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#中文说明 #NoSQLAttack #Introduction NoSQLAttack is an open source Python tool to automate expose MongoDB server IP on the internet and disclose the database data by MongoDB default configuration weaknesses and injection attacks. Presently, this project focuses on MongoDB.

It is base on NoSQLMap, tcstool's popular NoSQL injection tool and shodan, first search engine for Internet-connected devices.

Some attack tests are based on and extensions of follow papers

There are two systems for testing NoSQL injection in this project-NoSQLInjectionAttackDemo. #Background NoSQL injection attacks, for example php array injection, javascript injection and mongo shell injection, endanger mongoDB. There are thousands of mongoDB are exposed on the internet, and hacker can download data from exposed mongoDB.

#Requirements On a Debian or Red Hat based system, NoSQLAttack's dependencies already be writen in This project is built on Pycharm COMMUNITY 2016.1 with python 2.7.10.

Varies based on features used:

  • Shodan-1.5.3
  • httplib2-0.9
  • Python-2.7
  • pymongo-2.7.2
  • requests-2.5.0
  • ipcalc-1.1.3
  • MongoDB

#Building On Linux, it goes something like this:

cd NoSQLAttack
python install


  • If after entering "python install", terminal show error information "No module named setuptools", just install setuptools. On Ubuntu, "sudo apt-get install python-setuptools", this command is useful
  • Install MongoDB for MongoDB default configuration attack.

#Usage After building, you can run NoSQLAttack like this:


Upon starting NoSQLAttack you are presented with the main menu:

        _   _       _____  _____ _                      
       | \ | |     /  ___||  _  | |                     
       |  \| | ___ \ `--. | | | | |                   
       | . ` |/ _ \ `--. \| | | | |                    
       | |\  | (_) /\__/ /\ \/' / |____          
       \_| \_/\___/\____/  \_/\_\_____/                  
    /\      _      _                   | |  _        
   /  \   _| |_  _| |    _____    ___  | | / /       
  / /\ \ |_   _||_   _| / __  \  / __| | |/ /        
 / /--\ \  | |_   | |_  | |_| | | |__  | |\ \       
/ / -- \ \ \___\  \___\ \______\ \___| | | \_\      

1-Scan attacked IP
2-Configurate parameters
3-MongoDB Access Attacks
4-Injection Attacks

#videos NoSQLAttack Demo for MongoDB.

(1)default configuration Attacks demo (2)injection attacks demo

NoSQLAttack MongoDB default configuration Attacks demo NoSQLAttack MongoDB default configuration Attacks demo