Welcome to the Cryptic Language Puzzle Game! This is a simple Python game where players need to decipher messages encrypted in a cryptic language. The goal is to progress through the game by correctly deciphering the messages.
Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
Download or clone this repository.
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the repository's directory.
Run the game by executing the following command:
python cryptic_language_game.py
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- You will be presented with a cryptic message. Try to decipher it using the provided mapping.
- Enter your guess and see if you deciphered the message correctly.
- Your score will increase for each correctly deciphered message.
- Multiple cryptic messages for variety.
- Score tracking to keep track of your progress.
- User-friendly prompts and instructions.
- You can customize the messages list in the script to add more messages for players to decipher.
- You can modify the cryptic_language dictionary to create your own cryptic language mapping.
This game can be further enhanced and expanded with additional features:
- Increasing difficulty levels with more complex mappings.
- Adding a timer to challenge players to decipher messages within a time limit.
- Implementing a hint system for players who are stuck on a particular message.
- Developing a graphical user interface using libraries like Tkinter or Pygame.
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests or suggesting improvements.