This template allows opening Google Maps Platform Android tutorial code samples in IDX IDE. To open a code sample in IDX, go to
and provide the gitUrl, subdir and the name of the activity to launch as query params.
Please review the template parameters in idx-template.json file. If a parameter is not provided in the link as a query param, the default value specified in the idx-template.json
file will be used. If the parameter doesn't specify a default value and a value is not provided as a query param, the IDX workspace creation dialog asks for the value.
There is no default value for the API Key. You must provide it as a query parameter or alternatively in the IDX workspace creation dialog.
The example below demonstates how you could open a code sample in IDX. The link in the example will open the code sample specified by the default values in idx-template.json and you'd be asked to provide an API Key on IDX workspace creation dialog.