Raspberry Pi Zero/W/1 bcm2708 / ARMEL
Raspberry Pi Zero/W/2/3 bcm2709 / ARMHF
Raspberry Pi Zero/W/2/3 bcm2710 / ARM64
Raspberry Pi 4/400 bcm2711 / ARM64
Raspberry Pi 4/400 bcm2711v7 / ARMHF
Raspberry Pi 5 bcm2712 / ARM64
- Debian Bullseye (recommended)
- Debian Bookworm (testing)
- Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish (recommended)
Install options:
- Run the
script (recommended) - Run builder make commands (dependency: make)
- Review package list and install manually
make ccompile # Install x86-64 cross dependencies
make ccompile64 # Install Arm64 cross dependencies
make ncompile # Install native dependencies
make config # Create user data file
make menu # Open menu interface
make dialogrc # Set builder theme (optional)
make list # List boards
make all board=xxx # Kernel > rootfs > image
make kernel board=xxx # Builds linux kernel package
make rootfs board=xxx # Create rootfs tarball
make image board=xxx # Make bootable image
make cleanup # Clean up rootfs and image errors
make purge # Remove source directory
make purge-all # Remove source and output directory
make commands # List more commands
make check # Shows latest revision of selected branch
- Review the userdata.txt file for further options: locales, timezone, nameserver(s) and extra wireless support
- 1 active | 0 inactive
Name: # Your name
Username: # Your username
Password: # Your password
Enable root: # Set root password to `toor`
Linux kernel
Branch: # Supported: 6.1.y and above
Build: # Kernel build version number
Menuconfig: # Kernel menuconfig
Compiler: # GNU Compiler Collection / Clang
Ccache: # Compiler cache
Distro: # Supported: debian, devuan and ubuntu
Release: # Debian: bullseye, bookworm, testing, unstable and sid
# Devuan: chimaera, daedalus, excalibur, testing, unstable and ceres
# Ubuntu: focal, jammy, kinetic and lunar
NetworkManager # 1 networkmanager | 0 ifupdown
Defconfig: # User defconfig
Name: # Name of _defconfig (Must be placed in defconfig dir.)
User options
Verbosity: # Verbose
Devel Rootfs: # Developer rootfs tarball
Compress img: # Auto compress img > img.xz
User scripts: # Review the README in the files/userscripts directory
User service: # Create user during first boot (bypass the user information above)
- custom.txt
# Image Size
# Root Filesystem Types: ext4 btrfs xfs
# Shrink Image
# Hostname
# Branding: true false
MOTD="Raspberry Pi"
# Config placement: defconfig/$NAME_defconfig
The config menu will append _defconfig to the end of the name
in the userdata.txt file.
Patches "-p1" placed in userpatches are applied during compilation.
# Example
- Review the Wiki
- The boot partition is labelled BOOT
- Headless: ENABLE="true" and fill in the variables (recommended)
- Headful: ENABLE="false" and get prompted to create a user account
ENABLE="false" # Set to true to enable service
NAME="" # Your name
USERNAME="" # Username
PASSWORD="" # Password
Set to ENABLE="true" and input your wifi information.
ENABLE="false" # Enable service
SSID="" # Service set identifier
PASSKEY="" # Wifi password
COUNTRYCODE="" # Your country code
# set static ip (ifupdown)
MANUAL="false" # Set to true to enable a static ip
IPADDR="" # Static ip address
NETMASK="" # Your Netmask
GATEWAY="" # Your Gateway
NAMESERVERS="" # Your preferred dns
# set static ip (network-manager)
MANUAL="false" # Set to true to enable a static ip
IPADDR="" # Static ip address
GATEWAY="" # Your Gateway
DNS="" # Your preferred dns
# change hostname
CHANGE="false" # Set to true to change hostname
HOSTNAME="raspberrypi" # Hostname
For headless use: ssh user@ipaddress
Should you come across any bugs, feel free to either open an issue on GitHub or talk with us directly by joining our channel on Libera; #arm-img-builder
or Discord