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61 lines (57 loc) · 4.78 KB


A Customer Object and children


Name Type Description Notes
PkiCustomerID int The unique ID of the Customer. [optional]
FkiCompanyID int The unique ID of the Company
FkiCustomergroupID int The unique ID of the Customergroup
SCustomerName string The name of the Customer
FkiContactinformationsID int The unique ID of the Contactinformations
FkiContactcontainerID int The unique ID of the Contactcontainer
FkiImageID int The unique ID of the Image
FkiGlaccountcontainerID int The unique ID of the Glaccountcontainer
FkiLanguageID int The unique ID of the Language. Valid values: Value
FkiDepartmentID int The unique ID of the Department
FkiPaymentmethodID int The unique ID of the Paymentmethod
FkiElectronicfundstransferbankaccountID int The unique ID of the Electronicfundstransferbankaccount
FkiElectronicfundstransferbankaccountIDDirectdebit int The unique ID of the Electronicfundstransferbankaccount
FkiSendingmethodID int The unique ID of the Sendingmethod
FkiTaxassignmentID int The unique ID of the Taxassignment. Valid values: Value
FkiAttendancestatusID int The unique ID of the Attendancestatus
FkiAgentIDVariableexpensechargeto int The unique ID of the Agent.
FkiBrokerIDVariableexpensechargeto int The unique ID of the Broker.
FkiCustomerIDVariableexpensechargeto int The unique ID of the Customer.
FkiGlaccountcontainerIDVariableexpensechargeto int The unique ID of the Glaccountcontainer
FkiAgentIDSupplychargechargeto int The unique ID of the Agent.
FkiBrokerIDSupplychargechargeto int The unique ID of the Broker.
FkiCustomerIDSupplychargechargeto int The unique ID of the Customer.
FkiGlaccountcontainerIDSupplychargechargeto int The unique ID of the Glaccountcontainer
FkiInvoicealternatelogoID int The unique ID of the Invoicealternatelogo
FkiSynchronizationlinkserverID int The unique ID of the Synchronizationlinkserver
EfkiUserID int The unique ID of the User [optional]
EfksCustomerCode string The code of the Customer [optional]
SCustomerCode string The code of the Customer
DCustomerFulltimeequivalent string The fulltimeequivalent of the Customer
ICustomerPhotocopiercode int The photocopiercode of the Customer
ICustomerLongdistancecode int The longdistancecode of the Customer
ICustomerTimewindowstart int The timewindowstart of the Customer
ICustomerTimewindowend int The timewindowend of the Customer
DCustomerMinimumchargeableinterests string The minimumchargeableinterests of the Customer
DtCustomerBirthdate string The birthdate of the Customer
DtCustomerTransfer string The transfer of the Customer
DtCustomerTransferappointment string The transferappointment of the Customer
DtCustomerTransfersurvey string The transfersurvey of the Customer
BCustomerIsactive bool Whether the customer is active or not
BCustomerVariableexpensefinanced bool Whether if it's an variableexpensefinanced
BCustomerVariableexpensefinancedtaxes bool Whether if it's an variableexpensefinancedtaxes
BCustomerSupplychargefinanced bool Whether if it's an supplychargefinanced
BCustomerSupplychargefinancedtaxes bool Whether if it's an supplychargefinancedtaxes
BCustomerAttendance bool Whether if it's an attendance
ECustomerType FieldECustomerType
ECustomerMarketingcorrespondence FieldECustomerMarketingcorrespondence
BCustomerBlackcopycarbon bool Whether if it's an blackcopycarbon
BCustomerUnsubscribeinfo bool Whether if it's an unsubscribeinfo
TCustomerComment string The comment of the Customer
IMPORTID string [optional]

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