Linter support is provided by executing already stablished linters from each language.
ecode provides support for several languages by default and can be extended easily by expanding the
configuration. linters.json
default configuration can be obtained from here.
To configure new linters you can create a new linters.json
file in the default configuration path of ecode.
The format is a very simple JSON object with a config object and array of objects containing the file formats supported, the Lua pattern to find any error printed by the linter to the stdout, the position of each group of the pattern, and the command to execute. It also supports some optional extra object keys.
JavaScript linter example (using eslint)
"config": {
"delay_time": "0.5s"
"linters": [
"file_patterns": ["%.js$", "%.ts$"],
"warning_pattern": "[^:]:(%d+):(%d+): ([^%[]+)%[([^\n]+)",
"warning_pattern_order": { "line": 1, "col": 2, "message": 3, "type": 4 },
"command": "eslint --no-ignore --format unix $FILENAME"
That's all we need to have a working linter in ecode. Linters executables must be installed manually
by the user, linters will not come with the editor, and they also need to be visible to the executable.
This means that it must be on PATH
environment variable or the path to the binary must be absolute.
Please check the language support table
- delay_time: Delay to run the linter after editing a document
- enable_error_lens: Enables error lens (prints the message inline)
- enable_lsp_diagnostics: Boolean that enable/disable LSP diagnostics as part of the linting. Enabled by default.
- disable_lsp_languages: Array of LSP languages disabled for LSP diagnostics. For example:
"disable_lsp_languages": ["lua", "python"]
, disables lua and python. - disable_languages: Array of linters disabled from external linter application diagnostics. For example:
"disable_languages": ["lua", "python"]
, disables luacheck and ruff respectively. - goto_ignore_warnings: Defines the behavior of the "linter-go-to-next-error" and "linter-go-to-previous-error" keybindings. If ignore warnings is true it will jump only between errors.
- file_patterns: Array of Lua Patterns representing the file extensions that must use the linter
- warning_pattern: Lua Pattern to be parsed from the executable stdout
- warning_pattern_order: The order where the line, column, error/warning/notice message, and the type of the message (warning, error, notice, info) are read. The pattern must have at least 3 groups (line, message, and type). The error type is auto-detected from its name.
- command: The command to execute to run the linter. $FILENAME represents the file path.
- url (optional): The web page URL of the linter
- expected_exitcodes: Array of integer numbers accepted as parseable exit codes (optional)
- no_errors_exit_code: Integer number representing the exit code that means that no errors were found (optional).
- deduplicate: In case the linter outputs duplicated errors, this boolean will ignore duplicated errors (optional, boolean true/false)
- use_tmp_folder: Temporal files (files representing the current status of the modified file) will be written in the default temporal folder of the operating system, otherwise it will be written in the same folder path of the modified file (optional, boolean true/false).