A PHP QR Code generator based on the implementation by Kazuhiko Arase, namespaced, cleaned up, improved and other stuff. It also features a QR Code reader based on a PHP port of the ZXing library.
- Creation of Model 2 QR Codes, Version 1 to 40
- ECC Levels L/M/Q/H supported
- Mixed mode support (encoding modes can be combined within a QR symbol). Supported modes:
- numeric
- alphanumeric
- 8-bit binary
- 13-bit double-byte:
- kanji (Japanese, Shift-JIS)
- hanzi (simplified Chinese, GB2312/GB18030) as defined in GBT18284-2000
- Flexible, easily extensible output modules, built-in support for the following output formats:
- GdImage (raster graphics: avif, bmp, gif, jpeg, png, webp)
- ImageMagick (multiple supported image formats)
- Markup types: SVG, HTML, etc.
- String types: JSON, plain text, etc.
- Encapsulated Postscript (EPS)
- PDF via FPDF
- QR Code reader (via GD and ImageMagick)
- PHP 8.2+
- optional:
with ImageMagick installedext-fileinfo
(required byQRImagick
for the PDF output moduleintervention/image
for alternative GD/ImageMagick output
For the QR Code reader, either ext-gd
or ext-imagick
is required!
- CakePHP:
- Drupal:
- Two-factor Authentication
(Drupal 8+) - Google Authenticator Login
(deprecated, Drupal 7)
- Two-factor Authentication
- Symfony
- WordPress:
- WoltLab Suite
- other uses:
- Articles:
- Twilio: How to Create a QR Code in PHP (featuring v4.3.x)
Hi, please check out some of my other projects that are way cooler than qrcodes!
- js-qrcode - a javascript port of this library
- php-authenticator - a Google Authenticator implementation (see authenticator example)
- php-httpinterface - a PSR-7/15/17/18 implemetation
- php-oauth - an OAuth 1/2 client library, fully PSR-7/PSR-17/PSR-18 compatible
- php-database - a database client & querybuilder for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, MSSQL, Firebird
- php-tootbot - a Mastodon bot library