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portDNN Configuration Options

portDNN's CMake provides a number of configuration options to control which parts of the code will be built, tested and benchmarked. They are described here.

Build options

Option Type Default Description
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STRING Release Release, RelWithDebInfo etc. Controls compiler flags.
SNN_BUILD_TESTS BOOL ON Enables the portDNN test suite
SNN_BUILD_SAMPLES BOOL ON Builds portDNN's sample code
SNN_BUILD_BENCHMARKS BOOL ON Builds portDNN's benchmarks
SNN_BUILD_EXTENDED_BENCHMARKS BOOL OFF OFF disables batch sizes 2, 8, 16, 64.
SNN_BUILD_LARGE_BATCH_BENCHMARKS BOOL OFF OFF disables batch sizes 8, 16, 32, 64. Slow.
SNN_BUILD_INTERNAL_BENCHMARKS BOOL OFF Builds a large tiled convolution benchmark.
SNN_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION BOOL ON Generates HTML documentation. Requires Doxygen.
SNN_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN BOOL ON Hides library symbols by default, exporting select functions
SNN_FORCE_COLOUR_DIAGNOSTICS BOOL ON Forces compilers to output error messages in colour
SNN_HIGH_MEM_JOB_LIMIT INT 8 Number of concurrent build jobs for high memory targets (Ninja only)
SNN_DEVICE_TRIPLE LIST spir64 Sets the DPC++ device triple(s). Semicolon-separated if multiple flags are passed
SNN_DPCPP_ARCH STRING Empty Sets the specific device architecture for DPC++ builds
SNN_DPCPP_USER_FLAGS LIST Empty Sets the extra compiler flags to pass to DPC++. Semicolon-separated if multiple flags are passed

Download options

Option Type Default Description
SNN_DOWNLOAD_BENCHMARK BOOL ON Download and build Google Benchmark, rather than look locally
BENCHMARK_GIT_TAG STRING v1.3.0 Commit-ish object (e.g. tag, branch, commit hash)
SNN_DOWNLOAD_GTEST BOOL OFF Download and build Google Test, rather than look locally
GTEST_GIT_TAG STRING release-1.10.0 Commit-ish object (e.g. tag, branch, commit hash)
SNN_DOWNLOAD_EIGEN BOOL ON Download Eigen, rather than look locally
EIGEN_REPO STRING Eigen GitLab The remote to download Eigen from
EIGEN_GIT_TAG STRING 00de5707 Commit-ish object (e.g. tag, branch, commit hash)
EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR STRING build/eigen The Eigen include directory. Can be set by download.
SNN_DOWNLOAD_SYCLBLAS BOOL ON Download SYCLBLAS, rather than look locally
sycl_blas_REPO STRING Codeplay GitHub The remote to download SYCLBLAS from
sycl_blas_GIT_TAG STRING dd2455c Commit-ish object (e.g. tag, branch, commit hash)

Test options

Option Type Default Description
SNN_TEST_EIGEN BOOL OFF Test the Eigen backend
SNN_TEST_EIGEN_MATMULS BOOL OFF Use Eigen matmuls to test convolutions (very slow)
SNN_TEST_SYCLBLAS_MATMULS BOOL OFF Use SYCLBLAS matmuls to test convolutions (very slow)

Benchmark options

Option Type Default Description
SNN_BENCH_EIGEN BOOL OFF Build benchmarks with Eigen matmul support
SNN_BENCH_SYCLBLAS BOOL ON Build benchmarks with SYCLBLAS support
SNN_BENCH_ARM_COMPUTE BOOL OFF Build ARM Compute Library benchmarks
SNN_BENCH_SNN BOOL OFF Build benchmarks with portDNN matmul support

Eigen options

Option Type Default Description
SNN_EIGEN_LOCAL_MEM BOOL ON Only compile Eigen kernels with local memory support
SNN_EIGEN_NO_LOCAL_MEM BOOL OFF Only compile Eigen kernels without local memory support
SNN_EIGEN_COMPRESS_NAMES BOOL OFF Turns kernel names into hashes to avoid OpenCL driver bugs
SNN_EIGEN_NO_BARRIER BOOL OFF Use barrier-free matmul. Implies NO_LOCAL_MEM.

ComputeCpp options

Option Type Default Description
ComputeCpp_DIR PATH unset The ComputeCpp installation location
ComputeCpp_HOST_DIR PATH unset Crosscompiling only. ComputeCpp location for host arch.
COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS STRING unset Flags to be appended to compute++ command line
COMPUTECPP_BITCODE STRING spir64 Format of bitcode to be emitted by compiler (spirv64, nvptx64 etc.)

Kernel options

Option Type Default Description
SNN_ENABLE_DOUBLE BOOL OFF Compiles kernels that operate on double-precision floats
SNN_ENABLE_HALF BOOL OFF Compiles kernels that operate on OpenCL half-precision floats
SNN_ENABLE_64BIT_INDICES BOOL OFF Enable 64-bit index types to allow large (> 2bn element) tensors
SNN_CONV2D_STATIC_KERNELS BOOL OFF Enable compilation of static sizes of direct convolutions
SNN_REGISTER_TILE_SPECIALIZATIONS BOOL OFF Specialises register tiles to help compiler keep data in registers

Install options

Option Type Default Description
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX PATH /usr/local Prefix added in front of all install paths
SNN_INSTALL_TESTS BOOL OFF Controls installing tests as part of install target
SNN_INSTALL_BENCHMARKS BOOL OFF Controls installing benchmarks as part of install target
SNN_INSTALL_SAMPLES BOOL OFF Controls installing samples as part of install target