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A plug-n-play Typescript generator for Mongoose.

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A plug-n-play Typescript generator for Mongoose.

Version npm License


Using Mongoose with Typescript requires duplicating Mongoose Schemas using Typescript interfaces. To avoid duplication, libraries like typegoose define a custom schema syntax that is used to generate both the Mongoose Schemas and the Typescript interfaces. Unfortunately, this requires users to completely rewrite their Mongoose Schemas into an unfamiliar syntax and does not support the entire Mongoose feature set.

This library aims to remove these drawbacks by instead parsing your already-written Mongoose Schemas and generating associated Typescript interfaces. This removes the need to learn new syntax and makes this library extremely simple to integrate into an existing Mongoose project.


  • 😌 Automatically generate Typescript typings for each Mongoose document, model and subdocument
  • 📦 Works out of the box, don't need to rewrite your schemas
  • ⛑ Type-safe population
  • ➕ Includes a "Mongoose-less" version of each schema interface (Mongoose typings removed)


  • ✅ All Mongoose types, arrays and maps
  • ✅ Virtual properties
  • ✅ Mongoose method, static & query functions
  • ✅ Multiple schemas per file
  • ✅ Typescript path aliases

Mongoose version

Find your Mongoose version below and install the associated mongoose-tsgen version. Ensure to refer to each version's respective README for documentation (hyperlinked in table).

mongoose mongoose-tsgen
6.1.5+ latest
5.11.19-6.1.14 8.4.7
5.11.0-5.11.18 7.1.3
<5.11.0 6.0.10

Note: For Mongoose >= v6.3.2, see Known Issues first.


mongoose-tsgen can be installed globally or locally as a dev dependency. Refer to the table above to ensure you are using the correct version.

# install with npm or yarn
npm install -D mongoose-tsgen

# install mongoose-tsgen v7.1.3 for mongoose v5.10.19 (see table above for compatibility)
npm install -D mongoose-tsgen@7.1.3

# install with yarn
yarn add -D mongoose-tsgen

The Gist

Once you've generated your typings file (see Usage), all you need to do is use the generated types in your schema definitions and throughout your project.

user.ts before:

import mongoose from "mongoose";

const UserSchema = new Schema(...);

export const User = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema);

user.ts after:

import mongoose from "mongoose";
import { UserDocument, UserModel, UserSchema } from "../interfaces/mongoose.gen.ts";

const UserSchema: UserSchema = new Schema(...);

export const User: UserModel = mongoose.model<UserDocument, UserModel>("User", UserSchema);

Then you can import the typings across your application from the Mongoose module and use them for document types:

import { UserDocument } from "./interfaces/mongoose.gen.ts";

async function getUser(uid: string): UserDocument {
  // user will be of type User
  const user = await User.findById(uid);
  return user;

async function editEmail(user: UserDocument, newEmail: string): UserDocument { = newEmail;
  return await;

Note that this practice is well documented online, I've found the following two Medium articles especially useful:


Configuration File

All CLI options can be provided using a mtgen.config.json file. Use the --config option to provide the folder path containing this file ("./" will be searched if no path is provided). CLI options will take precendence over options in the mtgen.config.json file.


  "imports": ["import Stripe from \"stripe\""],
  "output": "./src/custom/path/mongoose-types.ts"

Query Population

Any field with a ref property will be typed as RefDocument["_id"] | RefDocument. As part of the generated file, mongoose will be augmented with Query.populate overloads to narrow return types of populated queries (this can be disabled using the --no-populate-overload flag). A helper type PopulatedDocument and a type guard function IsPopulated will also be generated to help with handling populated documents, see usage below:

import { IsPopulated, PopulatedDocument } from "../interfaces/mongoose.gen.ts";

// UserDocument["bestFriend"] = mongoose.Types.ObjectId | UserDocument
function unsafeType(user: UserDocument) {
  // type guard
  if (IsPopulated(user.bestFriend))) {
    // user.bestFriend is confirmed to be populated, typescript will allow accessing its properties now

