StructuralSearch - An easy-to-use library for structural search and replace in text in any programming language.
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Forget about regular expressions and *enjoy searching
- Describe search pattern🔎
// Just text and placeholders
var template = StructuralSearch.ParseFindTemplate("void $methodName$($params$)")
- Find it in any text📄
// All the matches are already here
var results = template.ParseString("void MyMethodName(int value1, double value2)"
- Enjoy the search results📑
// The found text part
parseResult.Match.Value // void MyMethodName(int value1, double value2)
// The exact coordinates of the match
parseResult.Match.Column // Start 1, End 45
parseResult.Match.Line // Start 1, End 1
parseResult.Match.Offset // Start 0, End 44
// Placeholders
parseResult.Placeholders // { "methodName" : "MyMethodName" }, { "params": "int value1, double value2" }
// The exact coordinates of each placeceholdder
parseResult.Placeholders[0].Column // Start 6, End 18
parseResult.Placeholders[0].Line // Start 1, End 1
parseResult.Placeholders[0].Offset // Start 5, End 17
logic_expr =
| not_operation
| string_comparison_operation
| type_check_operation
| match_operation
| in_operation
| '(' logic_expr ')'
binary_operation = logic_expr ('And' | 'Or' | 'NAND' | 'NOR' | 'XOR' | 'XNOR') logic_expr
string_comparison_operation = string_expr ('Equals' | 'Contains' | 'StartsWith' | 'EndsWith') string_expr
not_operation = 'Not' logic_expr
type_check_operation = string_expr 'Is' ('Var' | 'Int' | 'Double' | 'DateTime' | 'Guid')
match_operation = string_expr 'Match' '"' <regex> '"'
in_operation = string_expr 'In' [ '(' ] string_expr { ',' string_expr } [ ')' ]
string_expr =
| property_access
| atomic_token
grouped_string =
'(' string_expr ')'
| '{' string_expr '}'
| '[' string_expr ']'
property_access =
placeholder '.' (
| complex_property
| input_property [ chainable_string ]
| placeholder [ chainable_string ]
chainable_string = { '.' ('Trim' | 'TrimEnd' | 'TrimStart' | 'ToUpper' | 'ToLower') }
input_property = 'Input.' identifier
complex_property = ('Offset' | 'Line' | 'Column') '.' ('Start' | 'End')
atomic_token = placeholder | string_literal | whitespace | comment
placeholder = '$' identifier '$'
string_literal = <escaped string>
whitespace = (' ' | '\n' | '\r')+
comment = <single or multiline comment>
Install from Nuget:
Install-Package SimpleStateMachine.StructuralSearch
Documentation here: wiki
If you think you have found a bug, create a github issue.
But if you just have questions about how to use:
Copyright (c) SimpleStateMachine
Licensed under the MIT license.