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File metadata and controls

491 lines (418 loc) · 25.2 KB

reactable (Unreleased)

New features

  • Experimental support for server-side data processing in Shiny apps. Use reactable(server = TRUE) to render a table using server-side data processing in Shiny. Server-side data processing requires the V8 package, which is not installed with reactable by default. (#22)
    tbl <- reactable(
      server = TRUE
    ui <- fluidPage(
    server <- function(input, output) {
      output$tbl <- renderReactable({
    shinyApp(ui, server)
  • New Reactable.gotoPage() and Reactable.setPageSize() methods in the JavaScript API to change the current page or set the current page size. (#322)

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed JS() not working when htmlwidgets 1.6.3 or later is installed. (#348)

reactable 0.4.4

Documentation - reactable 0.4.4

  • Fixed a failing CRAN check.

reactable 0.4.3

Documentation - reactable 0.4.3

  • Fixed a failing CRAN check on the r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang platform. (#308)

reactable 0.4.2

Documentation - reactable 0.4.2

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed rendering of embedded HTML widgets when htmlwidgets 1.6.0 or later is installed. In general, fixed rendering of any Shiny HTML tags with duplicate attributes. (@tomsing1, #306)

reactable 0.4.1

Documentation - reactable 0.4.1

  • Fixed a failing test on Fedora 36 and earlier.

reactable 0.4.0

Documentation - reactable 0.4.0

New features

  • Experimental support for rendering tables to static HTML in R. Use reactable(static = TRUE) to render a table to static HTML, or options(reactable.status = TRUE) to enable static rendering globally. With static rendering, tables are pre-rendered to their initial HTML so they appear immediately without any flash of content. Tables are then made interactive and subsequently rendered by JavaScript as needed. Static rendering requires the V8 package, which is not installed with reactable by default. Learn more in the Static Rendering article.
  • reactable() gains a meta argument to pass arbitrary data from R to JavaScript render functions and style functions. Custom metadata can be accessed using the state.meta property, and updated using updateReactable() in Shiny or Reactable.setMeta() in the JavaScript API. See examples of using custom metadata for custom rendering or custom metadata for conditional styling. (#255)
  • New Reactable.onStateChange() method in the JavaScript API that sets up a function to be called whenever the table state changes. (#265)
  • New Reactable.setData() method in the JavaScript API for updating the table data. (#278)
  • Reactable.downloadDataCSV() in the JavaScript API now supports an additional options argument to change the field or decimal separator, include specific columns, and exclude column headers. (#239, #293)
  • New Reactable.getDataCSV() method in the JavaScript API to get the table data as a CSV string.
  • New Reactable.toggleHideColumn() and Reactable.setHiddenColumns() methods in the JavaScript API to toggle or set hidden columns. JavaScript render functions and style functions also receive a new state.hiddenColumns property for the hidden columns in the table. (#246)
  • getReactableState() now includes the current sorted columns. (#265)

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Updated the documentation site for Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) deprecation, Bootstrap 5 theming, and better accessibility. Examples now use modern JavaScript features that aren't supported in IE 11, like template literals and arrow functions. Examples now also use scalable font sizes and length units where appropriate (i.e., rem/em instead of px). The documentation site uses the default root font size of 16px, so examples may look different on pages that change the root font size. For example, Bootstrap 3 sets a default root font size of 10px, so you may need to adjust the rem values before adapting examples to your site. (Bootstrap 4 and above no longer change the default root font size).
  • R style functions no longer apply to aggregated cells and rows incorrectly. (@fawda123, #250)
  • JavaScript render functions and style functions no longer receive an invalid cellInfo.index or rowInfo.index property for aggregated cells and rows. (#250)
  • Column group header widths are now calculated correctly with hidden columns in the column group. (@Patrikios, #253)
  • NULL values in list-columns now correctly appear as missing values instead of [object Object]. NULL values are now represented as null values in JavaScript instead of an empty object like {}.
  • reactableTheme() styles no longer override custom user CSS in the HTML document <head>.
  • getReactableState() now accepts multiple values in its name argument to return a subset of state values.
  • reactable() now respects htmlwidget::sizingPolicy()'s viewer.fill and browser.fill and fills the RStudio Viewer pane by default. (@cpsievert, #280)
  • Using reactable() on a dplyr grouped data frame ( dplyr::group_by() or grouped_df) with rownames = TRUE no longer adds a stringsAsFactors column to the table. (@daattali, #283)

