- Array
- Two Pointers
- Sliding Window
- Sorting
- Binary Search
- Hash Table / Prefix Sum
- Heap
- (Monotonic) Stack / Queue
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy
- Specific Data Structures
- Divide and Conquer
- Backtracking
- Sorted?
- Yes:
- No, sort first? or use hash table?
- Subarray / substring?
- Palindromic substring / subsequence?
- We can iterate array from left to right, also from right to left.
time complexity doesn't mean you can only iterate the array once. Iterate the array several times might help solve the problem, for example, pre-computation (iterate array at least one time first) using hashing might be useful.- How to find the first and second maximum / minimum in linear time?
fun findFirstAndSecondMax(nums: IntArray): Pair<Int, Int> {
var first = Int.MIN_VALUE
var second = Int.MIN_VALUE
for (num in nums) {
if (first < num) {
second = first
first = num
} else if (second < num) {
second = num
return Pair(first, second)
- How to find the increasing sequence? (Order matters,
[1, ..., 3]
is, but[3, ..., 1]
is not, see 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence
fun findFirstAndSecondMax(nums: IntArray): Pair<Int, Int> {
var first = Int.MIN_VALUE
var second = Int.MIN_VALUE
for (num in nums) {
if (first < num) {
first = num
} else if (second < num and num < first) {
second = num
return Pair(first, second)
- (Sorted) Sequential data, window or subarray
- Partitioning:
[even | odd]
,[negative | positive]
...etc. - A problem can be solved by two pointers when it reduces the total cases we need to consider. (Source), and also see Sliding Window.
- Intersection or merge
- Left / right pointers
[X, X, X, X, X, X]
L -> <- R // L at the beginning, R at the end, and move in opposite directions
L/R -> // L and R start from the beginning, and move in the same direction
L --- R // Range: [L, R]
- Read / write pointers: Read every element and write when condition is met. (only take the element met the requirement)
- Fast / slow pointers: Cycle detection
[—— Window ——]
is a valid value range, it’s applicable when meeting the following conditions:
- If wider window is valid, then narrow window is also valid.
- If narrow window is invalid, then wider window is also invalid.
Time Complexity: The every character will enter and exit the window at most once, so the time complexity is O(n)
- Consecutive problem: A fixed- or vary- size window, to find the max/min window that meets the condition.
- Subarray / substring
- Start the two pointer
at the beginning of the sequence. - Expand the window by moving
until it becomes valid. Update the corresponding information regarding the window during the movement. - Shrink the window by moving
before it becomes invalid. Update the corresponding information regarding the window during the movement. - Update the result / answer (if the condition meets).
- Repeat the above steps until
reaches the end of the sequence.
fun slidingWindowsProblem(sequence: Sequence<T>) {
var left = 0
var right = 0
while (right < sequence.length) {
// Update the window
val value = sequence[right]
// Window contains invalid value, shrink the window
while (condition breaks) {
// Update the window
// Shrink window
// Update some information of windows or result here
if (condition meets) {
// Update result
// Expand the window
- Time Complexity: The every character will enter and exit the window at most once, so the time complexity is
- Monotonicity: Monotonicity: The elements have some order or trend, such as sorted or
[X, X, X, O, O, O, O, O]
in 1D or Z-shape in 2D (see below) or choosing larger then result will become smaller and vice versa. - Decision-making or comparison or whether meet some condition in the bounded search space, then we can keep reducing search space.
- Target or Feasibility: Search for a specific value, peak or extremum.
The answer is unique, and there's always another variable that changes monotonically according to the change of the answer, and we can depend on this variable to decide on which side of the search we go next step. Without the monotonicity and uniqueness, binary search is not applicable.
- Define the search space:
.- Search on index or value.
- Search on 1D array or 2D matrix.
- Reduce the search space: What condition to determine which part to eliminate and search in next round?
- Feasibility: Check if the current value is feasible or not.
- Counting: Count the number of elements that meet the condition.
