __hash__(self, /) : Returns the hash of the date.
# - __getattribute__(self, name, /) : Retrieves an attribute by name.
# - __setattr__(self, name, value, /) : Sets an attribute on the object.
# - __reduce__(self, /) : Supports pickling of date objects.
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol, /) : Similar to __reduce__, with an added protocol argument.
# - __subclasshook__(...) : Customize issubclass() behavior for abstract classes.
# 🔍 Attributes:
# - __class__ : The class of the object.
# - __doc__ : The docstring of the object.
# -------------------------------------
# Date Constructors:
# -------------------------------------
# - today(cls) : Returns the current local date.
# - fromtimestamp(cls, timestamp) : Converts a POSIX timestamp to a date.
# - fromordinal(cls, n) : Returns the date corresponding to the ordinal n.
# 🔍 Date Attributes:
# - year : The year of the date (e.g., 2024).
# - month : The month of the date (1–12).
# - day : The day of the date (1–31).
# ➕ Comparison Methods:
# - __eq__(self, other, /) : Checks if two dates are equal.
# - __ne__(self, other, /) : Checks if two dates are not equal.
# - __lt__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is earlier than another date.
# - __le__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is earlier than or equal to another date.
# - __gt__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is later than another date.
# - __ge__(self, other, /) : Checks if the date is later than or equal to another date.
# 🔄 Date Formatting and String Conversion:
# - ctime(self) : Returns a string representing the date in C-style format.
# - strftime(self, format) : Formats the date as a string according to format specifiers.
# - isoformat(self) : Returns the date in ISO 8601 format ('YYYY-MM-DD').
# 📦 Other Date Utility Methods:
# - weekday(self) : Returns the day of the week as an integer (0 = Monday, 6 = Sunday).
# - isoweekday(self) : Returns the ISO day of the week (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday).
# - isocalendar(self) : Returns a tuple containing the ISO calendar year, week, and weekday.
# - timetuple(self) : Returns a time.struct_time tuple for the date.
# - toordinal(self) : Returns the ordinal of the date (days since 0001-01-01).
# - replace(self, year, month, day) : Returns a new date with the specified year, month, or day replaced.
# 🔄 Properties:
# - min : The minimum representable date (, 1, 1)).
# - max : The maximum representable date (, 12, 31)).
# - resolution : The smallest difference between two dates (1 day).
The datetime.datetime
class is a child class of the
In [5]: datetime.datetime.mro()
Out[5]: [datetime.datetime,, object]
Its identifiers can be examined:
In [6]: datetime.datetime.
# --------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `datetime.datetime`
# --------------------------------
# 📅 Basic Properties:
# - year : Year (e.g., 2023).
# - month : Month (1–12).
# - day : Day (1–31).
# - hour : Hour (0–23).
# - minute : Minute (0–59).
# - second : Second (0–59).
# - microsecond : Microsecond (0–999,999).
# - tzinfo : Time zone information.
# 🕓 Current Time Constructors:
# - today(cls) : Returns the current local date and time.
# - now(cls[, tz]) : Returns the current date and time, with optional time zone.
# - utcnow() : Returns the current UTC date and time.
# - fromtimestamp(cls, timestamp[, tz]) : Converts a POSIX timestamp to a local `datetime`.
# - utcfromtimestamp(cls, timestamp) : Converts a POSIX timestamp to UTC `datetime`.
# 📆 Date and Time Constructors:
# - combine(cls, date, time[, tzinfo]) : Combines a `date` and a `time` into a `datetime`.
# - fromordinal(cls, n) : Converts a proleptic Gregorian ordinal to `datetime`.
# - fromisoformat(cls, date_string) : Parses an ISO 8601 string to `datetime`.
# - strptime(cls, date_string, format) : Parses a formatted string to `datetime`.
# 🔄 Conversion Functions:
# - timestamp() : Returns the POSIX timestamp as a float.
# - date() : Returns the date part as a `date` object.
# - time() : Returns the time part as a `time` object.
# - timetz() : Returns the time with time zone as a `time` object.
# - toordinal() : Returns the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date.
# - weekday() : Returns the day of the week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday).
# - isoweekday() : Returns the ISO day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday).
# - isoformat(self[, sep, timespec]) : Returns ISO 8601 formatted string (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssss).
# 📅 ISO Calendar:
# - isocalendar() : Returns a tuple (ISO year, ISO week number, ISO weekday).
# 📏 Comparison Operators:
# - __eq__(self, other) : Checks if two `datetime` objects are equal.
# - __ne__(self, other) : Checks if two `datetime` objects are not equal.
# - __lt__(self, other) : Checks if this `datetime` is earlier than another.
# - __le__(self, other) : Checks if this `datetime` is earlier than or equal to another.
# - __gt__(self, other) : Checks if this `datetime` is later than another.
# - __ge__(self, other) : Checks if this `datetime` is later than or equal to another.
# - __hash__(self) : Returns a hash for the `datetime` object.
# 🧮 Arithmetic Operations:
# - __add__(self, timedelta) : Adds a `timedelta` to a `datetime`.
# - __sub__(self, other) : Subtracts a `datetime` or `timedelta`.
# - __radd__(self, timedelta) : Reflects addition of a `timedelta`.
# 🧭 Time Zone Functions:
# - astimezone(self[, tz]) : Converts to the specified time zone.
# - utcoffset(self) : Returns the UTC offset as a `timedelta`.
# - dst(self) : Returns daylight saving time adjustment as a `timedelta`.
# - tzname(self) : Returns the time zone name.
# 🧹 Formatting Functions:
# - strftime(self, format) : Formats `datetime` according to the specified format string.
# 🔄 Representation Functions:
# - __repr__(self) : Returns the official string representation of `datetime`.
# - __str__(self) : Returns a string representation of the `datetime`.
# 🛠 Special Methods:
# - __reduce__(self) : Helper for pickling.
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol) : Helper for pickling with protocol specification.
The identifiers of the timedelta
class can be examined:
In [6]: datetime.timedelta
# --------------------------------
# Available Identifiers for `datetime.timedelta`
# --------------------------------
# 📅 Basic Properties:
# - days : Number of days in the duration.
# - seconds : Remaining seconds after days are accounted for (0–86399).
# - microseconds : Remaining microseconds after seconds are accounted for (0–999999).
# 🕰 Basic Operations:
# - total_seconds() : Returns the total duration in seconds as a float.
# 🔄 Arithmetic Operators:
# - __add__(self, other) : Adds two `timedelta` objects or adds a `timedelta` to a `datetime`.
# - __sub__(self, other) : Subtracts two `timedelta` objects or a `timedelta` from a `datetime`.
# - __mul__(self, other) : Multiplies `timedelta` by an integer or float.
# - __truediv__(self, other) : Divides `timedelta` by an integer or float.
# - __floordiv__(self, other) : Divides `timedelta` by an integer with floor division.
# - __mod__(self, other) : Modulus operation with `timedelta`.
# - __neg__(self) : Returns the negation of `timedelta`.
# - __pos__(self) : Returns the positive value of `timedelta`.
# - __abs__(self) : Returns the absolute value of `timedelta`.
# - __divmod__(self, other) : Returns quotient and remainder as a pair of `timedelta`.
# - __radd__(self, other) : Reflects addition with a `timedelta` and another object.
# 📏 Comparison Operators:
# - __eq__(self, other) : Checks if two `timedelta` objects are equal.
# - __ne__(self, other) : Checks if two `timedelta` objects are not equal.
# - __lt__(self, other) : Checks if this `timedelta` is shorter than another.
# - __le__(self, other) : Checks if this `timedelta` is shorter than or equal to another.
# - __gt__(self, other) : Checks if this `timedelta` is longer than another.
# - __ge__(self, other) : Checks if this `timedelta` is longer than or equal to another.
# - __bool__(self) : Checks if `timedelta` has a non-zero duration.
# 🛠 Special Methods:
# - __hash__(self) : Returns a hash for the `timedelta` object.
# - __reduce__(self) : Helper for pickling.
# - __reduce_ex__(self, protocol) : Helper for pickling with protocol specification.
# 🔄 Representation and Formatting:
# - __repr__(self) : Returns the official string representation of `timedelta`.
# - __str__(self) : Returns a string representation of the `timedelta`.
The identifiers for the
class can be examined. It has the instance attributes year
, month
and day
which are supplied during instantiation and the class attributes min
, max
and resolution
which give details about the minimum and maximum possible dates as well as the time resolution of a day. The
class also has a number of other methods that act as alternative constructors for another date format or export the date to such a format respectively:
To instantiate a
the positional input arguments, year
, month
and day
are required:
In [6]:, 11, 3)
Out[6]:, 11, 3)
Note the time is shown using descending format year
, month
and then day
to prevent confusion between UK (dd, mm, yyyy) and US (mm, dd, yyyy) formats.