Breaking changes

  • Numeric NA values are now represented as null in JavaScript instead of an "NA" string. Numeric NaN, Inf, and -Inf values are now represented as NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity in JavaScript instead of "NaN", "Inf", and "-Inf" strings. (@daattali, #261)
    function(cellInfo) {
      // Old
      cellInfo.value // "NA", "NaN", "Inf", "-Inf"
      // New
      cellInfo.value // null, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity
  • Support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) is deprecated. Existing features will continue to work in IE 11, but new features may not support IE 11, and IE 11 is no longer tested.
  • The documentation website no longer supports IE 11.

reactable 0.3.0

Documentation - reactable 0.3.0

This release upgrades to a new major version of React Table (#35), which brings many new features, improvements, and bug fixes. reactable has been largely rewritten to take advantage of React Table's new approach as a flexible table utility rather than a table component.

This means it'll be easier to add new custom features, customize styling and markup, and maintain reactable in the future. Most of the features and fixes in this release would not have been possible or easy to do without this upgrade.

Backward compatibility was kept where possible, but note that there are several breaking changes, particularly around the JavaScript API.

New features

  • Cell content can now be vertically aligned using the new vAlign and headerVAlign arguments in colDef(), and the new headerVAlign argument in colGroup() (#142, #177).
  • Sticky columns are now supported using a new sticky argument in colDef() and colGroup() (#19, #72, #141).
  • New JavaScript API to manipulate or access tables from JavaScript. Use this to create custom interactive controls, such as CSV download buttons, custom filter inputs, or toggle buttons for row grouping and row expansion (#11, #28, #182, #194). Learn more in the JavaScript API guide or the JavaScript API examples.
  • Column filtering and table searching can now be customized. Learn more in the Custom Filtering guide.
    • reactable() gains a searchMethod argument to use a custom JavaScript function for global table searching (#222).
    • colDef() gains a filterMethod argument to use a custom JavaScript function for column filtering (#9, #90, #145).
    • colDef() gains a filterInput argument to render a custom filter input for column filtering (#9).
  • reactable() gains a paginateSubRows argument to include grouped sub rows in pagination. This is recommended for grouped tables with a large number of rows where expanded rows may not all fit on one page.
  • Expanded rows now stay expanded on sorting, filtering, and pagination changes. Previously, expanded rows were always collapsed on sorting and pagination changes, and incorrectly persisted on filtering changes (#39).
  • Aggregated rows can now be selected when multiple selection is enabled.
  • colDef() gains a grouped argument to customize rendering for grouped cells in groupBy columns (#33, #94, #148).
  • Column group headers can now be resized.
  • Column group headers and filters are now sticky. Previously, only column headers were sticky (#107).
  • JavaScript render functions and style functions receive new properties:
    • rowInfo.expanded and cellInfo.expanded indicating whether the row is expanded
    • cellInfo.selected indicating whether the cell's row is selected
    •, state.pageSize, and state.pages for the current page index, page size, and number of pages in the table
    • cellInfo.filterValue and column.filterValue for the column filter value, and column.setFilter to set the filter value
    • state.filters for the column filter values
    • state.searchValue for the table search value
    • state.selected for the selected row indices
  • JavaScript render functions for cells, headers, footers, and row details receive a new state argument to access the table state (#88). Custom cell click actions also now receive a state argument.
  • R render functions for row details now receive an additional argument for the column name (@ksnap28, #155).
  • colDef() gains a searchable argument to enable or disable global table searching. Columns can be excluded from searching using colDef(searchable = FALSE), and hidden columns can be included in searching using colDef(searchable = TRUE) (#217).

Breaking changes

JavaScript render and style functions

Several properties and arguments have been renamed or moved for consistency with the rest of the API. These properties were not removed unless they were very rarely used, so most code should continue to work upon upgrading.

