Anagram Finder is a Python script that helps you find anagrams of a given word from a list of words. Anagrams are words formed by rearranging the letters of another word. This script uses a dictionary of words and groups them based on their sorted letter representations, making it efficient to find anagrams.
- Python
- nltk (Natural Language Toolkit) library
- Install Python from the official website:
- Install the required nltk library by running the following command:
pip install nltk
Clone this repository or download the file.
Run the script using Python:
The script will display anagrams for some sample search words, as well as additional words retrieved from the nltk library.
You can customize the search words and the word list in the script. To search for different anagrams, modify the search_words list in the main section of the script. Similarly, you can expand the word_list by adding more words to include in the anagram search.
search_words = ["silent", "debit card", "funeral", "astronomer"]
word_list = [ "listen", "silent", "enlist", "tinsel", "hello", "world", "python", "astronomer", "moonstarer", "debit card", "bad credit", "punishments", "nine thumps", "dormitory", "dirty room", "the eyes", "they see", "a gentleman", "elegant man", "funeral", "real fun", "slot machines", "cash lost in me", "eleven plus two", "twelve plus one" ] + nltk_word_list
If you have any ideas, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. We appreciate your contributions!