// `user` is typed as a UserDocument with `bestFriend` populated
function safeType(user: PopulatedDocument<UserDocument, "bestFriend">) {

// due to the `Query.populate` overload, `user` will be typed as `PopulatedDocument<UserDocument, "bestFriend">`
// rather than the usual `UserDocument`
const user = await User.findById(uid).populate("bestFriend").exec()

// completely type-safe

Both the mongoose populate overload and the PopulateDocument type handle nested and array types with ease; you rarely need to worry about enforcing types manually. In the case that the populated type cannot be determined, types will fallback to the generic RefDocument["_id"] | RefDocument.



import mongoose, { Schema } from "mongoose";
import { UserDocument, UserModel, UserSchema, UserObject } from "../interfaces/mongoose.gen.ts";

// UserSchema type
const UserSchema: UserSchema = new Schema({
  email: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  firstName: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  lastName: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  metadata: Schema.Types.Mixed,
  bestFriend: {
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: "User"
  friends: [
      uid: {
        type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        ref: "User",
        required: true
      nickname: String
  city: {
    coordinates: {
      type: [Number]

// NOTE: `this: UserDocument` is required for virtual properties to tell TS the type of `this` value using the "fake this" feature
// you will need to add these in after your first ever run of the CLI
UserSchema.virtual("name").get(function (this: UserDocument) {
  return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

UserSchema.methods = {
  isMetadataString() {
    return this.metadata === "string";

UserSchema.statics = {
  async getFriends(friendUids: UserDocument["_id"][]): Promise<UserObject[]> {
    return await this.aggregate([{ $match: { _id: { $in: friendUids } } }]);

UserSchema.query = {
  populateFriends() {
    return this.populate("bestFriend", "firstName lastName");

export const User = mongoose.model<UserDocument, UserModel>("User", UserSchema);

generate typings

# run mongoose-tsgen
npx mtgen

generated typings file ./src/interfaces/mongoose.gen.ts

import mongoose from "mongoose";

export type UserFriend = {
  uid: User["_id"] | User;
  nickname?: string;
  _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;

export type UserObject = User;

export type UserQueries = {
  populateFriends: () => mongoose.Query<any, UserDocument, UserQueries> & UserQueries;

export type UserMethods = {
  isMetadataString: (this: UserDocument) => boolean;

export type UserStatics = {
  getFriends: (this: UserModel, friendUids: UserDocument["_id"][]) => Promise<UserObject[]>;

export type UserModel = mongoose.Model<UserDocument, UserQueries> & UserStatics

export type UserSchema = mongoose.Schema<UserDocument, UserModel, UserMethods, UserQueries>

export type User = {
  email: string;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  bestFriend?: User["_id"] | User;
  friends: UserFriend[];
  city: {
    coordinates: number[];
  _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;

export type UserFriendDocument = mongoose.Types.Subdocument & {
  uid: UserDocument["_id"] | UserDocument;
  nickname?: string;
  _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;

export type UserDocument = mongoose.Document<mongoose.Types.ObjectId, UserQueries> &
  UserMethods & {
    email: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    metadata?: any;
    bestFriend?: UserDocument["_id"] | UserDocument;
    friends: mongoose.Types.DocumentArray<UserFriendDocument>;
    city: {
      coordinates: mongoose.Types.Array<number>;
    name: string;
    _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId;

Known Issues

Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite

This issue occurs as of Mongoose v6.3.2 due to a conflict in types.

In the meantime, you can get around this using one of the following options:

  • Fix your Mongoose version to v6.3.1 or below.
  • Use --no-populate-overload flag with this package.



  • Consider population field selection when typing populates
  • Slim down dependencies: oclif is unnecessarily large, prettier should be handled by users if desired.


A plug-n-play Typescript generator for Mongoose.






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  • TypeScript 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%