  • The rowInfo.row property is now deprecated, and has been renamed to rowInfo.values. rowInfo.row remains supported, but replace usages with rowInfo.values when possible.
    // Old
    function(rowInfo) {
    // New
    function(rowInfo) {
  • The colInfo.column and properties in header and cell render functions are now deprecated. The colInfo object now contains all of the same properties as colInfo.column, and is now referred to as column in the documentation. When possible, replace usages of colInfo with column, colInfo.column with column, and with state.sortedData (current rows after sorting and filtering) or (the original data).
    // Old
    function(colInfo) {
    // New
    function(column, state) {
  • The state.expanded property has been removed. To check whether a row is expanded, use rowInfo.expanded instead.
    // Old
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      if (state.expanded[rowInfo.index]) { // row is expanded ... }
    // New
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      if (rowInfo.expanded) { // row is expanded ... }
  • The and properties have been removed. To get the current page index of the table, use instead.
    // Old
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
    // New
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
  • When accessing row data in JavaScript render functions and style functions:
    • Date and time values are now represented in UTC time (ISO 8601 format), rather than local time without a timezone.
      function(cellInfo) {
        // Old
        cellInfo.value // 2022-05-22T19:30:00
        // New
        cellInfo.value // 2022-05-22T19:30:00Z
        // With a UTC time, it's much easier to format dates in the user's local time
        return new Date(cellInfo.value).toLocaleString()
    • Single values (length-1 vectors) in list-columns are no longer represented as arrays (i.e., data is now serialized using jsonlite::toJSON(auto_unbox = TRUE)). For example, list(x = 1) in R is now represented as {x: 1} in JavaScript instead of {x: [1]}.

Other changes

  • When both columnGroups and groupBy arguments are provided in reactable(), groupBy columns are no longer added to a column group automatically (#87).
  • The defaultGroupHeader argument in reactableLang() is now deprecated and no longer used. Use the columnGroups argument in reactable() to customize the column group header for groupBy columns.
  • The detailsCollapseLabel, deselectAllRowsLabel, deselectAllSubRowsLabel, and deselectRowLabel arguments in reactableLang() are now deprecated and no longer used (#167).
  • The row selection column is now always placed as the first column in the table, even before the groupBy and row details columns (#71).
  • Increased the default width of the row selection column to match the row details column (45px).
  • The default cell padding can no longer be overridden using custom CSS or inline styles on cells. To customize the cell padding, use a theme instead, like reactableTheme(cellPadding = "...") (#248, #142, #177).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Setting show = FALSE as a default value in defaultColDef() now works (@csgillespie, #105). Setting sortNALast, html, and na to their default values in defaultColDef() also now works.
  • Using a single value for pageSizeOptions in reactable() now works.
  • Column resizing is now limited by the min and max width of the column.
  • Column group headers and filter cells in fixed height tables now display properly in Safari, Chrome, and the RStudio Viewer (#76).
  • In reactable(), defaultExpanded = TRUE now expands all rows in the table, not just rows on the first page.
  • In reactable(), defaultExpanded = TRUE now works when column groups are present.
  • Aggregated cell values are now recalculated when filtering or searching the table.
  • Aggregate functions now always take the unaggregated values in the column. Previously, if there were multiple groupBy columns, aggregate functions could take aggregated values which could produce inaccurate calculations (e.g., when calculating the mean of values).
  • The "max" and "min" aggregate functions now work on dates, date-times, and strings (#130).
  • Column formatters no longer apply to empty aggregated cell values.
  • Searching now properly ignores the row details and selection columns.
  • Selected rows now reset when the table data changes in Shiny (#110).
  • When selecting rows, errors from other Crosstalk widgets no longer cause the table to disappear.
  • HTML widgets and HTML dependencies in nested tables now render correctly (#125).
  • Tables are now displayed with full width when rendered inside an R Markdown document or R Notebook (#163).
  • reactable() now works for data frames with difftime objects and objects with custom classes (#164).
  • colFormat() now formats dates and times in the user's time zone, rather than ignoring time zones.
  • Row expand buttons no longer change their accessible labels based on expanded state. They now use the aria-expanded attribute to indicate expanded or collapsed state, and use "Toggle details" as their default label (#167).
  • reactableLang() gains the groupExpandLabel argument to customize the accessible label for row group expand buttons (#167).
  • Row selection checkboxes and radio buttons no longer change their accessible labels based on selection state (#167).
  • Cells can now be marked up as row headers for assistive technologies, using the new rowHeader argument in colDef(). Cells in the row names column are automatically marked up as row headers (#167).
  • The page info and "no rows found" message are now marked as ARIA live regions so page changes can be announced by assistive technologies when searching, filtering, or paging through the table (#167).
  • Scrollable tables are now focusable and scrollable when using a keyboard (#167).
  • In reactableTheme(), filterInputStyle now applies correctly when rerendering a table in Shiny (#186).
  • In reactableTheme(), cellPadding now applies to column group headers correctly.
  • Columns with square brackets ([ or ]) in their column name now render correctly (#187).
  • Disabling pagination using reactable(pagination = FALSE) now works correctly on table data updates (#214).
  • More HTML attributes are supported when rendering HTML tags, such as onclick (#150).
  • Improved initial load time of tables with a large number of rows (up to 50% faster in some cases).