The formal and informal string representation differ with the printing of the formal representation matching the way to instantiate a new instance and the informal representation matching the iso format:
In [7]: repr(, 11, 3))
Out[7]: ', 11, 3)'
In [8]: str(, 11, 3))
Out[8]: '2023-09-29'
The alternative constructor (class method) fromisoformat
can be used to construct a time instance from an isoformat string which is of the form 'yyyy-mm-dd'
In [9]:'2023-09-29')
Out[9]:, 11, 3)
The instance attributes can be read off:
In [10]:, 11, 3).year
Out[10]: 2023
In [11]:, 11, 3).month
Out[11]: 9
In [12]:, 11, 3).day
Out[12]: 29
The class attributes min
and max
give the minimum and maximum possible date instance:
In [13]:, 11, 3).min
Out[13]:, 12, 31)
In [14]:, 11, 3).max
Out[14]:, 12, 31)
In [15]: # class attribute
Out[15]:, 1, 1)
The class attribute resolution
, gives the time resolution of the date instance, returning a timedelta
instance, because a date is specified only up to the accuracy of a day, this is 1 day:
In [16]:, 11, 3).resolution
Out[16]: datetime.timedelta(days=1)
is a class method that constructs todays date (this is written on Sunday the 3rd of November, 2024):
In [17]:
Out[17]:, 11, 3)
The method weekday
gives a zero-order index weekday where Monday is at index 0
and Sunday is at index 6
In [18]:, 11, 3).weekday()
Out[18]: 6
The method isoweekday
gives a first-order index weekday where Monday is at index 1
and Sunday is at index 7
In [19]:, 11, 3).isoweekday()
Out[19]: 7
The method isocalendar
returns a date
in the isoformat which contains a year, week and weekday:
In [20]:, 11, 3).isocalendar()
Out[20]: datetime.IsoCalendarDate(year=2024, week=44, weekday=7)
is an alternative constructor using this format. The named input arguments are however slightly inconsistent using day
in fromisocalendar and weekday
in isocalendar:
In [21]:, week=44, day=7)
The ordinal date begins at:
In [22]:
Out[22]:, 1, 1)
In [23]:, 1, 1).toordinal()
Out[23]: 1
And 1 ordinal unit is 1 day:
In [24]:, 11, 3).toordinal()
Out[24]: 739193
is an alternative constructor that will construct a date
instance from this ordinal time:
In [25]:
Out[25]:, 11, 3)
returns the system time as a timestamp. This is a unit of measurement in milliseconds that begins from the Epoch Date, 1, 1)
which is designated 0
In [26]: time.time()
Out[26]: 1730634925.1948502
is an alternative constructor that will construct a date
from a timestamp:
In [27]:
Out[27]:, 11, 3)
Note that the
has an accuracy to a day and any information within the day is truncated. There is no export method to a timestamp as the date is not accurate enough to be expressed in milliseconds.
A date
can also be converted to a timetuple:
In [28]:, 11, 3).timetuple()
Out[28]: time.struct_time(tm_year=2024, tm_mon=11, tm_mday=3, tm_hour=0, tm_min=0, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=6, tm_yday=308, tm_isdst=-1)
Or a C-style time string:
In [29]:, 11, 3).ctime()
Out[29]: 'Sun Nov 3 00:00:00 2024'
A formatted string for the date instance can be created using the method strftime
. Lower case format codes are used for a date %y
, %m
, %d
in a 2
digit format:
In [30]:, 11, 3).strftime('%d/%m/%y') # UK format
Out[30]: '03/11/24'
The upper case variation %Y
give the years in 4
In [30]:, 11, 3).strftime('%d/%m/%Y') # UK format
Out[30]: '03/11/2024'
The replace
method can be used with the keywords year
, month
and date
to replace an attribute in the original
instance and because this class is immutable returns a new instance:
In [31]:, 11, 3).replace(year=2009)
Out[31]:, 11, 3)
Dates are ordinal and the 6
data model methods corresponding to the comparison operators are assigned:
In [32]: today =, 11, 3)
: tommorrow =, 11, 4)
: overmorrow =, 11, 5)
In [33]: tommorrow > today
: True
The __sub__
data model method is also defined and the -
operator can be used between two
instances to return the day difference in the form of a datetime.timedelta
In [34]: tomorrow - today
Out[34]: datetime.timedelta(days=1)
In [35]: overmorrow - today
Out[35]: datetime.timedelta(days=2)
In [36]: overmorrow - tomorrow
Out[36]: datetime.timedelta(days=1)
The __add__
data model method is also defined and the +
operator can be used between a
instance and a datetime.timedelta
instance to return a new
In [37]:, 11, 3) + datetime.timedelta(days=52)
Out[37]:, 12, 25)
To instantiate a datetime.time
the positional input arguments, hour
, minute
and second
are required which match the form 12:14:05
seen on a system clock:
In [38]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5)
Out[38]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5)
It is also possible to specify an optional higher precision microsecond component:
In [39]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456)
Out[39]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456)
It has the instance attributes hour
, minute
, second
and microsecond
which are supplied during instantiation:
In [40]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456).day
Out[40]: 12
In [41]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456).minute
Out[41]: 14
In [42]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456).second
Out[42]: 5
In [43]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456).microsecond
Out[43]: 123456
The class attributes min
, max
and resolution
which give details about the minimum and maximum possible times as well as the time resolution, which is 1 microsecond:
In [44]: datetime.time.min
Out[44]: datetime.time(0, 0)
In [45]: datetime.time.max
Out[45]: datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999999)
In [46]: datetime.time.resolution
Out[46]: datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1)
The formal and informal string representation differ with the printed formal representation matching the way to instantiate a new instance and the informal representation matching the iso format, which is the way a time is displayed on a clock:
In [47]: repr(datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456))
Out[47]: 'datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456)'
In [48]: str(datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456))
Out[48]: '12:14:05.123456'
The isoformat
method returns the isoformat which is identical to the informal string representation:
In [49]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456).isoformat()
Out[49]: '12:14:05.123456'
is an alternative constructor that can be used to construct a datetime.time
instance from an isoformat string:
In [50]: datetime.time.fromisoformat('12:14:05.123456')
Out[50]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456)
A formatted string for the datetime.time
instance can be constructed using the strftime
method. Uppercase format codes are generally used for times %H
, %M
, %S
however a lowercase format code %f
is used for the microseconds:
In [51]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456).strftime('%H %M %S %f')
Out[51]: '12 14 05 123456'
The replace
method can be used with the keywords hour
, minute
, seconds
and microseconds
to replace an attribute in the original datetime.time
instance and because this class is immutable returns a new instance:
In [52]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456).replace(hour=13)
Out[52]: datetime.time(13, 14, 5, 123456)
Times are ordinal and the 6
data model methods corresponding to the comparison operators are assigned:
In [53]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5) > datetime.time(12, 14, 6)
Out[53]: False
As seen earlier the datetime.datetime
class is a child class of the
class. This class has been updated to include the additional properties in the datetime.time
To instantiate a datetime.datetime
the positional input arguments, year
, month
and day
are required alongside the positional input arguments, hour
, minute
and second
and optional microseconds
input argument:
In [54]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456)
Out[54]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456)
The formal and informal string representation differ with the printed formal representation matching the way to instantiate a new instance and the informal representation being similar (but not identical to the ISO format) in form similar to the iso format:
In [55]: repr(datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456))
Out[55]: 'datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456)'
In [56]: str(datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456))
Out[56]: '2023-09-29 12:14:05.123456'
In [57]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).isoformat()
Out[57]: '2023-09-29T12:14:05.123456'
Note that there is a subtle difference between the informal string representation which uses a space between the date and time and the isoformat
which uses a T between the date and time. The alternative constructor fromisoformat
can be used to create a datetime.datetime
instance from a isoformat string instance (with or without the T):
In [58]: datetime.datetime.fromisoformat('2023-09-29 12:14:05.123456')
Out[58]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456)
In [59]: datetime.datetime.fromisoformat('2023-09-29T12:14:05.123456')
Out[59]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456)
There is an attribute corresponding to each unit:
In [60]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).year
Out[60]: 2023
In [61]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).month
Out[61]: 9
In [62]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).day
Out[62]: 29
In [63]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).hour
Out[63]: 12
In [64]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).minute
Out[64]: 14
In [65]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).second
Out[65]: 5
In [66]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).millisecond
Out[66]: 123456
The class attributes min
and max
give the minimum and maximum possible datetime.datetime
instance which are a combination of the
and datetime.time
attributes min
and max
In [67]: datetime.datetime.min
Out[67]: datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0)
In [68]: datetime.datetime.max
Out[68]: datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999)
The class attribute resolution
is a class attribute that returns the time resolution of the datetime.datetime
instance, as a datetime.timedelta
In [69]: datetime.datetime.resolution
Out[69]: datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1)
The resolution is a microseconds which corresponds to the lowest unit possible for the datetime.datetime
instance. The date
and time
methods return a
and datetime.time
instance respectively:
In [70]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).date()
Out[70]:, 11, 3)
In [71]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).time()
Out[71]: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456)
is an alternative constructor which can be used to combine a
and datetime.time
In [72]: datetime.datetime.combine(, 11, 3),
: datetime.time(12, 14, 5, 123456))
Out[72]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456)
The methods weekday
and the isoweekday
inherited from the
parent class return a zero-order indexed week day and 1st order indexed week day respectively:
In [73]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).weekday()
Out[73]: 6
In [74]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).isoweekday()
Out[74]: 7
is an alternative constructor that will create a datetime.datetime
instance from the system clock:
In [75]:
Out[75]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 17, 3, 3, 250165)
All of the alternative constructors seen in the
class have consistent counterparts in the datetime.datetime
class which include:
to | from |
isocalendar | fromisocalandar |
toordinal | fromordinal |
timestamp | fromtimestamp |
timetuple | |
ctime |
Recall that the ordinal format specifies the date as an int
. This behaviour remains unchanged in the datetime.datetime
class and does not reflect any higher accuracy.
The time stamp on the otherhand has the accuracy of a millisecond and starts at the Epoch datetime of, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
which is designated 0
In [76]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 17, 3, 3, 250165).timestamp()
In [77]: 1730653383.250165
In [78]: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1730653383.250165)
Out[78]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 17, 3, 3, 250165)
In [79]: time.time()
Out[79]: 1730654365.870213
In [80]: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) #
Out[80]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 17, 20, 34, 701488)
or ctime
will display the datetime.datetime
as a time tuple or as a time using the style of the C programming language, notice the millisecond accuracy is lost:
In [81]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).timetuple()
Out[81]: time.struct_time(tm_year=2024, tm_mon=11, tm_mday=3, tm_hour=12, tm_min=14, tm_sec=5, tm_wday=6, tm_yday=308, tm_isdst=-1)
In [82]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).ctime()
Out[82]: 'Sun Nov 3 12:14:05 2024'
A formatted string can be created using strftime
. Both the format specifiers from the
and datetime.time
instance are recognised:
- Lowercase format codes are used for a date
in a2
digit format - Uppercase format code
is used for a4
digit format for a year - Uppercase format code
is used for a date in the US format'mm/dd/yy'
- Uppercase format codes are used for a time
- Lowercase format code
is used for the microseconds
This can be used to construct a datetime str
instance in the UK format for example:
In [83]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).strftime('%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y')
Out[83]: '12:14:05 03/11/2024'
The method replace
can be used to create a new instance where one or more of the units are changed:
In [84]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456).replace(year=2019, second=52)
Out[84]: datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 3, 12, 14, 52, 123456)
Datetimes are ordinal and the 6
data model methods corresponding to the comparison operators are assigned:
In [85]: datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 3, 12, 14, 52) > datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456)
Out[85]: False
The data model method __sub__
and ___add__
are defined in a consistent manner to the
class. This means the -
computes the time difference between two datetime.datetime
instances, returning a datetime.timedelta
In [86]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456) - datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 3, 12, 14, 52)
Out[86]: datetime.timedelta(days=1826, seconds=86353, microseconds=123456)
The __add__
data model method is also defined and the +
operator can be used between a datetime.datetime
instance and a datetime.timedelta
instance to return a new datetime.datetime
In [87]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 12, 14, 5, 123456) - datetime.timedelta(days=52, hours=5)
Out[87]: datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 12, 7, 14, 5, 123456)
A datetime.timedelta
is a time difference; instances of the datetime.timedelta
class were returned when subtracting two
or datetime.datetime
instances from one another. To initialise the class, named arguments are normally used:
In [88]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=4, seconds=5, milliseconds=6)
Out[88]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)
Notice the omission of years and months due to the lower accuracy of these units. A month is not a fixed number of days ranging from 28-31 and a year ranges from 365-366 days. Notice also that Out[88]
has combined hours, minutes and seconds into seconds.
