added time complexity for this code
added time complexity for this code
added queue implemenation using stack
added queue implemenation using stack
added implemenation of stacks using queues
added implemenation of stacks using queues
added height of binary tree question
added height of binary tree question
added psot order traversal
added psot order traversal
added preorder traversal
added preorder traversal
added two traversals of tree
added two traversals of tree
build-tree: recursive way
build-tree: recursive way
implemented queue using linked list
implemented queue using linked list
organized folder structure for queues
organized folder structure for queues
implemented queues using array
implemented queues using array
updated code for stack using LL
updated code for stack using LL
added one basic question using stack
added one basic question using stack
added implementation of two stacks in single array
added implementation of two stacks in single array
added stack implemenation
added stack implemenation
added circular linked list implementation
added circular linked list implementation
added reverse linked list question
added reverse linked list question
added singly LL questions
added singly LL questions
added doubly linked list
added doubly linked list
added isomorphic strings question
added isomorphic strings question
organized folder structure for two pointers
organized folder structure for two pointers
corrected theory in find unique element
corrected theory in find unique element
added common characters question
added common characters question
added panagram question in strings
added panagram question in strings