The vue component for render Markdown string
This is a Vue.js component focused on Markdown string rendering, which is based on mdast-util-to-vnode to parse Markdown string and render by Vue.js.
- Rendering Markdown strings with Vue.js
- Streaming Markdown strings (usually in AI Chat)
npm install vue-markdown-x
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { VueMarkdown } from 'vue-markdown-x'
const mdStr = ref('')
<VueMarkdown :md="mdStr" />
Markdown string to render.
// default: ''
type md = string
Customize how nodes are rendered.
type ComponentReturn = Component | [Component, Record<string, any> | undefined]
// default: undefined
type components = Partial<Record<Nodes['type'], ComponentReturn |
((node: Node) => ComponentReturn)>>
options of shiki for render code block.
interface shiki {
// default: { light: catppuccinLatte, dark: catppuccinMocha }
themes?: Record<string, ThemeRegistration>
// default: [css,html,javascript,json,markdown,typescript,vue]
langs?: LanguageRegistration[][]
:root {
/* basic font-size, and heading's font-size is scaled based on this value. */
--vue-markdown-font-size: 16px;
/* font-weight for heading */
--vue-markdown-heading-font-weight: 600;