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J1 - Smava recruitment tasks for Java back-end developer

This repository provides a multi-layer Maven project built on Spring framework version 4.1.0.RELEASE.

To build the project execute maven "clean package" commands from the project root.

To run the project in an embedded Tomcat instance execute maven "tomcat7:run" command from the recrt-rest package base.

Project description

The project provides a RESTful API to manage the de.smava.recrt.model.AppUser and de.smava.recrt.model.BankAccount entities.

The back-end is an embedded H2 Database. Project data is initialized upon application start-up as per the sql/init.sql script at recrt-peristence package.

The RESTful API provides the following interfaces:

  • Login
POST http://localhost:8080/rest/login

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Body:
{ "username":"user1", "password":"1111" }

Login Success Response:
Code: 200

Response Body:

Login Failed Response:
Code: 200

Response Body:

Error Response:
Code: 400

  • Logout
DELETE http://localhost:8080/rest/login

Logout Success Response:
Code: 200

Error Response:
Code: 400

  • Get users
GET http://localhost:8080/rest/users

  • Get accounts
GET http://localhost:8080/rest/accounts

  • Create account
POST http://localhost:8080/rest/accounts


You will be asked to execute some of the tasks presented below. Each task suggests an estimated time for completion ( ETC ).

First, examine the code to understand the project structure. For a proficient Java+Spring developer this phase should not require more than 20-30 minutes.

Then git clone the project to your development machine.

To execute a task:

  1. Branch off the master using the following naming convention.

    [your initials]/task-[task number]

    For example if your name is John Doe, to execute task 1, your branch name should be JD/task-1

  2. Once you complete the implementation, commit with an appropriate commit message that describes your work and push your changes to the remote repository.

  3. Create a pull request and assign the administrator, who provided you with the tasks, for code review.


  1. By using the available implementation and minimum implementation effort, introduce a third layer between the web and persistence layers for the create bank account API so that the create account function is load balanced via the use of JMS.

    ETC: 15 mins.

  2. With minimum effort, introduce caching for the de.smava.recrt.service.AppUserRoleService.getByAppUser service.

    ETC: 15 mins.

  3. Provide a "GET http://localhost:8080/rest/users/[userName]/accounts" REST endpoint in the implementation that gets the bank accounts that belong to a specific user. The method should only be callable by a user who has the ROLE_ADMIN role.

    ETC: 30 mins.

  4. Without adding any new libraries to the project, complete the recrt-persistence package unit tests

    ETC: 30 mins.

  5. Without adding any new libraries to the project, complete the recrt-service package unit tests

    ETC: 30 mins.

  6. Other tasks?...