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Some analysis about JavaScript ecosystem and its versioning.

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JS ecosystem

as for 05.06.2017

still work in progress

main todos at the end


The influential post How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016 highlighted important feature of JavaScript - a vast amount of JavaScript frameworks avaiable for developers. But feelings are not enough to describe the whole ecosystem and we need some data. Some of them were collected by the State of JavaScript Survey where we can find answers to questions on topics ranging from front-end frameworks and state management, to build tools and testing libraries. For those who are starting with web-development I would recommend to read A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue.

My personal goal here is to analyse the most popular frameworks to highlight another troublesome feature of JavaScript. There is not only vast amount of the frameworks, but also the vast amount of versions of each framework. It is hard for the beginner to study particular framework based on the materials and courses avaiable online,

because there are becoming outdated very quickly. Even though that for most of them principles are not changing some features are appearing/disappearing often. But not only frameworks are changing. All existing JavaScript labels can give you a headache. The first encouter of ES5, ES6 and ES2016 can be frightening, and the advice that you can learn babel to resolve the problem is not helping. For those who are not familiar with them - here you have nice blog post about JavaScript versioning.

Based on github repos and npm stats I will check how often new version of each framework is released with emphasis on the major releases. Based on the the State of JavaScript Survey I will focus on the following frameworks:

  • Front-End survey
    • React
    • Angular ✅
    • Ember ✅
    • Vue ✅
    • Backbone ✅
  • State Management survey
    • Redux ✅
    • Mobx
    • Relay
  • Full- Stack survey
    • Meteor ✅
    • FeathersJS
    • DoneJS
  • Build Tools survey
    • Webpack ✅
    • Grunt
    • Gulp
    • Browserify
  • Node.js

The analysis is done with R and presented using GitHub Pages. All codes are available on GitHub


Some part of my motivation was described in the introduction. However it lacks data. Is it JavaScript really important? How important is it?

Using Google BigQuery httparchive datasets I check the growth rate of bytes count for web content. Starting from 2012-01-01 till 2017-04-01 the average size of JS code for 10,000 most popular webpages grew by 200% while HTML content only by ~50%. More importantly since 2014 Html count stabilized while JS and CSS code still rises. Data show how important JS is for the web development right now. Keep in mind that those data do not show e.g. the server-side JS implementations (or other back-end code base).

bytes growth

Bytes and Growth rates - web content
date bytesHtml bytesJS bytesCSS bytesPic growthHtml growthJS growthCSS growthPic
2012-01-01 41963 179479 34961 1256949 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2012-04-01 42590 197774 37387 1302799 1.49 10.19 6.94 3.65
2012-07-01 43018 202495 36761 1240668 2.51 12.82 5.15 -1.30
2012-10-01 48171 205792 38407 1355806 14.79 14.66 9.86 7.86
2013-01-01 48673 207754 35775 1433817 15.99 15.75 2.33 14.07
2013-04-01 52531 233017 39406 1658013 25.18 29.83 12.71 31.91
2013-07-01 55262 238135 39385 1785808 31.69 32.68 12.65 42.07
2013-10-01 57919 278787 46698 1873393 38.02 55.33 33.57 49.04
2014-01-01 57057 296016 50125 1990561 35.97 64.93 43.37 58.36
2014-04-01 56389 303144 51734 2027095 34.38 68.90 47.98 61.27
2014-07-01 58914 321480 55876 2247900 40.39 79.12 59.82 78.84
2014-10-01 59408 330501 58642 2276486 41.57 84.14 67.73 81.11
2015-01-01 60720 340748 61452 2420417 44.70 89.85 75.77 92.56
2015-04-01 61672 364864 66954 2396793 46.96 103.29 91.51 90.68
2015-07-01 56653 413541 70301 2648086 35.01 130.41 101.08 110.68
2015-10-01 54444 381833 69619 2271052 29.74 112.74 99.13 80.68
2016-01-01 73143 430203 74778 2793915 74.30 139.69 113.89 122.28
2016-04-01 71189 432455 75122 2871931 69.65 140.95 114.87 128.48
2016-07-01 72129 489601 75518 2991113 71.89 172.79 116.01 137.97
2016-10-01 58765 509507 72927 3070641 40.04 183.88 108.59 144.29
2017-02-15 57150 507092 76550 3032973 36.19 182.53 118.96 141.30
2017-04-01 57867 535009 80242 3197328 37.90 198.09 129.52 154.37

JS frameworks

As for now the data about following frameworks was downloaded.

owner name date_min version_first date_max version_last
angular angular 2015-03-14 0.0.1 2017-06-01 4.2.0
jashkenas backbone 2010-10-13 0.1.0 2016-04-05 1.3.3
webpack webpack 2013-12-19 1.0.0 2017-06-07 3.0.0
nodejs node 2009-05-27 0.0.1 2017-06-06 8.0.0
meteor meteor 2011-12-10 0.0.40 2017-06-06 1.6
emberjs ember.js 2011-06-18 0.9 2017-05-31 2.14.0
facebook react 2013-07-02 0.3.0 2017-05-01 15.5.4
vuejs vue 2013-12-07 0.6.0 2017-05-09 2.3.3
reactjs redux 2015-06-02 0.2.0 2016-09-04 3.6.0
Polymer polymer 2013-07-11 0.0.20130711 2017-06-15 1.9.2

Some frameworks use only numeric versioning, while other use also extended tags (e.g. rc1, rc2, etc. - see versioning).

