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Rohan genericrohan
Changing careers to become a developer. Currently employed in a role doing VERY JUNIOR WordPress & Laravel dev & some hosting/infrastructure work.


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Wilker wilker22
Analista de TI


Firas Muhammed masterfiras101
Laravel | Vuejs | Inertiajs | PHP | Flutter


Marcos Schlucat Grimm marcosgrimm
Senior Software Engineer @ | Laravel, Vue.js, SQL

LenderHomePage Brazil

Odil Davronov Odilbukh
Software Engineer - PHP, Laravel, Symfony, Docker, MySQL, Linux Shell

Arvis Group Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Watheq Alshowaiter WatheqAlshowaiter
Web Developer. PHP and Laravel enthusiastic.

Co·founder @YemenOpenSource Yemen

Oleksandr Klymenko alxkm
Software Engineer specializing in Java and Spring, with a keen interest in computer science and ml
Greg Stevens gsweats
- 2024-06-11 Renamed from @GregSweats (shorter is sweeter) - 2022-05-29 Parking for rename for @gsteve3 in a few days. @trxn8r

@Dalyle Okotoks, Alberta

Haneef Ansari ahaneef29
Web Developer - Working in Laravel PHP, Java, Dart, Android, Swift, Vue.js, Angular, Typescript, Flutter, Native Script.


Othmane N. iietmoon
I'm a Senior Developer 👋

@devwithmaya Casablanca, Morocco

Hannah Chartier geekish
👩‍👧 Full time parent. 🐘 PHP geek.

Lawton, IA

Sima Bilony simabilony
Backend Developer with a focus on expanding his programming knowledge to as many areas as possible.


Osama Al-mamari OsamaAlmamri
Senior Software Developer. Tel:+967779558800 .

Freelancer Sana'a ,Yemen

Sven Luijten svenluijten
I build stuff for the web and beyond.

The Netherlands

otsch otsch
I'm into crawling and scraping stuff. Take a look at @crwlrsoft

@crwlrsoft Linz

Martin Lechêne martin-lechene
Enthusiast full stack dev. with PHP / Laravel

DOG&DEV / AnHosting / StreamCrea / Digila / Vetzy / OlaCars Remote

Shine PrintNow

Shenzhen, China

Saboj Kumar Shaha opusaha
Full Stack Developer

Lomeyo LLC Narsingdi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Panyawut Intharasanee lzlpxinthlzl
Panyawut Intharasanee 01/03/1988 man
Hamada Emam hamada-emam
back-end engineer🤞

Accurate benha-egypt

Armin apmedev
☕️ |🕹️ | 🏕️
Bob Nouri claymore07
A 12-year veteran of the IT industry, specializing in Fullstack web development with Laravel, Vuejs, Livewire, MySQL, Sass, Bootstrap, and more.

Digital Eagle



Dominique Vilain dominiquevilain
I teach Web quality in Belgium 🇧🇪

Haute École de la Province de Liège Seraing, BE

Sam Carré Sammyjo20
I love building tools that help the PHP community. Space Cowboy 🤠🪐

The Saloon

Marcelo massreuy

@Aprovador Valencia, Spain

Ricardo A. Vargas R. ricardov03
I'm a software engineer who specializes in building enjoyable and professional digital experiences.

SEISIGMA SRL Dominican Republic

Andrew Corbin digitalnomad91
~ Subtlelty is the language of the experienced.

CodeBuilder, Inc. is where home is

Joel Ibaceta joelibaceta
Software Engineer, Fintech Expert, Technical Advisor, Digital Nomad, Open Source Contributor, Investor

Lima, Peru

Franco Gilio fgilio
Co-founder of, empowering publishers to create sustainable online businesses. OSS enthusiast, code, coffee, podcasts, blogs Internet

khom sovon khomsovon

@bongloy Phnom Penh