Coding Challenge: Using Sequence in Function
Complete the application
function by using the code below, which should use the given eitherSequence
to check all requirements simultaneously.
Note that sequenceT
uses E.Apply
to get the right sequence. Some course examples used E.either
, which still works but is now deprecated.
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either' ;
import { sequenceT } from "fp-ts/lib/Apply" ;
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/function" ;
const eitherSequence = sequenceT ( E . Apply ) ;
type Airplane = {
crew : number ,
fuel : number ,
onFire : boolean
} ;
const checkEnoughCrew = ( airplane : Airplane ) : E . Either < string , Airplane > => airplane . crew >= 2 ? E . right ( airplane ) : E . left ( 'Needs more crew members' )
const checkEnoughFuel = ( airplane : Airplane ) : E . Either < string , Airplane > => airplane . fuel > 1000 ? E . right ( airplane ) : E . left ( 'Not enough fuel' )
const checkNotOnFire = ( airplane : Airplane ) : E . Either < string , Airplane > => airplane . onFire === false ? E . right ( airplane ) : E . left ( 'Eh. The airplane is on fire' ) ;
// Complete the below function
// const application = (airplane: Airplane) => {
// return pipe(
// ...
// Airplane[]) => res[0]),
// );
// };