The formal and informal string representation differ with the printing of the formal representation matching the way to instantiate a new instance and the informal representation displaying a human readible format:
In [89]: repr(datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000))
Out[89]: 'datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)'
In [90]: str(datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000))
Out[90]: '2 days, 3:04:05.006000'
There is an attribute corresponding to each unit shown in the formal representation:
In [91]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000).days
Out[91]: 2
In [92]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000).seconds
Out[92]: 11045
In [93]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000).microseconds
Out[93]: 6000
and max
are class attributes which give the minimum and maximum possible datetime.timedelta
In [94]: datetime.timedelta.min
Out[94]: datetime.timedelta(days=-999999999)
In [95]: datetime.timedelta.max
Out[95]: datetime.timedelta(days=999999999, seconds=86399, microseconds=999999)
is a class attribute that returns the datetime.timedelta
In [96]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000).resolution
Out[96]: datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1)
The method total_seconds
will display the time difference in seconds:
In [97]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000).total_seconds()
Out[97]: 183845.006
Notice that the return value is a float
, the datetime.timedelta
behaves consistently to a float
and has the unitary data model methods defined:
In [98]: +datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)
Out[98]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)
In [99]: -datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)
Out[99]: datetime.timedelta(days=-3, seconds=75354, microseconds=994000)
In [100]: abs(datetime.timedelta(days=-3, seconds=75354, microseconds=994000))
Out[100]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)
Timedeltas are ordinal and the 6
data model methods corresponding to the comparison operators are assigned:
In [101]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000) > datetime.timedelta(days=3, seconds=11039, microseconds=1)
Out[101]: False
The binary datamodel methods are also defined. The +
and -
operators, operate between two datetime.timedelta
instances. They can also be used between a datetime.datetime
instance and a datetime.timedelta
In [102]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000) + datetime.timedelta(days=4, seconds=2000, microseconds=1)
Out[102]: datetime.timedelta(days=6, seconds=13045, microseconds=6001)
In [103]: datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 3, 12, 14, 52, 123456) + datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)
Out[103]: datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 5, 15, 18, 57, 129456)
In [104]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000) - datetime.timedelta(days=4, seconds=2000, microseconds=1)
Out[104]: datetime.timedelta(days=-2, seconds=9045, microseconds=5999)
In [105]: datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 3, 12, 14, 52, 123456) - datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000)
Out[105]: datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 1, 9, 10, 47, 117456)
The *
and /
operators will only work between a datetime.timedelta
instance and an int
or float
In [106]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000) * 2.5
Out[106]: datetime.timedelta(days=5, seconds=27612, microseconds=515000)
In [107]: datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=11045, microseconds=6000) / 2.5
Out[107]: datetime.timedelta(seconds=73538, microseconds=2400)
The ZoneInfo
class can be used to construct a timezone for example Universal Co-ordinated Time or from a geographic location:
In [108]: utc = ZoneInfo('UTC')
: london = ZoneInfo('Europe/London')
: prague = ZoneInfo('Europe/Prague')
: sydney = ZoneInfo('Australia/Sydney')
A datetime.datetime
instance can be constructed with the UTC timezone:
In [109]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=utc)
Out[109]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='UTC'))
The method tzname
can be used to return the name of the time zone:
In [110]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=utc).tzname()
Out[110]: 'UTC'
The other timezones can be used::
In [111]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=london)
Out[111]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London'))
In [112]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=prague)
Out[112]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Prague'))
In [113]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=sydney)
Out[113]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Australia/Sydney'))
The method utcoffset
will return the time offset from UTC. The offset from a date in London in winter is 0
because UTC was based on this timezone. The timezone in Prague is 1 hour ahead of UTC and in Sydney is 11 hours ahead of UTC:
In [114]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=london).utcoffset()
Out[114]: datetime.timedelta(0)
In [115]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=prague).utcoffset()
Out[115]: datetime.timedelta(3600)
In [116]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=sydney).utcoffset()
Out[116]: datetime.timedelta(seconds=39600)
Therefore the time difference between the same time measured in London and the same time measured in Prague is 1 hour:
In [117]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=london) - datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=prague)
Out[117]: datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)
For clarity:
In [118]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=london) == datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 11, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=prague)
Out[118]: True
And the method astimezone
can be used to convert one datetime
from one timezone to another:
In [119]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 10, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=london).astimezone(prague)
Out[119]: datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 3, 11, 43, 35, 1, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Prague'))
In London, there are two time zones and the clocks change twice a year:
Transition | Time Change | Hour Status | Fold |
March | 02:00 → 03:00 | Lost an hour | No |
October | 02:00 → 01:00 | Gained an hour | Yes |
Hours before and after transition on 2024-03-31:
- 2024-03-31 00:00:00 GMT (UTC+00:00)
- 2024-03-31 01:00:00 GMT (UTC+00:00)
2024-03-31 02:00:00- 2024-03-31 03:00:00 BST (UTC+01:00)
Hours before and after transition on 2024-10-27:
- 2024-10-27 00:00:00 BST (UTC+01:00)
- 2024-10-27 01:00:00 BST (UTC+01:00)
- 2024-10-27 02:00:00 BST (UTC+01:00)
- 2024-10-27 01:00:00 GMT (UTC+01:00)
On the summer to winter transition, there is an hour that duplicates as the timezone changes, the duplicate timezone has a fold. To distinguish between these two times, the fold
has to be specified:
In [120]: datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 1, 30, tzinfo=london, fold=0) # BST (UTC+01:00)
Out[120]: datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 1, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London'))
In [121]: datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 1, 30, tzinfo=london, fold=1) # GMT (UTC+00:00)
Out[121]: datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 1, 30, fold=1, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London'))
Note that the arithmetic does not take timezone folds into account:
In [122]: datetime.datetime(year=2024, month=10, day=27,
: hour=0, minute=30, tzinfo=london, fold=0) + \
: num * datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
: for num in range(5)]
Out[122]: [datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 0, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 1, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 2, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 3, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 4, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London'))]
Generally it is more reliable to perform all the calculations using a timezone of utc
and then update the timezone of the computed values:
In [123]: [(datetime.datetime(year=2024, month=10, day=27,
: hour=0, minute=30, tzinfo=utc, fold=0) + \
: num * datetime.timedelta(hours=1)).astimezone(london)
: for num in range(5)]
[datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 1, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 1, 30, fold=1, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 2, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 3, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London')),
datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 27, 4, 30, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/London'))]
The random
module is used to select a pseudo random number from a Collection
such as a list
or an underlying distribution. It can be imported using:
In [124]: import random
Its identifiers can be viewed by inputting:
In [125]: random.