Some data was downloaded using GitHub GraphQL api, some using webscrapping techniques. For more details see R codes.


NodeJS logo

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side.

Nodejs with its node repo is using number versioning, however they are releasing so often that in description you have details about each release. Maybe in the future I will extend the analysis with those details.

Last 10 releases:

owner name date version version_ext
nodejs node 2017-06-06 v6.11.0 6.11.0
nodejs node 2017-05-30 v8.0.0 8.0.0
nodejs node 2017-05-03 v7.10.0 7.10.0
nodejs node 2017-05-02 v6.10.3 6.10.3
nodejs node 2017-05-02 v4.8.3 4.8.3
nodejs node 2017-04-11 v7.9.0 7.9.0
nodejs node 2017-04-04 v4.8.2 4.8.2
nodejs node 2017-04-04 v6.10.2 6.10.2
nodejs node 2017-03-29 v7.8.0 7.8.0
nodejs node 2017-03-21 v7.7.4 7.7.4
<script data-plotly="m.ziembinski:1" sharekey-plotly="BeYDrjyJ48pqdFRPOOJwlP" src="" async></script>

Interactive chart

<script data-plotly="m.ziembinski:3" sharekey-plotly="NdcRn3bJqX3rP1q5Cqi6vo" src="" async></script>

Interactive chart

Other links:


NodeJS logo

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Facebook with its react repo is using mainly number versioning. After version v0.14.8 facebook change the versioning and started with the version v15.0.0. See tables below:

Last 10 releases:

owner name date version version_ext
facebook react 2017-05-01 v15.5.1 15.5.1
facebook react 2017-05-01 v15.5.2 15.5.2
facebook react 2017-05-01 v15.5.3 15.5.3
facebook react 2017-05-01 v15.5.4 15.5.4
facebook react 2017-04-07 v15.5.0 15.5.0
facebook react 2017-01-06 v15.4.2 15.4.2
facebook react 2016-11-23 v15.4.1 15.4.1
facebook react 2016-11-16 v15.4.0 15.4.0
facebook react 2016-09-19 v15.3.2 15.3.2
facebook react 2016-08-19 v15.3.1 15.3.1

Major versions:

owner name major N date_first date_last previous since_release since_previous
facebook react 15 20 2016-03-08 2017-05-01 2015-07-03 419 days 249 days
facebook react 14 13 2015-07-03 2016-03-29 2015-02-22 270 days 131 days
facebook react 13 6 2015-02-22 2015-05-08 2014-10-16 75 days 129 days
facebook react 12 4 2014-10-16 2014-12-18 2014-07-13 63 days 95 days
facebook react 11 4 2014-07-13 2014-09-16 2014-03-19 65 days 116 days
facebook react 10 2 2014-03-19 2014-03-21 2014-02-17 2 days 30 days
facebook react 9 2 2014-02-17 2014-02-20 2013-12-19 3 days 60 days
facebook react 8 1 2013-12-19 2013-12-19 2013-10-16 0 days 64 days
facebook react 5 3 2013-10-16 2013-12-18 2013-07-17 63 days 91 days
facebook react 4 3 2013-07-17 2013-12-18 2013-05-29 154 days 49 days
facebook react 3 2 2013-05-29 2013-06-20 NA 22 days NA

Interactive chart


Interactive chart

NPM stats.

React npm stats


Last 10 releases:

owner name date version version_ext
angular angular 2017-06-01 4.2.0-rc.2 4.2.0
angular angular 2017-05-26 4.2.0-rc.1 4.2.0
angular angular 2017-05-19 4.2.0-rc.0 4.2.0
angular angular 2017-05-17 4.1.3 4.1.3
angular angular 2017-05-10 4.2.0-beta.1 4.2.0
angular angular 2017-05-10 4.1.2 4.1.2
angular angular 2017-05-04 4.2.0-beta.0 4.2.0
angular angular 2017-05-04 4.1.1 4.1.1
angular angular 2017-04-26 4.1.0 4.1.0
angular angular 2017-04-21 4.1.0-rc.0 4.1.0

