In an N by N square grid, each cell is either empty (0) or blocked (1).
A clear path from top-left to bottom-right has length k
if and only if it is composed of cells C_1, C_2, ..., C_k
such that:
- Adjacent cells
are connected 8-directionally (ie., they are different and share an edge or corner) C_1
is at location(0, 0)
(ie. has valuegrid[0][0]
is at location(N-1, N-1)
(ie. has valuegrid[N-1][N-1]
)- If
is located at(r, c)
, thengrid[r][c]
is empty (ie.grid[r][c] == 0
Return the length of the shortest such clear path from top-left to bottom-right. If such a path does not exist, return -1.
Example 1:
Input: [[0,1],[1,0]]
Output: 2
Example 2:
Input: [[0,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]]
Output: 4
1 <= grid.length == grid[0].length <= 100
在一个 N × N 的方形网格中,每个单元格有两种状态:空(0)或者阻塞(1)。一条从左上角到右下角、长度为 k 的畅通路径,由满足下述条件的单元格 C_1, C_2, ..., C_k 组成:
- 相邻单元格 C_i 和 C_{i+1} 在八个方向之一上连通(此时,C_i 和 C_{i+1} 不同且共享边或角)
- C_1 位于 (0, 0)(即,值为 grid[0][0])
- C_k 位于 (N-1, N-1)(即,值为 grid[N-1][N-1])
- 如果 C_i 位于 (r, c),则 grid[r][c] 为空(即,grid[r][c] == 0)
返回这条从左上角到右下角的最短畅通路径的长度。如果不存在这样的路径,返回 -1 。
- 这一题是简单的找最短路径。利用 BFS 从左上角逐步扩展到右下角,便可以很容易求解。注意每轮扩展需要考虑 8 个方向。
var dir = [][]int{
{-1, -1},
{-1, 0},
{-1, 1},
{0, 1},
{0, -1},
{1, -1},
{1, 0},
{1, 1},
func shortestPathBinaryMatrix(grid [][]int) int {
visited := make([][]bool, 0)
for range make([]int, len(grid)) {
visited = append(visited, make([]bool, len(grid[0])))
dis := make([][]int, 0)
for range make([]int, len(grid)) {
dis = append(dis, make([]int, len(grid[0])))
if grid[0][0] == 1 {
return -1
if len(grid) == 1 && len(grid[0]) == 1 {
return 1
queue := []int{0}
visited[0][0], dis[0][0] = true, 1
for len(queue) > 0 {
cur := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
curx, cury := cur/len(grid[0]), cur%len(grid[0])
for d := 0; d < 8; d++ {
nextx := curx + dir[d][0]
nexty := cury + dir[d][1]
if isInBoard(grid, nextx, nexty) && !visited[nextx][nexty] && grid[nextx][nexty] == 0 {
queue = append(queue, nextx*len(grid[0])+nexty)
visited[nextx][nexty] = true
dis[nextx][nexty] = dis[curx][cury] + 1
if nextx == len(grid)-1 && nexty == len(grid[0])-1 {
return dis[nextx][nexty]
return -1
func isInBoard(board [][]int, x, y int) bool {
return x >= 0 && x < len(board) && y >= 0 && y < len(board[0])