# 🔗 Core Random Number Generation
# - seed # Initializes the random number generator.
# - getstate # Returns the internal state of the generator.
# - setstate # Restores the generator’s state.
# 🔗 Choice-Based Randomness
# - choice # Returns a random element from a sequence.
# - choices # Returns multiple random elements with replacement.
# - sample # Returns a subset of elements without replacement.
# - shuffle # Shuffles a list in place.
# 🔗 Uniform Distributions
# - random # Returns a random float in the range [0.0, 1.0).
# - uniform # Returns a random float in the range [a, b].
# - randint # Returns a random integer in the range [a, b].
# - randrange # Returns a random integer from a range with a step.
# - randbytes # Returns a random bytes object of the given length.
# - getrandbits # Returns a random integer with k bits.
# 🔗 Other Statistical Distributions
# - triangular # Returns a random float from a triangular distribution.
# - vonmisesvariate # Returns a random float from a von Mises distribution.
# - paretovariate # Returns a random float from a Pareto distribution.
# 🔗 Normal and Related Distributions
# - normalvariate, gauss # Returns a random float from a normal distribution.
# - lognormvariate # Returns a random float from a log-normal distribution.
# - expovariate # Returns a random float from an exponential distribution.
# - gammavariate # Returns a random float from a gamma distribution.
# - betavariate # Returns a random float from a beta distribution.
# - weibullvariate # Returns a random float from a Weibull distribution.
# 🔗 System-Based Randomness
# - SystemRandom # Cryptographically secure random number generator.
The random selection is randomly computer generated and is not really random. This is known as pseudo-random. If the following list
instance nums
is instantiated:
In [125]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
The pseudo-random result can be reproduced by using the function seed
and setting the input argument a
usually to an integer, in this case 0
In [126]: random.seed(0)
Each integer maps to a state, which under the hood uses a sequence of bytes used to generate random numbers. If the function choice
is used three times, the following three numbers are returned:
In [127]: random.choice(nums)
Out[127]: 7
In [128]: random.choice(nums)
Out[128]: 7
In [129]: random.choice(nums)
Out[129]: 1
If the seed
function is reset to an integer of 0
and another three choices are made, these will be the same three choices as before:
In [130]: random.choice(nums)
Out[130]: 7
In [131]: random.choice(nums)
Out[131]: 7
In [132]: random.choice(nums)
Out[132]: 1
The current state can be retrieved and assigned to a variable:
In [133]: state = random.getstate()
In [134]: random.choice(nums)
Out[134]: 5
In [135]: random.choice(nums)
Out[135]: 9
In [136]: random.choice(nums)
Out[136]: 7
This state can be restored from the variable and if three random choices are made, they will be the the same as before:
In [137]: random.setstate(state)
In [138]: random.choice(nums)
Out[138]: 5
In [139]: random.choice(nums)
Out[139]: 9
In [140]: random.choice(nums)
Out[140]: 7
If the seed is changed to a different integer, a different state is used and therefore using choice
will generate different numbers:
In [141]: random.seed(1)
In [142]: random.choice(nums)
Out[142]: 3
In [143]: random.choice(nums)
Out[143]: 9
If the seed
is set to an integer of 0
In [144]: random.seed(0)
The function getstate
can be used to get the state
In [145]: state = random.getstate()
Variable Explorer | |||
state | tuple | 3 | 3, (2147483648, 766982754, 497961170, 3952298588, 2331775348, ...), None) |
archive - tuple (3 elements) | |||
Index ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
0 | int | 1 | 3 |
1 | tuple | 625 | (2147483648, 766982754, 497961170, 3952298588, 2331775348, ...) |
2 | NoneType | 1 | None |
The first element in the tuple
gives 3
which is the version of the random number generator state. The second element is a tuple
representing the internal state (for MT19937), which is an internal buffer of 625
integers. The third element is None
because this is only used for older versions of the random number generator state. When a random function is used, the internal buffer changes:
In [146]: random.choice(nums)
Out[146]: 7
In [147]: state = random.getstate()
Variable Explorer | |||
state | tuple | 3 | 3, (1372342863, 3221959423, 4180954279, 3990540705, 1021773023, ...), None) |
archive - tuple (3 elements) | |||
Index ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
0 | int | 1 | 3 |
1 | tuple | 625 | (1372342863, 3221959423, 4180954279, 3990540705, 1021773023...) |
2 | NoneType | 1 | None |
The function choices
can be used to make multiple choices from a population, the number of choices is determined by specifying the keyword argument k
which has a default value of 1
and therefore behaves similar to choice
by default:
In [148]: random.seed(0)
: random.choices(nums, k=1)
Out[148]: [9]
If k=10
, 10
random numbers are generated, note the first number is 9
because the seed
was reset to an integer of 0
In [149]: random.seed(0)
: random.choices(nums, k=10)
Out[149]: [9, 7, 5, 3, 5, 5, 7, 3, 5, 5]
If k=626
, 626
random numbers are generated which is larger than the number of bytes in the buffer. Once the buffer is exhausted the generator re-seeds itself using an internal transformation (called "twisting") allowing an infinite sequence of numbers to be generated:
In [150]: random.choices(nums, k=626)
[9, 7, 5, 3, 5, 5, 7, 3, 5, 5, 9, 5, 3, 7, 7, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 7, 9, 7, 5, 1, 5, 7, 9, 9, 5, 9, 3, 9, 5, 1, 7, 3, 9, 7, 1, 5, 9, 3, 3, 9, 1, 5, 3, 9, 9, 5, 1, 3, 5, 9, 1, 5, 7, 5, 9, 5, 9, 7, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 1, 7, 7, 5, 1, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5, 3, 7, 3, 9, 9, 9, 5, 9, 5, 5, 7, 9, 9, 7, 1, 7, 5, 7, 9, 3, 7, 1, 3, 7, 3, 9, 1, 1, 7, 1, 5, 9, 5, 7, 1, 7, 7, 5, 3, 3, 9, 1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 3, 9, 9, 1, 5, 1, 3, 3, 7, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 9, 1, 3, 7, 9, 9, 1, 7, 9, 1, 7, 9, 3, 3, 5, 5, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 9, 3, 5, 1, 7, 3, 1, 3, 3, 9, 3, 3, 3, 9, 7, 7, 7, 3, 5, 7, 1, 1, 3, 3, 7, 3, 9, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 1, 5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 5, 7, 9, 5, 3, 5, 9, 9, 9, 1, 9, 7, 1, 7, 9, 5, 7, 3, 3, 7, 1, 9, 5, 1, 1, 7, 9, 3, 9, 1, 9, 3, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 5, 7, 3, 9, 3, 1, 1, 7, 5, 9, 9, 9, 1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 7, 3, 5, 3, 5, 1, 1, 3, 7, 7, 3, 7, 1, 1, 9, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 5, 3, 5, 1, 9, 5, 9, 9, 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 7, 9, 9, 7, 3, 9, 7, 1, 1, 7, 1, 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 3, 9, 3, 7, 5, 3, 1, 9, 7, 9, 5, 7, 1, 3, 3, 1, 9, 3, 1, 1, 3, 5, 1, 9, 9, 1, 5, 7, 9, 5, 9, 3, 5, 5, 7, 3, 7, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 1, 1, 3, 7, 9, 5, 7, 9, 1, 1, 9, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9, 3, 1, 1, 7, 9, 5, 9, 5, 5, 7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 3, 5, 5, 9, 5, 7, 3, 5, 9, 7, 7, 1, 1, 5, 3, 1, 9, 9, 3, 5, 9, 1, 7, 1, 3, 9, 1, 1, 5, 5, 9, 7, 7, 1, 9, 5, 7, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 7, 7, 1, 5, 3, 3, 7, 5, 9, 7, 5, 7, 3, 1, 7, 7, 7, 1, 9, 7, 9, 9, 7, 9, 5, 7, 1, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 1, 1, 9, 5, 9, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 9, 9, 7, 7, 5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 9, 9, 5, 1, 7, 7, 1, 5, 7, 1, 9, 9, 7, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 9, 9, 1, 9, 3, 3, 7, 9, 1, 1, 3, 1, 7, 9, 1, 1, 3, 9, 1, 9, 3, 5, 3, 9, 9, 7, 1, 9, 1, 5, 1, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 7, 3, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 5, 7, 1, 5, 3, 9, 1, 5, 5, 7, 3, 3, 3, 5, 9, 7, 3, 5, 7, 7, 5, 3, 7, 5, 3, 5, 9, 1, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1, 7, 7, 1, 3, 7, 7, 5, 1, 7, 5, 7, 7, 3, 7, 3, 9, 1, 9, 1, 3, 5, 5, 3, 1, 3, 3, 7, 9, 5, 1, 7, 3, 3, 5, 3, 9, 1, 5, 3, 5, 5, 7]
The choices
function also makes choices from the population with replacement. With replacement means that once a choice is made, it is still present in the population. It is therefore possible to make 626
choices from a list
that only has 5
The population above was assumed to be uniformly distributed i.e. each value has the same weight or the same chance of occurring:
In [151]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
: random.seed(0)
: random.choices(nums, k=20)
Out[151]: [9, 7, 5, 3, 5, 5, 7, 3, 5, 5, 9, 5, 3, 7, 7, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9]
Each value can be weighted, using the keyword argument weights and assigning it to a list
instance of respective weights for each value in the population. For example:
In [152]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
: weights = [5, 2, 1, 1, 1]
: random.seed(0)
: random.choices(nums, weights=weights, k=20)
Out[152]: [7, 5, 1, 1, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 3, 9, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1, 9, 9, 7, 9]
In the example above the weights are selected so they sum to 10
. The weight of 1
is 20
choices approximately 1
. This ratio becomes more apparent when a larger number of choices are made. For convenience the list
instance output from k=10000
can be used with the Counter
class to return a Counter
