Short description of package/script To make a User Friendly search bot which summarizes the result.
- The search bot locates the relevant webpage and extracts the text content from it using the Beautiful Soup library.
- Using Gensim Library I've summarized the result.
- With an interface created using the Tkinter GUI toolkit that enables the user to easily enter their search query in the text box and initiate the search by clicking the submit button.
- The search bot also allows users to create a word cloud visualization of the summary using the WordCloud library. This feature is particularly useful in visualizing the most prominent words in the summary and providing a quick overview of the main themes and ideas presented in the content.
I've used NLTK library for sumamrization
pip install nltk
pip install gensim
pip install wordcloud
- Text summarization
- Whole process
Mahesh Dasika And Jithin Veeragandham