In Connect To Production Rails Console on AWS /
I went into full detail about how to access rails console
for a production
Rails app running in an ECS container.
A big part of that process was establishing an SSH connection to the ECS container.
To do that, I need to know my region, container ID, and task ID. I can get the first two by listing my clusters and finding the cluster/container that houses the Rails app.
$ aws ecs list-clusters
"clusterArns": [
The region then is us-east-2
and the container ID is rails-app-abc123
I can use that to find the task ID:
$ aws ecs list-tasks --region us-east-2 --cluster rails-app-abc123
"taskArns": [
The task ID is the final portion of the URL:
Putting this all together I can SSH into the ECS container with a bash profile like so:
$ aws ecs execute-command \
--region us-east-2 \
--cluster rails-app-abc123 \
--container rails-app-abc123 \
--task 8526b3191d103bb1ff90c65a655ad004 \
--interactive \
--command "/bin/bash"