instance of counts for each value:
In [153]: from collections import Counter
: Counter(random.choices(nums, weights=weights, k=10000))
Out[153]: Counter({1: 4983, 3: 2020, 7: 1048, 5: 995, 9: 954})
The ratios returned are approximately equivalent to the weights as expected. Cumulative weights can also be used. The cumulative weight is the cumulative weight of all previous elements plus the new weight of the current element:
In [154]: weights = [5, 2, 1, 1, 1]
: scalar = 0
The walrus operator :=
can be used to update the value in scalar
while using the scalar
to build up a list
or cumulative values using list
In [155]: cumweights = [scalar := scalar + weight for weight in weights]
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
cum_weights | list | 5 | [5 7 8 9 10] |
scalar | int | 1 | 10 |
Once the cumulative weights are obtained, they can be used with the named keyword input argument cum_weights
and a similar ratio is obtained in the Counter
instance as before:
In [156]: random.seed(0)
: Counter(random.choices(nums, cum_weights=cumweights, k=10000))
Out[156]: Counter({1: 4980, 3: 2018, 7: 1049, 5: 996, 9: 957})
The sample
function can be used to take a sample of k
values from a population. Unlike choices the values taken for the sample are taken without replacement. For a population of 5
items where each item has a single count. A sample of 3
values can be taken:
In [157]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
: random.seed(0)
: random.sample(nums, k=3)
Out[157]: [7, 9, 1]
When a sample of 5
items is taken from a population of 5
items, all the items are taken and the list
instance returned is essentially shuffled:
In [158]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
: random.seed(0)
: random.sample(nums, k=5)
Out[158]: [7, 9, 1, 3, 5]
If 6
items are attempted to be taken from a population of only 5
items, there is a ValueError
In [159]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
: random.seed(0)
: random.sample(nums, k=6)
ValueError: Sample larger than population or is negative
The counts can be assigned to values which matched the previously used weights:
In [160]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
: counts = [5, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Since counts has a sum of 10
, there are 10
values in the full sample. This means there are five occurrences of 1
, two occurrences of 3
, one occurrence of 5
, one occurrence of 7
and one occurrence of 9
. This can be seen when a full sample is taken:
In [161]: random.seed(0)
: random.sample(nums, counts=counts, k=10)
Out[161]: [3, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 7, 5]
In [162]: random.seed(0)
: Counter(random.sample(nums, counts=counts, k=10))
Out[162]: Counter({1: 5, 3: 2, 9: 1, 7: 1, 5: 1})
Generally a number of smaller sample is taken from a larger dataset:
In [163]: random.seed(0)
: random.sample(nums, counts=counts, k=3)
Out[163]: [3, 9, 1]
The shuffle
function takes in a list
and mutates the order of values in place:
In [164]: nums = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
nums | list | 5 | [1 3 5 7 9] |
In [165]: random.seed(0)
: random.shuffle(nums)
Note there is no return value because this function is mutable and nums
is shuffled in place:
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
nums | list | 5 | [5 3 1 9 7] |
Essentially this is the mutable counterpart to taking a sample of all the values in the list
where every value in the sample has a default count of 1
The random
module has a large number of identifiers which retrieve a number from a statistical distribution. For example, the random
sample will display a random normalised float
In [166]: random.seed(0)
: random.random()
Out[166]: 0.8444218515250481
A list
of random numbers can be obtained using a list
In [167]: random.seed(0)
: [random.random() for num in range(10)]
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The random
function is a normalised version of the uniform
function which looks for a random floating point number within a specified range:
In [168]: random.seed(0)
: random.uniform(1.5, 2.0)
Out[168]: 1.9222109257625242
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The randint
function looks for a random integer within a specified range:
In [169]: random.seed(0)
: random.randint(0, 10)
Out[169]: 6
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The randrange
function looks for a random integer within a specified range, behaving more similar to the range
function and including an optional step:
In [170]: random.seed(0)
: random.randrange(0, 10, 2)
Out[170]: 6
values can be viewed in a histogram:
Recall that Python counts using zero-order indexing and the range
function is inclusive of the start
bound and is exclusive of the stop
bount (counts from start
using the step
value supplied to the stop
value but does not include the stop
value itself).
The function randbytes
can be used to select a specified random number of bytes. The randomly generated byte can be converted to hexadecimal:
In [171]: random.seed(0)
: random.randbytes(1)
Out[171]: b'\xd8'
This can be seen in hex
In [172]: random.seed(0)
: random.randbytes(1).hex()
Out[172]: 'd8'
If this is cast into an integer, notice it is between 0
and 256
In [173]: random.seed(0)
: int(random.randbytes(1).hex(), base=16)
Out[173: 216
And can be displayed in binary as:
In [174]: random.seed(0)
: bin(int(random.randbytes(1).hex(), base=16))
Out[174]: '0b11011000'
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The function getrandbits
is similar and will return a random number of bits as an integer directly. Recall there are 8 bits in a byte:
In [175]: random.seed(0)
: random.getrandbits(8)
Out[175]: 216
And displayed in binary as:
In [176]: random.seed(0)
: bin(random.getrandbits(8))
Out[176]: '0b11011000'
Note as this function is in bits opposed to bytes and the number of bits does not need to be expressed in multiples of 8:
In [177]: random.seed(0)
: bin(random.getrandbits(9))
Out[177]: '0b110110000'
There are also non-uniform statistical distributions, for example, the tirangular
distribution gives a triangular distribution:
In [178]: random.seed(0)
: random.triangular()
Out[178]: 0.7210930724462443
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The lower x and upper x value can be specified:
In [179]: random.seed(0)
: random.triangular(0, 10)
Out[179]: 7.210930724462443
values can be viewed in a histogram:
When the mode is not specified it is taken to be the average of the lower and upper x values giving a symmetrical triangle. The mode value can also be specified which will give an unsymmetric triangle:
In [180]: random.seed(0)
: random.triangular(5, 10, 6)
Out[180]: 8.236037707461115
values can be viewed in a histogram:
Another popular distribution is the normalvariate
In [181]: random.seed(0)
: random.normalvariate()
Out[181]: -0.18386822109325826
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The normal distribution is gaussian (bell-curve) shaped, note it is centred around the average value mu=0
which is the origin and has a standard deviation sigma=1
. The normal distribution has the empirical rule where the following percentage of values lie between the specified number of standard deviations:
standard deviations | number of values |
1 | 68 |
2 | 95 |
3 | 99.7 |
The mu
value can be changed:
In [182]: random.seed(0)
: random.normalvariate(mu=1)
Out[182]: 0.8161317789067417
Notice that random.normalvariate(mu=1)
is essentially 1 + random.normalvariate()
The sigma
value can be changed:
In [183]: random.seed(0)
: random.normalvariate(sigma=2)
Out[183]: -0.3677364421865165
values can be viewed in a histogram. The top 2
histograms are the default values mu=0
, sigma=1
. The bottom left histogram changes mu=1
and bottom right used sigma=2
The exponential of this function is commonly used:
In [184]: random.seed(0)
: math.exp(random.normalvariate(mu=0, sigma=1))
Out[184]: 0.8320454426412622
And is called the log normal variate:
In [185]: random.seed(0)
: random.lognormvariate(mu=0, sigma=1)
Out[185]: 0.8320454426412622
Note the distribution is called log normal because the logarithm of the output follows a normal distribution.
In [186]: random.seed(0)
: math.log(random.lognormvariate(mu=0, sigma=1))
Out[186]: -0.18386822109325823
In [187]: random.seed(0)
: random.normalvariate(mu=0, sigma=1)
Out[187]: -0.18386822109325826
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The exponential distribution can also be used:
In [188]: random.seed(0)
: random.expovariate()
Out[188]: 1.8606071110652234
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The peak in the histogram is at 4663
(y) at 0
(x). If this y peak value is divided by math.e
In [189]: 4663 / math.e
Out[189]: 1715.4218341824355
Note that this is 1
(x) on the histogram. The lambd
parameter (lambda
is not used to prevent confusion with lambda expressions) is the inverse of this value:
In [190]: random.seed(0)
: random.expovariate(2.0)
Out[190]: 0.9303035555326117
If the lambd=1
and lambd=2
are compared notice that the peak in both cases is 4663
at 0
. The peak divided by math.e
is at an x value of 1/1
and 1/2
The gammavariate
function is used to generate a random floating point number from a gamma distribution. The gamma distribution has two parameters a
and b
In [191]: random.seed(0)
: random.gammavariate(1, 1)
Out[191]: 1.8606071110652234
In [192]: random.seed(0)
: random.expovariate(1)
Out[192]: 1.8606071110652234
values can be viewed in a histogram with differing values of a
and b
Note that a
is the shape parameter:
- If a < 1, the distribution is heavily skewed.