Major versions:

owner name major N date_first date_last previous since_release since_previous
angular angular 4 30 2016-12-14 2017-06-01 2015-03-14 169 days 641 days
angular angular 2 113 2015-03-14 2017-03-17 NA 734 days NA

Interactive chart


Last 10 releases:

owner name date version version_ext
Polymer polymer 2017-06-15 v1.9.2 1.9.2
Polymer polymer 2017-06-15 v1.9.2-dev 1.9.2
Polymer polymer 2017-05-25 v2.0.1 2.0.1
Polymer polymer 2017-05-15 v2.0.0 2.0.0
Polymer polymer 2017-05-13 v2.0.0-rc.9 2.0.0
Polymer polymer 2017-05-12 v2.0.0-rc.8 2.0.0
Polymer polymer 2017-04-19 v2.0.0-rc.7 2.0.0
Polymer polymer 2017-04-18 v2.0.0-rc.6 2.0.0
Polymer polymer 2017-04-17 v1.9.1 1.9.1
Polymer polymer 2017-04-17 v1.9.1-dev 1.9.1

Major versions:

owner name major N date_first date_last previous since_release since_previous
Polymer polymer 2 11 2017-03-04 2017-05-25 2015-05-27 82 days 647 days
Polymer polymer 1 45 2015-05-27 2017-06-15 2013-07-11 750 days 685 days
Polymer polymer 0 56 2013-07-11 2015-05-27 NA 685 days NA

Interactive chart


Last 10 releases:

owner name date version version_ext
reactjs redux 2016-09-04 v3.6.0 3.6.0
reactjs redux 2016-04-24 v3.5.2 3.5.2
reactjs redux 2016-04-20 v3.5.0 3.5.0
reactjs redux 2016-04-20 v3.5.1 3.5.1
reactjs redux 2016-04-08 v3.4.0 3.4.0
reactjs redux 2016-02-06 v3.3.1 3.3.1
reactjs redux 2016-02-05 v3.3.0 3.3.0
reactjs redux 2016-02-02 v3.2.1 3.2.1
reactjs redux 2016-02-01 v3.2.0 3.2.0
reactjs redux 2016-01-31 v3.1.6 3.1.6

Major versions:

owner name major N date_first date_last previous since_release since_previous
reactjs redux 3 24 2015-09-12 2016-09-04 2015-09-01 358 days 11 days
reactjs redux 2 1 2015-09-01 2015-09-01 2015-06-30 0 days 63 days
reactjs redux 1 4 2015-06-30 2015-08-15 2015-06-02 46 days 28 days
reactjs redux 0 20 2015-06-02 2015-06-19 NA 17 days NA

Interactive chart


Interactive chart


Last 10 releases:

owner name date version version_ext
webpack webpack 2017-06-07 v3.0.0-rc.1 3.0.0
webpack webpack 2017-06-05 v3.0.0-rc.0 3.0.0
webpack webpack 2017-05-25 v2.6.1 2.6.1
webpack webpack 2017-05-22 v2.6.0 2.6.0
webpack webpack 2017-05-06 v2.5.1 2.5.1
webpack webpack 2017-05-04 v2.5.0 2.5.0
webpack webpack 2017-04-14 v2.4.1 2.4.1
webpack webpack 2017-04-14 v2.4.0 2.4.0
webpack webpack 2017-04-13 v1.15.0 1.15.0
webpack webpack 2017-04-03 v2.3.3 2.3.3

Major versions:

owner name major N date_first date_last previous since_release since_previous
webpack webpack 3 2 2017-06-05 2017-06-07 2015-11-01 2 days 582 days
webpack webpack 2 58 2015-11-01 2017-05-25 2013-12-19 571 days 682 days
webpack webpack 1 178 2013-12-19 2017-04-13 NA 1211 days NA

Interactive chart


Interactive chart


Last 10 releases:

Major versions:

Interactive chart

Interactive chart


Something about JS

Other useful links if you want to know how Internet is working


I won't go into details of the details of a software release life cycle, as they can be easily check, e.g on Wikipedia. Here you can find meanings of the most common abbreviations:

  • GA - General availability (a release); should be very stable and feature complete
  • RC - Release candidate; probably feature complete and should be pretty stable - problems should be relatively rare and minor, but worth reporting to try to get them fixed for release.
  • M - Milestone build - probably not feature complete; should be vaguely stable (i.e. it's more than just a nightly snapshot) but may still have problems.
  • LTS - Long-term support; a type of special versions or editions of software designed to be supported for a longer than normal period.

software release life cycle

Awesome GraphQL

To Do

  • analysis of alpha, beta and rc releases
  • summary of all frameworks releases
  • github pages webpage to present data
  • why release dates are different in graphql database and tags web?

diff between releases and tags. React data suggest that tag dates are better (see react ver. 0.10-0.12).

  • download other libriaries
  • changing charts to d3 to consider


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