Quick links (functional on github. Elsewhere possibly not):
All features: | doc/features.rst |
User manual: | doc/manual.rst |
Changelog: | Changelog |
Building: | doc/build-instructions.rst |
Github: | https://github.com/Rogier-5/minetest-mapper-cpp |
Submitting bugs: | https://github.com/Rogier-5/minetest-mapper-cpp/issues |
Binary downloads: | https://github.com/Rogier-5/minetest-mapper-cpp/wiki/Downloads |
Generating colors.txt: | dumpnodes/README.dumpnodes |
- Support for both minetest and freeminer worlds
- Support for sqlite3, postgresql, leveldb and redis map databases
- Generate a subsection of the map, or a full map (but note that the size of generated images is limited)
- Generate regular maps or height-maps
- All colors for regular or height maps are configurable
- Draw player positions
- Draw different geometric figures, or text on the map
- Draw the map at a reduced scale. E.g. 1:4.
- Draw a scale on the left and/or top side of the map, and/or a height scale (for height maps) on the bottom.
- Optionally draw some nodes transparently (e.g. water)
- Includes User Manual
- Includes scripts to aid in generating a color definition file.
- Supports both the gcc and clang compiler suites
- Supports MSVC building on Windows (with SQLite3 and LevelDB)
- With automatic downloading of all but one of the required libraries.
- Build rpm, deb and/or tar.gz installation packages. Or simply type 'make install'.
Check the download page to obtain a compiled version: https://github.com/Rogier-5/minetest-mapper-cpp/wiki/Downloads
Or check the building instructions for compiling using MSVC: doc/build-instructions.rst.
Make sure development versions of the following packages are installed. For more detailed instructions, see doc/build-instructions.rst.
- zlib
- libgd
- sqlite3 (not mandatory. See doc/build-instructions.rst.
- postgresql (if postgresql support is desired)
- leveldb (if leveldb support is desired)
- hiredis (if redis support is desired)
Build environment:
- C++ compiler suite (clang or gcc)
- cmake
- make
- python-docutils (if documentation in html format is desired)
cmake . make
With levelDB and Redis support:
cmake -DENABLE_LEVELDB=true -DENABLE_REDIS=true . make
After compilation, and optional installation, minetestmapper is started as follows:
('\' is a continuation character - the command-line continues on the next line. Type return only after the line that does not end with the continuation character)
minetestmapper \ --input <world-directory> \ --output <image-file-name.png>
If the world is not too large, and if minetestmapper is installed in a system directory, it will most likely work as expected.
Possibly, minetestmapper will not be able to find a colors.txt file. If that happens, the colors.txt file can be specified on the command-line:
minetestmapper \ --input <world-directory> \ --output <image-file-name.png> \ --colors <filename>
Or the colors.txt file must be installed in a location where minetestmapper will find it.
A colors.txt file (named colors.txt
, in lowercase) in the world's directory will certainly
be found. Depending on the system and the configuration, other locations are available. Use the
following command to find out which:
minetestmapper \ --input <world-directory> \ --output <image-file-name.png> \ --verbose-search-colors=2
For more elaborate compilation and installation documentation, please consult the build manual: doc/build-instructions.rst.
For more elaborate usage instruction, please consult the user manual: doc/manual.rst.