- If a = 1, the gamma distribution simplifies to an exponential distribution.
- If a > 1, the distribution starts to resemble a normal distribution.
is the scale parameter, which stretches or compresses the distribution:
- The mean of the distribution is
a * b
. - The variance is
a * b ** 2
The betavariate
generates a random normalised floating point number from a beta distribution. The beta distribution has two parameters alpha
and beta
which determine how the probability is distributed over the interval between 0
and 1
In [193]: random.seed(0)
: random.betavariate(1, 1)
Out[193]: 0.5673903803365107
values can be viewed in a histogram with differing values of alpha
and beta
Note that:
give a distribution similar to a random uniform distributionalpha=5
give a distribution similar to a positive exponential distributionalpha=5
gives a distribution similar to a positive exponential distributionalpha=5
gives a distribution similar to a Gaussian bell shape distribution
The paretovariate
function generates a random floating point number from a Pareto distribution. The Parento distribution is a power law probability statistical distribution with a sharp probability peak and symmetric long probability tail. It was originally used by Pareto to model the distribution of wealth per percentile population, where it was found that 20 % of the population held 80 % of the wealth:
It has a shape parameter alpha
which was empirically calculated to be
In [194]: random.seed(0)
: random.paretovariate(alpha=1.161)
Out[194]: 4.965877923269533
values can be viewed in a histogram:
The weibullvariate
function generates a random floating point number from a Weibull distribution. The Weibull distribution has a scale parameter alpha
and a shape parameter beta
In [195]: random.seed(0)
: random.weibullvariate(alpha=1, beta=1)
Out[195]: 1.8606071110652234
Note that:
give a distribution similar to a Pareto distributionalpha=1
give a distribution that moves towards a negative exponential distributionalpha=1
gives a distribution that begins to move towards the normal distributionalpha=1
gives a distribution that is more similar to the normal distribution:
The vonmisesvariate
function generates a random floating point number from a Vonmises distribution. The Vonmises Distribution is a circular data distribution. It has two input arguments, the angle mu
and the concentration parameter kappa
When kappa=0
the distribution generates a uniform random angle:
In [195]: random.seed(0)
: random.vonmisesvariate(mu=math.tau/4, kappa=0)
Out[195]: 5.305658970563565
The x scale ranges from 0
to tau
. For clarity it can be expressed in the units of
The height of each bar can also be viewed on a polar plot:
If the angle remains the same mu=tau/4
, the effect of the concentration parameter can be examined. When kappa
is increased to kappa=1
and kappa=2
, the histogram plotted on a polar axis looks like:
The statistics
module is imported using:
In [196]: import statistics
And has the following identifiers:
In [197]: statistics.
# 🔗 Measures of Central Tendency
# - mean # Returns the arithmetic mean of data.
# - median # Returns the median (middle value) of data.
# - median_low # Returns the low median of data.
# - median_high # Returns the high median of data.
# - mode # Returns the most common data point.
# - multimode # Returns a list of most common data points.
# 🔗 Measures of Spread
# - variance # Returns the variance of data.
# - stdev # Returns the standard deviation of data.
# - pstdev # Returns the population standard deviation.
# - pvariance # Returns the population variance.
# 🔗 Measures of Order Statistics
# - quantiles # Returns cut points dividing data into equal-sized groups.
# 🔗 Measures of Robustness
# - harmonic_mean # Returns the harmonic mean of data.
# - geometric_mean # Returns the geometric mean of data.
# - fmean # Returns the floating-point arithmetic mean.
# 🔗 Correlation and Regression
# - correlation # Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient.
# - covariance # Returns the sample covariance of two datasets.
# - linear_regression # Returns the slope and intercept of a linear regression.
# 🔗 Other Statistical Functions
# - NormalDist # Creates a normal distribution object.
# - erf # Returns the error function of x.
# - erfc # Returns the complementary error function of x.
# - factorial # Returns the factorial of an integer.
# - perm # Returns the number of permutations of n items taken k at a time.
# - comb # Returns the number of combinations of n items taken k at a time.
The measures of central tendancy can be examined from a very simple dataset:
In [196]: data = [7, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 4]
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 8 | [7 5 3 1 2 4 6 4] |
The list
mutable method sort
can be used to sort the list
instance data
in place:
In [197]: data.sort()
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 8 | [1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7] |
can be expanded in the Variable Explorer. The index associated with each value is shown. Note that the first index is 0
because Python uses zero-order indexing. The last index is 7
and the length is 8
(which is 1
higher than the last index):
data - numpy int64 array | |
0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 4 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
In [198]: len_data = len(data)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 8 | [1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7] |
len_data | int | 1 | 8 |
The sum of the data can be calculated using:
In [199]: sum_data = sum(data)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 8 | [1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7] |
len_data | int | 1 | 8 |
sum_data | int | 1 | 32 |
The mean and modulus can be calculated as integer instances:
In [200]: sum(data) // len(data)
Out[200]: 4
In [201]: sum(data) % len(data)
Out[201]: 0
Or the mean can be calculated as a floating point number:
In [202]: sum(data) / len(data)
Out[202]: 4.0
Notice although this divides down to an int
, the value returned is a float
i.e. 4.0
instead of 4
. The mean
function returns the mean as an integer when no modulus is present and as a floating point number otherwise:
In [203]: statistics.mean(data)
Out[203]: 4
The difference can be seen when the value 8
is appended:
In [204]: data.append(8)
: len_data = len(data)
: sum_data = sum(data)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 9 | [1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8] |
len_data | int | 1 | 9 |
sum_data | int | 1 | 40 |
In [205]: statistics.mean(data)
Out[205]: 4.444444444444445
If this last value is popped off:
In [206]: data.pop
Out[206]: 8
: len_data = len(data)
: sum_data = sum(data)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 8 | [1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7] |
len_data | int | 1 | 8 |
sum_data | int | 1 | 32 |
The fmean
(float mean) function will return the mean always as a floating point number:
In [207]: statistics.fmean(data)
Out[207]: 4.0
The median is the middle point of the data which can be selected directly when the data is odd. When the data has an even number of values it is the mean of these two middle values:
The meadian
function can be used to return the mean
In [208]: statistics.median(data)
Out[208]: 4.0
The value on the left is known as the median low value:
And can be read of using the meadian_low
In [209]: statistics.median_low(data)
Out[209]: 4
The value on the right is known as the median high value:
In [210]: statistics.median_high(data)
Out[210]: 4
The mode is the most commonly occuring value:
The mode
function can be used to read off the mode:
In [211]: statistics.mode(data)
Out[211]: 4
The mode can be an important metric in a trial run. For example if a fashion designer wants to issue a prototype design, they may simplify manufacturing by starting only with the mode size, as it has the largest customer base. If the trial of the first batch is successful, they may complicate the manufacturer process to accommodate additional sizes. Sometimes a dataset will have multiple mode values, using mode will only give one of these values:
In [212]: data2 = [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 7]
In [213]: statistics.mode(data2)
Out[213]: 2
The multi_mode
funcrion can be used to read off multiple modes:
In [213]: statistics.multimode(data2)
Out[213]: [2, 4]
The Counter
class is normally used for this purpose:
In [214]: from collections import Counter
: Counter(data2)
Out[214]: Counter({2: 4, 4: 4, 6: 2, 1: 1, 3: 1, 7: 1})
The concept of variance is to compute the average distance a datapoint differs from the mean. If the simple set data
is examined. Notice when when the sum of (each datapoint minus the mean) is calculated, the positive values and negative values cancel each other out and the result is 0:
Instead the sum of (each datapoint minus the mean) squared is calculated. A negative value multiplied by itself is positive and this therefore always gives a positive value:
The mean is a normalised sum, and the population variance is the normalised sum of (each datapoint minus the mean) squared. The normalisation factor is the number of datapoints:
The variance takes into account a difference in the number of degrees of freedom and uses the number of datapoints minus one as a normalisation factor:
The pvariance
and variance
functions calculate the population variance and variance respectively:
In [215]: statistics.pvariance(data)
Out[215]: 3.5
In [216]: statistics.variance(data)
Out[216]: 4
Due to the squaring used when calculating the population variance or variance, these measurements have units of the mean squared. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance, which is measured in the same units as the mean.
