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61 lines (35 loc) · 2.58 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (35 loc) · 2.58 KB


This guide provides instructions for contributing to this Capacitor plugin.


Local Setup

  1. Fork and clone the repo.

  2. Install the dependencies.

    npm install
  3. Install SwiftLint if you're on macOS.

    brew install swiftlint


npm run build

Build the plugin web assets and generate plugin API documentation using @capacitor/docgen.

It will compile the TypeScript code from src/ into ESM JavaScript in dist/esm/. These files are used in apps with bundlers when your plugin is imported.

Then, Rollup will bundle the code into a single file at dist/plugin.js. This file is used in apps without bundlers by including it as a script in index.html.

npm run verify

Build and validate the web and native projects.

This is useful to run in CI to verify that the plugin builds for all platforms.

npm run lint / npm run fmt

Check formatting and code quality, autoformat/autofix if possible.

This template is integrated with ESLint, Prettier, and SwiftLint. Using these tools is completely optional, but the Capacitor Community strives to have consistent code style and structure for easier cooperation.


Commits and PR's should use the conventional-commits format so the release process can version and create changelog correctly.


Publishing is automated based on the branch committed to. When a commit or merge is made to a branch a release that corresponds with the branch will be created:

Branch Name Build Type NPM Tag Example NPM Version
dev dev dev @capacitor/inappbrowser@1.0.0-dev.1
next next (these are betas/alphas) next @capacitor/inappbrowser@1.0.1-next.1
main latest latest @capacitor/inappbrowser@1.0.2

Dev work should be done by creating and merging PR's into the dev branch until a feature set is complete enough to then merge the dev branch into the next branch where it becomes a beta/alpha tagged under next for testing teams to use before full release. Upon completed testing the next branch is merged into main for a full release to be made. The main branch should then be merged into dev and next to keep them up to date with the latest code base.

Note: The files array in package.json specifies which files get published. If you rename files/directories or add files elsewhere, you may need to update it.