- Target: Check if the current value is the target or not.
- Common variants:
- Feasibility:
fun problemSolving(input): Int { // search space: index or value left, right = 0, input.size - 1 while (left <= right) { val middle = left + (right - left) / 2 if (isFeasible(input, middle)) // left or right part else // another part } return left } private fun isFeasible(input, target): Boolean { // Check if the input is feasible }
- Counting:
fun problemSolving(input, k): Int { left, right = 0, input.size - 1 while (left <= right) { val middle = left + (right - left) / 2 if (countEqualsToOrGreaterThan(input, middle) < k) left = middle + 1 else right = middle - 1 } return left } private fun countEqualsToOrGreaterThan(input, target): Boolean { // Count the number of elements <= target }
- Mapping /
lookup - Counting / Frequency
- Seen / Duplicates / Missing
- Grouping / Anagrams / Intersection / Union
- Subarray (Prefix) Sum
- Hash Map / Set / Fixed-size array: input has fixed range of value, such as lowercase letters (
), number ranges1..n
, etc. - Cyclic sort or use array itself as hash table and index as key.
- Two Sum: Iterate the array, check its complement
target - current state
exists and update the result, and store current state to hash table as you've seen.
(Pairwise) Comparisons: Single list or compare between two lists.
- Detect duplicates / Grouping similar elements.
- Choose greedily.
- Last in first out (LIFO): Last element should be processed first.
- Nested structure / Parentheses / Balance / Parsing
- Undo / Redo operations
- Recursion / DFS / Backtracking
- Find next greater / smaller element: Monotonic stack
- For stack question, we can push the index or value, we still can get the original value from
when pushing the index. - Nested structure:
fun stackProblem(input: XXX) {
var result = ...
// Iterate all elements in input
for (i in 0 until input.size) {
// Start of nested structure
if (input[i] is opening) {
// Push the current result to stack and start to process the nested structure
// Reset for nested usage
result = 0
} else if (input[i] is closing) { // End of nested structure
// Pop the previous result and combine with current result
result = stack.pop() + result
fun problem(nums: XXXArray) {
val stack = Stack<XXX>()
for (i in 0 until nums.size) {
// We might change the condition of value comparison.
// And consider if the condition is strict (<) or not (<=)
while (!stack.isEmpty() && nums[stack.peek()] < nums[i]) {
// We might not pop at once, just peek first
val value = nums[stack.pop()]
// Something we have to check if stack is empty now, and then pop item or peek.
// calculate something and update the result
- The time complexity is
, since every item will enter/exit the stack once. Even if there is awhile
loop inside thefor
loop, the time complexity is stilO(n)
because at most you touch each each index a maximum of 2 times, notn
times. - Usually, we will push index to stack rather than array value. And something, we need to push
at the beginning and the end of array so that we can calculate the first / last item of array. (See 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram)
- First input first out (FIFO): First element should be processed first.
- BFS / Level order traversal
BFS / Level order traversal:
val queue = ArrayDeque<XXX>()
// enqueue some first level elements
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val size = queue.size
for (i in 0 until size) {
// Dequeue and process
val value = queue.removeFirst()
// Do something
// Enqueue next level elements
- Find the optimal element or extremum dynamically.
- Find the top / smallest K or Kth element.
- Top K elements:
- Maintain a max heap, and push all elements, then pop
times. -->O(n lg n)
TC andO(n)
SC. - Maintain a min heap with size
. -->O(n lg k)
TC andO(k)
SC. - Bucket sort:
TC andO(n)
SC. - Quick select:
TC andO(1)
- Maintain a max heap, and push all elements, then pop
See problem 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array or 347. Top K Frequent Elements
- Merge K ways: Maintain
pointers and push to heap, then pop the optimal element and push the next element from the same list.
heap = [X, Y, Z]
[..., X , ...]
[..., Y , ...]
[..., Z , ...]
See problem 1642. Furthest Building You Can Reach
This is a comprehensive topic, see Dynamic Programming for more details.
- Choose the current optimal solution for every step.
More characteristics, see Elements of Greedy.
TODO: Discover more characters from greedy problems.
- Sort first or use heap to get the optimal solution dynamically.
- Traversal: Find i-th node, last node, etc.
- Insert / Delete: Head / tail / i-th node
- Reverse / Middle / Merge
insertion / deletion at head / tail, or with hash table to achieveO(1)
lookup for every node.
TODO: Discover more characters from design problems.
- Drawing could be really help!!
- Sentinel node:
- To create a new linked list.
- To insert when head is null.
- To deleting head and it becomes null.
fun solveProblem(head?: Node): Node? {
val sentinel = Node(-1)
var node: Node? = sentinel
/// do something to modify the `node`
return sentinel.next
- Pointers:
- Fast / slow pointers
- Previous / current / next pointers
- Preserve the (next) node before modifying it.
- Corner cases:
- Empty linked list (before operation or after!, such as deleting the only node)
- Operation on head / tail.
- Linked list with one / two nodes
- Linked list has cycles. Clarify before solving problem! And pay attention to the result after performing the functions.
- Traversal: search or operate on every node.
- Pre-order
- In-order
- Post-order
- Level-order (BFS): Level annotation or return early (shortest path)
- Path / Sum / Height / Depth / Diameter / Width
- Distance
- Insertion / Deletion
- Lowest Common Ancestor
Recursion is one of the most powerful and frequently used techniques to solve tree problems. (also natural features of a tree) There are two techniques to solve tree problems with recursion:
- Traversal: Can the answer by obtained by traversing the tree once? If yes, define a
recursive function + global variable to implement it. - Divide and Conquer: Can we split the problem into sub-problems (sub-trees), and obtain the answer of original problem by combining the results of sub-problems? If yes, define a function
solve(root): T
that returns the answer of sub-problems, and use it to solve the original problem.
For the two techniques, we have to consider the following:
- What to do for current node? (Just think about what each node should do individually)
- When to do it? (pre-order, in-order, post-order)
NOTE: To implement recursion correctly, just think about what to do for current node, and don't care about the sub-problems. (leave it to recursion)
The following are DFS general templates of recursive function, the major difference between these three traversals is the order of the main logic.
- Pre-order:
fun dfs(root: TreeNode?): T {
if (Some termaination condition or end of search path (base case)) {
return result
// Main logic
// Traverse sub-tree
// Return result for current node
- In-order:
fun dfs(root: TreeNode?): T {
if (Some termaination condition or end of search path (base case)) {
return result
// Main logic
// Return result for current node
- Post-order:
fun dfs(root: TreeNode?): T {
if (Some termaination condition or end of search path (base case)) {
return result
// Traverse sub-tree first
val leftValue = dfs(root.left)
val rightValue = dfs(root.right)
// Main logic: deal with current root, and combine the result of sub-trees
// Return result for current node
The key difference of pre-order and post-order:
Pre-order | Post-order | |
Order | Top-down | Bottom-up |
Data | Parent node only | Parent + children node together |
Dynamic programming, Graph (DFS), divide-and-conquer and backtracking are all the extension of binary tree, we can use the similar techniques to solve the problem.
- Level traversal:
fun bfs(root: TreeNode?) {
if (root == null) return
val queue = ArrayDeque<TreeNode>()
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
val node = queue.removeFirst()
// do something or return early
if (node.left != null) queue.addLast(node.left!!)
if (node.right != null) queue.addLast(node.right!!)
- With level annotation:
fun bfs(root: TreeNode?) {
if (root == null) return
val queue = ArrayDeque<TreeNode>()
var level = 0
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
// Do something in the same level
val size = queue.size()
for (i in 0 until size) {
val node = queue.removeFirst()
// do something or update result
if (node.left != null) queue.addLast(node.left!!)
if (node.right != null) queue.addLast(node.right!!)
// Do something extra
- Cases to consider:
- Empty tree (
node == null
) - Single root.
- One child, or two children.
- Skewed tree (like a linked list), height will be
, notlg n
- Empty tree (
- The node in problems doesn't have the parent pointer, we can run DFS/BFS once and use hash table to store its parent.
- In-order traversal of BST is an ascending sorted array, this property can be helpful to solve the BST problem.
- Topological Sort
- Shortest Path
- We can convert the problem into the states as nodes, and operations as edges to build the graph, then use DFS /BFS to iterate all possible states / operations like traversing the graph to solve the problem. (such as Word Ladder)
- To find the order / prerequisite / dependency, we can use topological sort.
- Figure out the states and operations, then build the graph.
- Start to traversal all possible nodes without duplicates in DFS / BFS, we have to record the visited nodes.
Binary tree is a special case of graph, so we can use the same approach to solve the problem, however, tree is directed graph without cycle, so we don't need to record the visited nodes.
For more detail on recursion techniques, see tree.
For some problems, we might start searching from the path of invalid state or from the entrance of the borders in the graph, rather than the valid state, it might help to reduce the time complexity.
Build the graph from edges array:
fun buildGraph(edges: Array<IntArray>): HashMap<Int, HashSet<Int>> {
val graph = hashMapOf<Int, HashSet<Int>>()
for (edge in edges) {
val (x, y) = edge
if (!graph.containsKey(x)) {
graph[x] = hashSetOf()
if (!graph.containsKey(y)) {
graph[y] = hashSetOf()
return graph
- General template:
fun dfs(input, visited) {
if (visited.contains(input) || meet some conditions) return
// Record visited nodes
// Iterate all possible next states
for (next in input.nexts) {
// Skip visited nodes
if (visited.contains(next)) continue
dfs(next, visited)
- Template for matrix / 2D array:
// 4 directions
val directions = arrayOf(
intArrayOf(-1, 0), // up
intArrayOf(1, 0), // down
intArrayOf(0, -1), // left
intArrayOf(0, 1) // right
fun problemSolving(graph: Array<IntArray>) {
val visited = hashSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
for (m in 0 until graph.size) {
for (n in 0 until graph[m].size) {
// Check some conditions or have not visited before
if (graph[m][n] = ...) {
dfs(graph, m, n, visited)
fun dfs(graph: Array<IntArray>, x: Int, y: Int, visited: HashSet<Pair<Int, Int>) {
// Skip the positions that are out of boundary or
// current (x, y) is not what we want or
// have visited before.
if (x < 0 || x > graph.size - 1 ||
y < 0 || y > graph[x].size ||
graph[x][y] = ... ||
visited.contains(x to y) ||
...) return
// TODO: Do something with the current position
visited.add(x to y)
// Then dfs the adjacency vertices
directions.forEach {
// Or we can check the boundary here
dfs(graph, x + it[0], y + it[1])
- BFS: We enqueue initial state first, then iterate the current state popped from the queue and enqueue next state generated from current state.
fun bfs(input, visited) {
val queue = ArrayDeque<XXX>()
// Add initial state
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val size = queue.size
for (i in 0 until size) {
val node = queue.removeFirst()
// Skip the positions that are out of boundary or
// have visited before or does not meet requirement.
if (x < 0 || x > graph.size - 1 ||
y < 0 || y > graph[x].size ||
visited.contains(x to y) ||
...) continue
// Record visited nodes
// Do something
// Enqueue next level elements
for (next in node.nexts) {
if (visited.contains(next)) continue
NOTE: Sometime we will use shortest distance as visited, we only enqueue the next node with shortest distance from the current node.
if (distance[next] >= distance[current] + 1) {
distance[next] = distance[current] + 1
- Corner cases:
- Empty graph
- Graph with few nodes (1 or 2)
- Disjoint graphs
- Graph with cycle (might not be able to resolve recursively)