The pstdev
and stdev
functions calculate the population standard deviation and standard deviation respectively:
In [217]: statistics.pstdev(data)
Out[217]: 1.8708286933869707
In [218]: statistics.stdev(data)
Out[218]: 2.0
A distribution is normally described using the mean and standard deviation in the form:
The median value is less susceptible to large outliers and in such a scenario can be more accurate when describing a small dataset. For example if an outlier is purposely introduced, there is not much change in the median but the mean is highly distorted:
In [219]: data.append(99)
: len_data = len(data)
: sum_data = sum(data)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 9 | [1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 99] |
len_data | int | 1 | 9 |
sum_data | int | 1 | 131 |
In [210]: statistics.mean(data)
Out[210]: 114.55555555555556
In [211]: statistics.median(data)
Out[211]: 4.0
In [212]: statistics.stdev(data)
Out[212]: 331.67194300660674
If this outlier value is popped off:
In [213]: data.pop
Out[213]: 8
: len_data = len(data)
: sum_data = sum(data)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data | list | 8 | [1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7] |
len_data | int | 1 | 8 |
sum_data | int | 1 | 32 |
The quantiles
function is used to group data into quantiles, that is quarters with equal proability:
In [214]: statistics.quantiles(data)
Out[214]: [2.25, 4.0, 5.75]
The quantile values can be used to cut the data into quantiles using:
In [215]: q1 = []
: q2 = []
: q3 = []
: q4 = []
: for num in data:
: if(num < statistics.quantiles(data)[0]):
: q1.append(num)
: elif (num < statistics.quantiles(data)[1]):
: q2.append(num)
: elif (num < statistics.quantiles(data)[2]):
: q3.append(num)
: else:
: q4.append(num)
: print(q1, q2, q3, q4, sep='\n')
[1, 2]
[4, 4, 5]
[6, 7]
Note the values returned above are not exactly quarters because this is a small dataset with duplicate values.
The mean is calculated using a normalised sum. The geometric mean instead uses a normalised product of all the elements:
In [216]:
Out[216]: 20160
In [217]: len(data)
Out[217]: 8
In [218]: ** (1 / len(data))
Out[218]: 3.451924719784297
The geometric_mean
function calculates this directly:
In [219]: statistics.geometric_mean(data)
Out[219]: 3.451924719784297
The harmonic mean is calculated using the inverse sum:
In [220]: [1 / element for element in data]
This is summed:
In [221]: sum([1 / element for element in data])
Out[221]: 2.8428571428571425
Then divided through by 8
In [222]: (sum([1 / element for element in data])) / 8
Out[222]: 0.3553571428571428
FInally the inverse of this is taken:
In [223]: 1 / ((sum([1 / element for element in data])) / 8)
Out[223]: 2.814070351758794
The harmonic_mean
function calculates this directly:
In [224]: statistics.harmonic_mean(data)
Out[224]: 2.814070351758794
Supposing the following grouped data is obtained from a histogram of values:
In [225]: data = [2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]
Then for each individual datapoint the range is between:
central value | range |
2 | |
2 | |
3 | |
3 | |
3 | |
4 |
There are 6 datapoints so
The median range is
There are 2 datapoints before the median range, so
The median grouped is defined as:
The median_grouped
function can be used to calculate the above:
In [226]: statistics.median_grouped(data)
Out[226]: 2.8333333333333335
The default interval=1
, this can be increased to 2
. For each individual datapoint the range is between:
central value | range |
2 | |
2 | |
3 | |
3 | |
3 | |
4 |
There are 6 datapoints so
The median range is
There are 2 datapoints before the median range, so
The median grouped is defined as:
This can be calculated using:
In [227]: statistics.median_grouped(data, 2)
Out[227]: 2.6666666666666665
The covariance is a measure of the joint variability of two datasets of the same size. To examine this the following datasets will be created and their respective mean and variance will be calculated:
In [228]: data1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
: data2 = [1, 2, 3, 2]
: mean_data1 = statistics.mean(data1)
: var_data1 = statistics.variance(data1)
: mean_data2 = statistics.mean(data2)
: var_data2 = statistics.variance(data2)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
mean_data1 | float | 1 | 2.5 |
mean_data2 | int | 1 | 2.0 |
var_data1 | float | 1 | 1.6666666666666667 |
var_data2 | float | 1 | 0.6666666666666666 |
The covariance of two datasets is similar to the variance of a single dataset. Instead of summing the squared differences from the mean, of a single dataset. The sum of the product of the difference from the mean of the first dataset is multiplied by the difference from the mean of the second dataset:
This can be calculated using a list
In [229]: [(num1 - mean_data1) * (num2 - mean_data2) for num1, num2 in zip(data1, data2)]
Out[229]: [1.5, -0.0, 0.5, 0.0]
That is summed:
In [230]: sum([(num1 - mean_data1) * (num2 - mean_data2) for num1, num2 in zip(data1, data2)])
Out[230]: 2.0
The covariance takes into account a difference in the number of degrees of freedom and uses the number of datapoints minus one as a normalisation factor:
This can be calculated manually using:
In [231]: sum([(num1 - mean_data1) * (num2 - mean_data2) for num1, num2 in zip(data1, data2)]) / (len(data1) - 1)
Out[231]: 0.6666666666666666
Or using the covariance
In [232]: statistics.covariance(data1, data2)
Out[232]: 0.6666666666666666
The correlation between two variables is the ratio of the covariance of the two variables divided by the square root of each of the individual variances:
For the datasets above:
The correlation
function can be used:
In [233]: statistics.correlation(data1, data2)
Out[233]: 0.6324555320336759
The correlation values range between -1
and 1
. A correlation close to -1
, means a negative correlation and therefore the y
variable decreases as the x
value increases. A correlation close to 0
means no correlation and the y
variable is uninfluenced when the x
value increases. A correlation close to 1
, means a positive correlation and therefore the y
variable increases as the x
value increases.
The datasets has a positive correlation of 0.6324
and the relationship can be seen in a plot:
Linear Regression can be used to calculate the best straight line fit between these datapoints that has the form:
And the line of best fit, minimises the noise. The linear_regression
function can be used:
In [224]: statistics.linear_regression(data1, data2)
Out[224]: LinearRegression(slope=0.4, intercept=1.0)
Notice this returns an instance of the LinearRegression
class, which is a NamedTuple
with the field names slope
and intersect
. If assigned to an instance name:
In [225]: lin_fit = statistics.linear_regression(data1, data2)
These fields can be accessed:
In [226]: lin_fit.slope
Out[226]: 0.4
In [227]: lin_fit.intercept
Out[227]: 1.0
is the independent x
variable and data2
is the dependent y
variable. The slope and intercept canbe used to calculated predicted y
In [228]: data2_pred = []
: for x in data1:
: data2_pred.append(lin_fit.slope * x + lin_fit.intercept)
Variable Explorer | |||
Name ▲ | Type | Size | Value |
data1 | list | 4 | [1 2 3 4] |
data2 | list | 4 | [1 2 3 2] |
data2_pred | list | 4 | [1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6] |
On a plot this looks like: