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Tags: anb0s/EasyShell



Enhancements, bugfixes and clean-ups for v2.x stream.

Compatibility to Eclipse 2023-06

See resolved issues:


[2.3] testing build 2.3.0.v20221015-2029


[2.3] testing build 2.3.0.v20220328-1717


add zip of artifacts for pre-release

Signed-off-by: Andre Bossert <>


EasyShell v2.2.1

Build: v2.2: 2.2.1.v20210716-0745
- [x] Context menu in "Git Repositories" window shows only "show in"
entry with EasyShell installed #195


EasyShell v2.2.0

Final: 2.2.0.v20210518-0839
- [x] #193 Change command binding for all shortcuts to "Alt + E"
- [x] #181 Short-Cut Alt+R in conflict with Eclipse-Main-Menu Run
Short-Cut Alt+R
- [x] #191 add Windows Terminal App presets
- [x] set default to 2021-03
- [x] add eclipse platform 2021-06
- [x] remove Eclipse-2020-03, Eclipse-2020-06 and Eclipse-2020-12
- [x] use tycho 2.2.0
- [x] use JDK 11 only for build as JDK 8 is deprecated
- [x] add eclipse platform 2021-03
- [x] #187 [Windows] improve Command Prompt presets
- [x] #186 [Windows] improve PowerShell presets
- [x] #185 Administrator Terminal (Command Prompt or Window Powershell)
- [x] #184 Installing EasyShell-2_2_RC_1 failed with no repository found
- [x] #183 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
- [x] update copyright year to 2021
- [x] add Eclipse-2020-12 (4.18) platform definition
- [x] minor tech debt fixes: log exception stack trace, shadowed
variable, empty statements should be removed, Strings should not be
concatenated using '+' in a loop => Use a StringBuilder instead

fixed issues with previous build "[v2.2] testing of build
2.2.0.v20201004-2044 #180"
- [x] #164 open in Explorer from "Open Resource" window
- [x] #74 add "Open With" support
- [x] #33 add support of editor selections
- [x] #15 ability to put the items in the main menu not in the
"EasyShell" sub-menu
- [x] remove not used propertyTesters

fixed issues with previous build "[v2.2] testing of build
2.2.0.v20200919-1950 #179"
- [x] #151 EasyShell context menu option not showing in STS
3.8.4.RELEASE Navigator View
- [x] #178 improve dynamic popup menu support
- [x] #176 add tooltip with command string to menu entries
- [x] Remove wrong entry clipboard with EasyShell Run
- [x] Fix logo link and build badget
- [x] use tycho 1.7.0
- [x] set default platform to Eclipse-2020-06
- [x] add new Eclipse-2020-xy and remove old Eclipse-2019-xy platforms
- [x] use Eclipse-2019-12 platform and removed Eclipse-2018-12
- [x] Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
- [x] use tycho 1.5.0 and Eclipse-2019-09 platform

fixed issues with previous build "[v2.2] testing of build
2.2.0.v20191004-1015 #174"
- [x] #173 Change default command for cygwin
- [x] removed some not needed platforms (Eclipse-4.7, 2018-09, 2019-03)
- [x] removed oraclejdk8, because it's not supported by Travis CI
- [x] updated tycho to 1.4.0
- [x] added Eclipse-2019-09 target platform and set Eclipse-2019-06 as
- [x] #172 RFE: Change License to EPL 2.0
- [x] added Eclipse-2019-06 target platform and set Eclipse-2019-03 as
- [x] #171 EasyShell does not compile with target platform
Eclipse-2018-12 and greater
- [x] updated tycho to 1.3.0
- [x] set default target platform to Eclipse-2018-12 and added all to
- [x]  updated target platforms 2018-09 - 2019-03
- [x] removed JDK9 & 10 from CI matrix, because we want use only LTS

fixed issues with previous build(s):
- [x] #160 add support for CDT include and binary containers
- [x] #162 add support for CDT include browser
- [x] #168 "Copy Qualified Name to Clipboard" does not work in editor
- [x] added CDT SDK to all target platforms
- [x] added all target platforms to Travis CI build matrix
- [x] added target platform for Eclipse Photon (4.8)
- [x] set Eclipse 4.8 (Photon) as default target
- [x] removed openjdk7, because new Tycho (>=0.25) needs Java 8
- [x] README wth-Eclipse logo
- [x] moved GitHub related files to .github
- [x] updated copyright year to 2018
- [x] added oraclejdk9 to build matrix
- [x] Update tycho version to 1.2.0
- [x] updated the version to 2.2.0 and minimum Java 8 (JavaSE 1.8)
- [x] added openjdk10 and oraclejdk10
- [x] added Eclipse Photon 4.9 (2018-09) target platform
- [x] removed oraclejdk10 and added openjdk11


new fixed issues in this build:

- [x] #191 add Windows Terminal App presets
- [x] #187 [Windows] improve Command Prompt presets
- [x] #186 [Windows] improve PowerShell presets
- [x] #185 Administrator Terminal (Command Prompt or Window Powershell)
- [x] #184 Installing EasyShell-2_2_RC_1 failed with no repository found
- [x] #183 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:


new fixed issues in this build:

- [x] #164 open in Explorer from "Open Resource" window
- [x] #74 add "Open With" support
- [x] #33 add support of editor selections
- [x] #15 ability to put the items in the main menu not in the
"EasyShell" sub-menu
- [x] remove not used propertyTesters


[v2.2] testing of build 2.2.0.v20200919-1950 #179

- [x] #151 EasyShell context menu option not showing in STS
3.8.4.RELEASE Navigator View
- [x] #178 improve dynamic popup menu support
- [x] #176 add tooltip with command string to menu entries
- [x] Remove wrong entry clipboard with EasyShell Run
- [x] Fix logo link and build badget
- [x] use tycho 1.7.0
- [x] set default platform to Eclipse-2020-06
- [x] add new Eclipse-2020-xy and remove old Eclipse-2019-xy platforms
- [x] use Eclipse-2019-12 platform and removed Eclipse-2018-12
- [x] Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
- [x] use tycho 1.5.0 and Eclipse-2019-09 platform