- download Checkstyle plugin for eclipse ( install it as archive plugin )
- eclipse->project->( right click )->checkstyle->activate plugin
- eclipse->project->( right click )->properties->Checkstyle->Local Check configuration->New Type - External Configuration file Location - need to set the file from Sonar Permanent link Name - type the name ( "Sonar checkstyle" ) return to tab "Main" - nearly with "Local Check configuration" "Simple - use the following check configuration for all files" - select "Sonar checkstyle"
- Eclipse -> Show view "Checkstyle"
- install plugin: http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse
- load rules from sonar: eclipse->Windows->Preferences->Java->-Findbugs->Filter Files->Include->add
- Eclipse->Open Perspective->FindBugs
- install plugin: http://pmd.sourceforge.net/eclipse ( need to choose the "PMD for Eclipse 3" )
- load rules from sonar: Eclipse->Project->(right click)->Properties->PMD->
- Enable PMD (check)
- Use the ruleset configured in a project file: ( Browse to Sonar PMD XML file )
- project->(right click)->PMD->check project with pmd