reactable 0.2.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a character encoding issue in the documentation.

reactable 0.2.2

Bug fixes

  • Headers in fixed height tables now display properly in Safari, Chrome, and the RStudio Viewer (#76).

reactable 0.2.1

New features

  • updateReactable() gains a data argument to update the data of a reactable instance in Shiny (#49).

Bug fixes

  • Row selection columns now display correctly in tables with column groups (#52).
  • defaultSelected now works correctly with Crosstalk linked selection.
  • Crosstalk selection and filtering now works with nested and dynamically rendered tables #57).
  • Tables now display correctly for Crosstalk SharedData objects with zero or one rows.
  • Shiny UI elements in expanded row details are now properly removed when collapsed on page changes.
  • colFormat() now always formats numbers as a localized string when locales is specified.
  • Table rows no longer stretch to fill the height of the container (#69). To make rows stretch again, use a theme like reactableTheme(tableBodyStyle = list(flex = "auto")).
  • Multi-sorting no longer selects text in column headers.

reactable 0.2.0

New features

  • reactable() now supports linked selection and filtering with Crosstalk-compatible HTML widgets (#46).
  • reactable() gains a theme argument to customize the default styling of a table.
  • reactable() gains a language argument to customize the language strings in a table (#24).
  • reactable() gains a defaultSelected argument to set default selected rows.
  • reactable() gains a defaultExpanded argument to set default expanded rows (#23).
  • New updateReactable() function to update the selected rows, expanded rows, or current page of a reactable instance in Shiny (#20).
  • New getReactableState() function to get the state of a reactable instance in Shiny (#20).
  • colDef() gains a "median" aggregate function to calculate the median of numbers (#30).
  • The row selection column can now be customized using ".selection" as the column name (#19).
  • In reactable(), the rowClass, rowStyle, and details JavaScript functions now receive a rowInfo.selected property indicating whether the row is selected (#20).

Breaking changes

  • The selectionId argument in reactable() will be deprecated in a future release. Use getReactableState() to get the selected rows of a table in Shiny instead.

Bug fixes

  • General accessibility improvements, particularly for screen reader users.
  • Table searching now works correctly when row selection is enabled.
  • colFormat(date = TRUE) now formats YYYY-MM-DD dates correctly (#38).
  • colFormat(percent = TRUE) now works correctly when viewing tables in IE11.
  • Cell click actions now work for all cells in aggregated rows.
  • Aggregated cells in columns with row details no longer throw an error when clicked.
  • In colDef(), the class and style R functions now handle list-columns correctly.
  • Column headers now truncate long text properly.
  • Footers now display properly in fixed height tables for Safari and Chrome (#41).
  • Dark themes no longer affect text color in RStudio R Notebooks (#21).
  • Checkboxes and radio buttons now align with multi-line text in selectable tables.
  • Text selection now works in column headers.
  • Row striping and highlighting styles no longer affect nested tables.


  • Updated tests for compatibility with R 4.0.0.

reactable 0.1.0

  • Initial release.