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Sentiment Analyser

Sentiment Analyser

This is a sentiment analyser that takes in a sentence and returns the sentiment of the sentence. It gives rating to the emotions present in the sentence, from 0 to 1. It uses NLP and ML algroithms to do so. This is trained on word2vec dataset using IMDB movie reviews. And the test model is based on RNN.

Setup instructions

  • Install python 3.6 or above
  • Install the required packages using the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • First execute the word2vec.ipynb file to train the model
  • Then execute the RNN(w2v).ipynb file to test the model
  • Change the epochs batch size based on your system configuration and the accuracy you want.
  • It will then create a csv file with the sentiment of the sentence.


Check the screenshot in this folder for the output.
